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Patrik Lindgren says
I actually thought that you had used a gazillion of speedlites for this, all with a gel on them.
That´s because i know you have lit whole cityblocks before, so I have to admit that I´m actually kinda disappointed. 😉
zen_twit says
Vegas, f*** yeah! Love that place, photog’s paradise.
Andor says
To see the night lights of a city is always nice to me, but such awesome tones like this green ‘Hulk’ is indeed just fun!
William Chinn says
In the early days of the MGM Grand, my wife and I attended an anniversary party where the host treated us to 1 night in a regular room. The party coincided with the lunar new year where Asian high rollers were flying in to stay at the hotel to be entertained at a concert by an Asian diva. With an Asian surname checking in I was given my suite. (First hint: The suite had double doors) It also had a full living room and kitchen, double everything in the bathroom, and 3 TV’s. It was located at a corner of the MGM where a full view of the strip was present. Yes, the MGM had green lighting then too. Then it also had twin stone lions at the entrance (not good for Asians and was soon removed). Some of my best photos of the old strip were taken from that “room”. Oh yes, my host had a single door on their room, so the anniversary party was in our “room”. If you haven’t been there, Emerald Green from the Wizard of OZ is a common color theme. Since I couldn’t afford a second night I drove home to Los Angeles in my Toyota station wagon. ps. While there an Asian high roller won so big that the dealer tip was $10,000. Yes, the good ol’ days.
Joe says
1/80 sec in a chopper? That’s some steady hands!
Kevin says
Wow very cool I like the jump in color contrast Not sure I want to be where ever it is your shooting from…. Thats a long way down haahhahahaha
William Beem says
I just spent a week at the MGM. Next time you’re there, look at the control panel on wall. There’s a control for the Blackout curtain – no more green glow.
Lewis.w says
Interested to learn about your numbering system of that beautiful photo.
PG says
Got to the blog late tonight, but if you’re around the Denver metro area tomorrow, let me know. Be glad to shoot photos or bs if you have the time. And we’ll avoid the convention center, just in case they want to charge us for easels or something…
Joe McNally says
Absolutely!! sorry to say, tho, in Grand Junction, 3am wakeup, flight through SLC and home…all the best, Joe
Joe McNally says
that is, actually the original numbering system we submit to Geographic with. They give us a story number and we incorporate and follow their format on those stories…joe
Chris B says
I wish I would have seen you. Woulda loved to shake your hand. Wppi was pretty good this year.
Kyle Jerichow says
Its funny, in that photo I can see the room where Kamila and I stayed in the MGM last month. That green light was something to fall asleep with, I tell ya.
Hope all is well, and travel safe.
Michael Kormos says
Great shot. I’ve stayed at the MGM a few times myself. After checking-in, it’s literally a half-hour hike to get to your room. The place is THAT huge. In fact, and I swear, the casino floor, despite all the signage is a maze. I’ll bet they designed it for people to get lost in!
Cathie Archbould says
1/80 th of a second-HOW? Please tell me, I am always up around 1/800th when I’m shooting aerials to make sure I don’t land with blurred images!
Jimmy Dozer says
Joe- I introduced myself to you as you were waiting for your ride. And I am happy that you’re as kind and humble as I had hoped. Thank you for not calling security on me and for sharing your brain with the rest of us common folk.
Zach Thomas says
I have similar shots of the NYC skyline shot wide open at F2.8 with the 14-24…i’ll post em on my blog site later when I do a post titled “The empire state of mind” ….i love all your work, your humility , have all the books, began reading sketching light ..good luck!..God bless.
Donfer says
Beautiful photos, thank ! Joe
Las B. says
My favorite times are when it’s raining or overcast here at night, and the clouds are hanging low. The whole sky glows an ominous green and further up red from other casinos. The Luxor light looks just like a kid pointing a flashlight and is no match for the MGM green glow. The glow stretches almost to my house 20 min away.