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Jason says
Rather sad to hear it’s ended – wanted to get the coin together to attend some day, but, as the old saying goes “All good things…” just expired before I had a chance. Oh well…
Dawn says
I. adored. this. post. Feeling the wanderlust and change of tides as well in the world as a pro photographer. Very poignant as always with a dash of laughter for good measure. I’m looking forward to seeing what Moose has in store for us admirers of his work.
Randy Cole says
I was only fortunate enough to attend 1 DLWS but it was a highlight of my photographic journey. I had looked forward to a repeat opportunity but alas, the stars never aligned allowing me to do that again.
Many thanks to Moose, Joe, Laurie, Kevin, Sharon, and the whole DLWS gang.
Marshall says
Aw shucks. After missing out last year (the whole year must have sold out faster than a U2 concert), I was … well, it don’t matter now. Will have to find some other way to learn to take a half-decent picture.
In the meantime, nice shot of Moose. We’ll look forward to your next coffee table book of landscapes hidden behind people.
Marci says
Moose has made me look at landscape photography in a completely different way. I was not a fan of nature photography without a person in front of it, but Moose makes mountains majestic, trees mysterious and skies endless. As much as I enjoy and admire his landscapes, I’ve REALLY found his photos of airplanes amazing and can’t wait to see where it takes him, both photographically and in his life…
Thanks, Joe 🙂
David says
It has been a real ‘kick’ attending DLWS over the past few years. Looking forward to see what you and Moose pull out of your bag.
Kristina J says
I was only able to attend one DLWS, this past year. It was such a great opportunity to be able to hang out with some amazing talent and learn a ton.
Thanks for this post, Joe.
Fausto says
2011 Moab was, as always, and eye opening experience. When you’re surrounded by that kind of talent, you’re photography can help but improve. My neverending thanks Moose and Sharon, and of course the entire staff at DLWS. My thanks to you Joe for helping me get that flash back out of the box and convincing me to place it somewhere other than the hotshoe, I’m getting a funny desire to put people in front of my landscapes.
Richard Haber says
I’m glad that I had the opportunity to learn from both you and Moose at a couple of these amazing workshops. I am constantly reminded of how instrumental you have all been every time a picture I create doesn’t suck.
Although sorry to see the workshops end, I look forward to being inspired by you, Moose, and the others from the DLWS team for a long time to come.
Bob says
great post and photograph…change is good. Go with it.
Frank says
Joe, I met you and Moose in Oregon a few years ago. I was inspired. I had hoped to get to another DLWS someday. I guess not.
Jim child says
I was fortunate to attend three DLWS EVENTS. Joe your presence and uncanny ability to bring smiles made the adventures unforgettable. I will never forget the things that you taught me…beyond the pics. A passion for the scene and the light therein!
Keith I says
Geat shot as usual, even if Moose is in it. I had a great time on the DLWS New Hapshire run last year and got a lot out of it. I am sad to see there will not be a chance for me to do it again in the near future, but I understand.
Next thing you know he’ll be shooting TTL…
Keith I says
PS I was the lone Sony shooter in NH!
Joe McNally says
thanks Richard…and thanks to all who have said all the kind words about DLWS. it was fun, and we always had a great group, out there in the woods!
Bill Griffin says
Good to be in positions where you both can financially manage the changes.
Skip Barber says
I had the pleasure of attending two DLWS sessions and learned a lot! I was planning on attending more, but as has been said, “all good things must come to an end”. I know our paths will cross again. Thank you Joe, and Moose, and Laurie, and Kevin, and Sharon, and Drew.
Nikki says
I was also very lucky to attend 2 of the DLWS events (in Bozeman ’08 and then Santa Rosa this year). It was pretty intimidating to be around such incredible talent, photographers that I’ve admired for so long. Very inspiring though, thank you!
Norm Cooper says
no parting shot of Laurie’s hair?!?!
fair skies mooose!
Wes Maggio says
Beautiful photo and post Joe. Glad that I could be there for the conclusion of one era, and the ushering in of a new. It was great to see and work with you and Drew again. See you on the road. Cheers!
Jan Timmons says
Oh no! Before I had the chance to travel from Alaska to see you two?
And “sees a future up there in the skies”? “even now, as it leads you into the clouds”? Is Moose sick? Shuffling off these mortal coils? Say it isn’t so.
And someday travel to Alaska. We need your skill (and light—dark in the winter here).
Cheers from another fan.
Jim White says
I’m sad to read that the DLWS is going away. As was previously said, that’s a great shot Joe, even if Moose is in it. “You” are the guy that has alway provided me with the inspiration to keep getting out there to shoot. I’ve followed Moose’s work for quite some time as well. Hope he finds some great shots up there in the sky 🙂
I found it very difficult to continue with my trip from Albuquerque to the Pacific Northwest after approaching Moab. I stopped every mile or so to take a shot. Simply breathtaking scenery!
James Bruce says
Moose is one of a kind. Got to do the DLWS with him in Lake Placid. This shot is so perfect. Great Capture!
Jay Mann says
I was at your first DLWS in Tahoe, 2005. Moose, you, Vincent Versace, Laurie was Moose’ assistant, Annie was there for Nikon support and some guy name Kelby was a fellow participant. I remember the group having a lot of fun threatening to use the New yorker for bear bait.
It as a major milestone in my photographic journey.
f/8nate says
just read Mooses’ blog and saw his shot- yours is much more heroic and MadMax (MadMoose) feeling- freekin awesome!
Dan P says
I feel very blessed. The last one was my first one! What an amazing experience with some amazing people! Joe, I’ve learned a lot from following you around the world via this blog. Keep up the great work. Thanks for the help with TTL, and thanks for letting me get a shot of you and Moose and Kevin.
Eric Politzer says
congratulations to Moose, Sharon, Joe, Laurie, Kevin, Drew, and the whole DLWS gang on an amazing run through the great landscapes of these United States. I had the great pleasure to attend Kauai and Bozeman — and those workshops were greatly responsible for me becoming a photography workshop junky! it was always a fun time, and I learned so much. I also became aware of how much I did not know, so the workshops were very motivating in that regard as well. thanks to everyone at DLWS for sharing your lives in photography, your passion, your expertise, and your generosity as teachers!
DaveB says
Like others it was my missed opportunity…but hopefully one day I can catch a reunion tour…
… and that can’t be the real Moose… he is wearing his camera backwards… the way I used to before he taught us the right way…
JerseyStyle Photography says
Whoa! Can anyone point to the last B&W photo Joe posted? ~Mark
Fotograf Lublin says
Thank’s for this post. Beautiful light on photography
Scott Fritz says
It is a shame to see DLWS end, I was hoping to attend in the future. DLWS was something special thanks to the great talent that was collected together to inspire and help the students. Hopefully at some time in the future that talent can come together for another educational project. Best of luck to all of those involved.