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Thanks, for being in Essen and holding your workshop.
Have to correct you on that one. You said “I just have to thank the incredibly wonderful folks who came to Dusseldorf for this past weekend’s Nikon Solutions”. The Expo was in Essen not in Düsseldorf. A minor error of about 60 kilometers.
Unfortunately I couldn’t attend because I “had” to cover the confirmation of my little sister.
I would have given my left arm to attend but in reality if I had told my mother “Sorry I’m on the Nikon Expo and can’t take the pictures of my little sisters confirmation” I would have given more than that (my head).
Hi Annie & Joe!
I’ve been there. And after beeing 2009 your VAL 😉 on stage, this year I’ve seen four (!) of your workshops and shows. It was really helpful that you’ve nailed down some points for me and maybe one or another idea I will “borrow” from you. 😉
All best! CU sometime or somewhere! 😉
Greetings from Germany!
Joe, Please come back to Tampa soon! Loved your last event and really enjoyed your enthusiasm and expertise!
You’re not going to like this, Joe, but some of us cringe when an incorrect pronoun is used. It’s “Annie and ME” not “made Annie and I feel so much at home”. Write the correct phrase 100 times and go sit in the corner 😉
Aargh! The nuns are spinning in their graves! Thanks man…will make the change…Joe
You be right…geez, I should never dash off a blog with jet lag:-) I was thinking I was flying out of Dusseldorf, and then it translated into Solutions being there. Sigh…made the correct and thanks for noting. And your little sister def. comes first. I’m sure you rocked the pictures, and she’ll have them for a lifetime….best, Joe
Hi Joe, it was really great to see you there in Essen. You put so much passion into what you say that I came away inspired to go out there and try to get some good shots.
By the way, thanks to Annie for forwarding on the pics you took of me (and others) on the stage with Marco the body builder!
The most remarkable things on saturday morning were:
How gentle and polite you are working together with your collegues around.
And how cool and relaxed you reacted on the fading timeframe.
That impressed me more than the technical stuff!
Any travel tips traveling with a lot of gear? What do you (both) carry on board? Local pics?
Hi Joe (or shall I say Mr. McNally respectfully?)
I can’t tell you how thankfully I am, that you were attending you’re workshops on the Nikon Solution in Essen. I saw 5 of those 6 lessons you did, and every bit was awesome as well as most informative and interesting, and at least funny!!!
You are one hell of a good speaker, with all those little jokes and I must say you are a very charismatic person who “don’t let the star-photographer hang out”. Thank you for all this and it was a pleasure to attend to your workshops.
I hope that I will ever have that chance again.
Hi Joe, my girl and me loved your show!
It was inspiring to see you live, espacially as you are a really nice guy. Thanks for signing my copy of your book and the photo, both is for me like an little accolade. Also we have been deeply impressed on how funny, calm and serene you handled that little technical and situative issues that happened. i.e. WT5 Disconnects due to wifi rushhour or loud sound from the neighboorhood stages.
You also scored by your honesty (People asked, ‘Hey Joe, wouldn’t it be better to use studio flashlights for the elephant shootin?’ – Joe: ‘yes, maybe, but Nikon invited me to talk about SB9xx flashlights, so here we go!’), that made you truly totally believable one more time!
As you all might notice, I am still totally exalted. Many big big thanks also to NIKON that you pulled Joe to germany and espacially to a city near enough to me, that I could benefit from it. That made a dream come true to me.
Best wishes from us, don’t change a thing, stay as you are!
Yours, Mario & Becky!
Whooo Hooo, come on down to to Oz!
Thank you very much for being at Nikon Solution and holding your inspirational lectures.
Have a great time in Australia Joe! Great seeing you at WPPI this year!!
Hi Mr. Joe McNally,
thanks a lot for the big presentations, lectures, speeches life shootings or whatever it was you performed during Nikon Solution Days in Essen. So much knowledge, experience, humor and authenticity on the stage – utmost impressive! I also dealt a lot with strobes and flashlights in the last 40 years and tried to understand what Harold Edgerton started to work out. The ease you are handling your equipment and the way you predicted the results was much beyond I had seen or red before. Thanks a lot again for 4 big “gigs” I had the pleasure to participate in – mostly sitting in the first row without having been pulled on stage – e.g. to support Marco the body builder …
Best wishes – and take care
Hey Joe,
thank you so much for these incredible workshops on saturday. Not that I just picked up so much small tricks…I need gaffer tape 😉 we had some good laughs, you are an awesome story teller!
Take care
Anne & Mario
Hi Joe,
Thanks a million for the wonderful and most entertaining workshops during the Nikon Solutions. You are not only a great source of knowledge and experience, but your passion about photography really seems highly contagious 😉 Thanks for sharing your inspiration – I will now go out and “feed my eyes” –
Wishing you and Annie a save trip and enjoy Australia !
Hi Mr. McNally,
thank you so much for your presentations at the Nikon Solutions Expo in Essen. It was a pleasure to listen to you and an extraordinary experience to meet you.
Maybe you found the picture of Marco and his four “bodyguards” (I was one of them). You would make me very happy, if you would sent this unique memory to me.
I wish you, your wife and your crew all the very best.
Your “security detail”,
@RALPH: if you were on stage on the Saturday doing the ‘Marco’ shoot, then I guess we are in the same picture. Annie very kindly forwarded them on, so if you don’t have them yet, send me a mail and I will pass them on to you: [email protected]
thanks for your offer. But I was there on Friday.
Greetings, Ralf.