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Jason says
“You wanna shoot me?”
Doug Kaye says
And I’ll be there as part of your Alcatraz workshop, Joe. Looking forward to it!
Steve Graafmans says
Absolutely spewing, I was at Alctraz in June (travelled from Australia). Why were’nt you there then Joe? Would be awesome to be in your class Joe.
Rick Bern says
Love it Joe. Would be interested to see how you lit the room/subject. Any shots of you shooting?
Matthew Williams says
Hey Joe, cool shot! Just wondering if you have any kind of an update with the PW Flextt5’s?? I know with the update they just came out with it fixed quite a few issues, I got my hands on a pair of them this weekend for a wedding and loved the results, just wondering if you had any updated thoughts on them yet?
Scott says
You will LOVE Alcatraz. We did a night tour a year ago. At night, it’s downright eerie.
Paco says
Oh man!, D photographs good even shaved and POVd!… wish I could be in SF. 🙂
Eric Politzer says
and if you want plenty of men and women in uniform, not to mention chains and shackles and collars and hoods, oh my!!!, then just stroll over to Folsom Street on Sunday for the annual homage to leather, rubber, latex, and all things to make a kinkophile content!
Richard Davis says
I’m struck by the cropping on this shot. The angling of the body makes the shot so much more powerful. A regular upright view would have been, in my opinion, just another documentary shot and indistinguishable from tens of thousands of others and, therefore, un-memorable.
By tilting the frame, the subject’s head is now moved into the upper right quadrant of the frame and, coupled with the lighting on the subject, immediately draws the viewer to the expression (or lack of) on the subject’s face and keeps bringing the eye back to rest there.
Which leads to my question of whether the angle was captured in camera or cropped in post? Would love to know!
Either way, a powerful image.
Ken Toney says
Joe, man I forgot to ask you to shoot me at the PSW Safari. I have some hair now and needed to upgrade. I guess i’ll wait till next year in Vegas! I had a great time at the Bonnie Ranch!
Walk Hall says
Hi Joe this is Walk Hall, the photographer translator of the first 2 books of yours. So much wanted to see you in person, and I just missed you in the Tim’s Bar BQ by only 2 or 3 minutes when you left tonight.
I do have some thoughts to share with you but I’m not sure how I can contact you while you’re on the move, so I’m leaving this message here as well as an email to [email protected], hope you’d check it before you go see the publisher tomorrow morning!
Cindy Snyder says
Can’t wait to see the photos from Alcatraz. It’s creepy during the day (and depressing when you think about being locked up in that place). Can only imagine what it’s like at night.
Frederick says
I was thinking ‘awesome, a chance to sit in on a McNally gig when I am in San Francisco for work next week.’ But, the folks who answered said the lectures have been moved to Palo Alto. Can you confirm and maybe update the post.
Thanks in advance
Life with Kaishon says
She is beautiful. I wish I would be able to go to your classes. Have a fun trip!
stephen says
what’s w/ the phone number? Wasn’t really sure who i was talking to…
Alberto says
Joe, I’ll be in NYC for 2 weeks in October…anything going on (as far as seminars) there?
Kajsa says
Wow…. yep, now that I’ve met D, I would jump at the chance too. She looks cool.
And the Penetentiary is open to shooting again then? Must go back 😉
George says
Awesome. Really wish I was in the states so I could attend one of your workshops one day. Come to the UK for one! pls! 😀
willem says
Great image Joe, cant help feeling it would be stronger if she was backlit with a flash tough. Regrds Will