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Wayne Leone says
ehh, taught here??? when the begorrah was that?
Rebekah says
Glad you’re getting some rest and time with your sweetheart! Have friends in Ireland and hope one day to visit them.
Mike Nelson Pedde says
So put down the keyboard and go and join that lovely woman you married out in the sunshine!! The rest of the world can wait for a day…
John A. says
Enjoy the time off Joe! But also glad you took a moment to blog about it, great story too!
ChasVS says
I think you got the better of the deal Joe.
Libby says
Joe you need to tell us the WHOLE story. I’ll bet it’s funny and sweet, and that your shirt was sweatstained the whole week 😉
tricone bits says
done on various countries, cultures and themes. Shooting for them was a bit of a lark, without too much pressure applied. The assignments were loose at best, and after a central gathering of the photo clan at in a major city of whatever poor country was about to be visited by 100 photojournalists (Haven’t those poor people suffered enough?) you were spun into the countryside, laden with Kodachrome.
rock bits says
I managed to steady my hands long enough to make a picture of a horse in a field, close by an Irish wall. Always reminds me of quiet time on a weekend….more tk.
Kyle Jerichow says
Ierland is just a magical place, right? I cannot wait to return and have a pint…its been two years….it been too long.
I hope you are enjoying your time off!
All the best,
Ciaran De Bhal says
Glad Ireland has good memories for you. Next time you’re here drop me an email, I’ll buy you dinner. Enjoy the R n R in the meantime.
Bob says
Kodachrome made many fine memories. Thank you for sharing this one.
Tyler Vance says
Hi Joe,
Was that the week we were at the mentor workshop with Frank McCort?
Boy, you sure seemed calm, we had no clue!
Mark Carruthers says
Hi Joe… Always admired your work and more recently your commentary. However, you just moved up a notch by mentioning listening to the Chieftains! Cheers… Mark
Joe McNally says
It was! Boy was I nervous….and Frank and Ellen ended up coming to our wedding, which was wonderful…best, Joe
Robert says
I think you hit the nail on the head with “truly gregarious, gracious, and wonderfully fierce place”, but Mike hit the nail on the head with his comment. Hopefully you took his advice!
Rick Hines says
As my wife and I were getting married in Waterford, Irleand….The photographer stated, “How can you take a back picture here”. I couldn’t agree more….a beautiful country!
Leigh says
I own the entire “In A Day” series and think they are great. Congrats to you for participating in a brilliant book series, one of the best ever.
Randy Ralston says
Heh, Ciaran and I will split the cost of dinner and pints with you. I’m in the Garden of Ireland (County Wicklow mountains, just south of Dublin). Do please come back for a visit and maybe to teach!
– Randy
Joe McNally says
You guys are on!!!!
Richard says
Hi Joe, would be great if you came back to visit us here in Ireland and do one of your workshops whilst here! I know the demand would be very high! I’ll volunteer on the planning!
Cavan, Ireland
Ed Nolan says
Had a good laugh reading your post. My cousin, Tom Lawlor, coordinated this Irish “Day in the Life” shoot and appeared on numerous American TV talk shows promoting the book. Like yourself a great talent.
Until I retired from teaching photo, your blog was required reading for my photo students. Keep the posts coming!
Ed in Connecticut