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kyle jerichow says
This blog has an air of familiarity to it…..
ISO 1000, what is the world coming to?
Hope you guys are able to dive a few times while you’re down there.
Safe travels.
All the best,
Tim says
Hey Joe
Those twin peaks bring back fond memories, we were there briefly on holiday but remains a fav to return sometime hopefully to jade mountain, it looks amazing there. Can’t wait to see the photos
Richard Haber says
Thanks for taking me back to Soufriere and that firehouse. It was a memorable experience for all of us…
Lorri E says
Joe, thanks for giving back so generously. The photos of the kids are wonderful and made me smile.
bausmans says
hope to see more stuf from you ,your the best lightning goeroe love to lurn from you
Charlie says
Awesome stuff Joe. Great expressions in the kids. Looked like a lot of fun 🙂
Bob says
Joe – your post has done it again to me…just keep on keepin’ on…beautifully done. You are a giver.
Stan says
I love the ballerina photograph! I love the contrast of the setting with the frilly tutu and toe shoes, and the very selective lighting. A really interesting photograph!
Jim says
Hands Pic…Terrific.
Garvey Charlemagne says
Joe continues to push photography to its limit.His personality/ character impacts on the lives of people wherever he goes. he is well accomliished as a photographer and he remains a people’s person.To say the soufriere was devasted by the passage of hurricane Thomas would be an under statement. Soufriere was completely isolated, no communication to and out, access roads blocked,water and power was out completely. For almost a week we were unable to receive outside assistance. The people of soufriere were great, for they assisted us in in carring out our duties. Mr. Joe Mc Nally made a donation to us when it most needed. the money went a long way in providing water and food to some of the persons affected. the ballance of the funds went towards purchasing of ropes , hand shovels and bassic rescue equipment.We AT THE SOUFRIERE FIRE STATION ARE VERY GRATEFUL FOR THE ASSISTANCE FROM Mr. MC NALLY AND WE WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS OUR HEARTFELT THANKS TO JOE FOR HIS ASSISTANCE.
Richard C says
Come now, Joe, those kids in the second frame didn’t have just a weensie bit of help from Papa Joe in “going off the rails”? Just a little? 😉
Karen B says
Joe, In this particular post you remind me that the pictures are secondary your heart is number one! You and your crew are true gems.
Chanel says
I like it very much!!Those twin peaks bring back fond memories, we were there briefly on holiday but remains a fav to return sometime hopefully to jade mountain, it looks amazing there.
Joe McNally says
oh, gosh…maybe… a little….:-)
Eric Politzer says
Garvey and his colleagues were so generous with their time, energy and spirit when we went to photograph at the fire house. the fondness between Joe and the firefighters was palpable, and it created so much warmth and good will for all of us students. Thank you Garvey and Joe!
Fotograf Håkan Ivarsson Göteborg says
Wonderful expressions in the boys!
// HÃ¥kan Ivarsson
Chris says
Wow! That is real skill – shooting images using available light and let them look like they were shot with flashes. Fantastic!
outkasted says
the hand picture is kid of shaky ..not sharp at all. ..just sayin’
Doğum Fotoğrafçısı says
Crimson background is almost catchy as the expressions of kids.
Espn says
Superior thinking doemsntraetd above. Thanks!