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Ke Toney says
That would be the dream seminar, are you guys touring the US?
Simon says
Wow – what an epic outing that would be.
I sold my soul twice to get to all the Aussie gigs – any chance I could swap with Drew for the duration? He’ll get to stay in a house with plenty of kangaroos & koalas to be found out the front, plus there’s plenty of beer in the fridge.
Thanks (not entirely joking),
Alex A. says
I would love it if you and Zack could do this workshop in the next GPP in Dubai – it’s a long way off but I’m just wishing.
David says
Great stuff! Any chance the Zack and Joe show will go on the road? Or at least be available for download? Please consider it.
Steve says
“Creative Asia” and you guys skip right over South Korea… what a bummer. I thought I might actually have a chance to see one of your workshops.
Bjoern says
Really love the tour picture. Zack with one light and Joe amidst all those strobes on c-stands with that big smile of his.
John K says
I just read your starting chapters of “sketching light”. This seminar is definitely not going help your reputation of “using many lights” (re: your comment on page x)
.. wish you’d hold the same seminar in Europe though!
Jason says
Wow another overseas tour! Is there any chance you’ll ever do one in Tokyo?
Mark Griffith says
Bummer your not swinging by Beijing, I’d love to see your gig.
Tim Skipper says
Two of my greatest inspirations together. Now that is awesome.
William Chinn says
OMG! You’re the keynote speaker on top of all that!
Marcus says
Please either take this on the road Flashbus style or do a DVD.
Daniel says
wow!!!’, what about Europe…..Switzerland i.e.?
Kirk says
Great news Joe! I just signed up and am looking forward to experiencing your insights, tips and wit in person. As good a photographer as you are, from what I’ve seen of your videos and books you’re an even better teacher. Should be fun.
RC says
This sounds awesome!!!! The locations must be intense..
manarianz5 says
hope to see you and zack in malaysia…can’t wait!!!
Simon Lynch says
Any chance it will be filmed and on DVD for all the less deep pocketed that can’t follow you in Asia??
Jason Halayko says
Looking at the site’s information I noticed the prices for Joe and Zack’s one day sessions were not listed. As I would be flying in from Japan and have a bit of a budget, I was wondering how much these would be. I think the Hong Kong session would be best for me. Thanks!!
Mark Andrew says
This should be an epic battle. Kind of like Mothra vs. Godzilla
michael says
WOW! worth every penny but sadly i can only afford watching your DVDs at home. Treasure your DVD like a gold. The DVD travel from Amazon USA to Sydney AUS before reaching East Malaysia because they cant send directly here. How i wish i can be there in July. Cheers! Lights Lights Lights