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Paul Rice says
Joe you may or may not know that Rick Rescorla was a hero many times over. Search out an original printing of “We Were Soldiers Once” (not the later copies with Mel Gibson on the cover) and Rick was featured on the cover, having been a lieutenant during that operation in the Ia Drang Valley. As a member of a few different military services (foreign included) his was a very interesting life. To survive so many battles and to be taken down in that manner seems ironic but he died with honor, class, and as a true soldier, serving and protecting others.
Matt Penning says
Another deeply moving story to illustrate how much so many have lost, yet how connected we are as fellow human beings. Thank you for inspiring me, and countless others, Joe, to see and tell the stories in each other’s lives.
James Bruce says
Hi Joe,
Saw you photographing the memorial on FOX news. I wondered what the outcome would be. Thanks for all you do. See you in Lake Placid
Jason says
What you did with “Faces…” is both inspiring and moving. It’s amazing how many lives you’ve touched with your exhibit. Safe travels to China!
Tony Buttitta says
Hey Joe,
Great meeting you in NYC at the Starbucks. I went right across the street after talking to you and checked out your “Faces of Ground Zero” show. It was amazing. Great to meet you and have a safe trip to China.
Michael Rubin says
As always you manage to capture a critical moment with a unique perspective-whether with the photo-or the story of the photo.
Safe travels,
Rob Oresteen says
Great post and picture, Joe. Thank you for the story about Rick Rescorla. We need to remember the heroes.
Randy Brogen says
Joe … thank you for sharing, it means a lot.
Janine Smith says
My memory is of Ann Judge, Director of Travel for National Geographic. Some wondered why she didn’t call on her cell phone. I know why. She was taking care of those students on her watch.
I miss her every day. Such a loss.
Richard Davis says
Drew posted a link to a news clip on Twitter about this a few days ago ( In the short interview even Jessica appears surprised at the effect of the sun creating a halo when reflected in the walls. Testament to the memory not only of the the 746 New Jerseyans but all the innocent victims who perished that day and their rescuers who suffer even now.
Bruce Anthony says
reflecting on your photo, thank you
bycostello says
still remember it like it was yesterday….
William Gillquist says
Very thoughtful, Joe. Thank you.
JoeH says
If I only got one image, yours would be the one I would be greatful to have.
The background story is moving as well.
f/8nate says
more times than not i come out of this blog with the top of my head tingling- gotta be due to reverence, respect, or admiration- whatever- you, sir, are awesome! nate parker
Bob says
slowly moving forward here. Grateful to have seen FGZ, 10 Years Later. There are still copies of your Time book around here and there if any one is interested. I found an excellent copy. Thanks Joe for making this difference.
Dennis Pike says
I took my wife to see the faces of ground zero about two weeks ago. I knew it was something I had to see in person. It was a rainy tuesday. We walked from the Port Authority bus terminal to Columbus circle, all the while dodging head level umbrellas. We looked at every photograph. We read every word. We both openly cried… sobbed. When we finished looking and walked back out into the rain soaked streets on NYC my wife turned to me and said “That was the most moving piece of art I have ever seen.” I whole heartedly agreed. We went downtown and had dinner, then went to see the Book of Mormon and proceeded to laugh our asses off. It was a bitter sweet, emotional day. a few days later, I flew to Florida out of Newark., on the 10th anniversary. I was about to walk through security at 8:46… they closed it off and had a 2 minute moment of silence. I took my hat off and cried again. The images of Faces of Ground Zero etched in my head. I am so glad I saw that in person. Thank you, Joe.