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Andor says
Clone – just for a week? :-)))
Wish I could be there to attend!
M.J says
Some of the Masters of photography in one place.. That’s just amazing.
I have been there in 2010 and everything was planned very well, the atmosphere was great and the people couldn’t be more friendly.
Such events bring pride to all GCC countries and I hope we can do it someday here in Kuwait.
So until then, wish you the best Mr.McNally.
Bill Bogle Jr. says
It sounds wonderful, and wish I could go. One question I had: How is the Flash Bus getting across the Pond? All the best.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
Ryan Jay says
Finally Joe…We did miss you last time but not this time…we already booked and are looking forward for March 10. See yah and David Hobby.
Johan Sopiee says
it looks like it’s gonna be amazing.. and super duper Awesome!
Eivind Rohne says
Ouch! Seems like THE place to be, but no can do…
And I’m reaching the end of your ‘Sketching light’ as well. One of those books you wish would last forever. Great book! Kind of saving it a bit, so it’ll last just a tiny bit longer.
Kellie McCann says
Just curious, how much does this cost…I went to the site, but couldnt locate fees easily…
RobyFabro says
What a team of talents…wish I was there to take advantage of it!!
With such a team you would win the world cup of photography!:)
stephen says
Even though I can’t go, I always look forward to GPP each year, just because of Zarias, McNally, and Hobby.
Matt Reed says
Hey Joe, can’t wait! Coming from Australia and looking forward to 4 days of JM action! Thanks for the opportunity and see you there
Jay Mann says
GPP was certainly a hilight each year I was in Dubai. I took a number of lighting classes from some guy, don’t recall his name….. 🙂 Can’t do it this year, too far to drive from Sumatra. Have fun.
Pete says
Attending this event remains one of my major photo goals.
I may need to rob a bank but it will be worth it 🙂
Jay Mann says
To Pete,
Over the last 5 years I have elected to spend my photo money on courses at GPP and with Joe rather than buy major upgrades to my equipment. New equipment would not improve my skills, but the seminars and courses have caused step changes in my ability to make photos.
ryan says
hobby is hilarious!
Fernando Salcedo says
Please Joe, when are you coming to Vienna!?
Ubiquam says
Be sure to attend this event! Good luck!
Alayyan says
Please be there next year !
Ryan Jay says
Great experience…Mr. Joe is there any chance you haven’t deleted your photos during the flashbus workshop…if I could still grab copies of portraits of myself by you 🙂 haha.. hope to see you again in future GPP events…wishing you more clicks to come..thanks for the signing my copies of your books