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Scott says
Morgana Creely says
Great photo and personally I like the mustache. 🙂
jacob says
Nothing brings out a launch like a 70’s stash and a long lens. You’ve been going strong for some time now, congrats!!!
Kyle Jerichow says
Glad to see the hair hasn’t changed but the mustache has…Any pictures of the Car that malfunctioned? 😛
Tim says
Nice Mo Joe… ;o)
PurtyKitty says
Richard says
With the ‘stache, you look remarkably like a young Moose Peterson!
Chip says
Dig the mustache !
Fred says
Please let the mustache grow back!!!
Hamidi says
Holly smoke! You look more like Omar Shariff back than 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Joe.
Miles Morgan says
I dunno….. The ‘stach looks pretty Starsky and Hutch to me.
Lee Love says
Joe, its nice to see you as a young buck full of vim & vigor. Not knowing what lied ahead in your career as a wide eyed photographer.
Very cool. Thanks for having the guts to share. 🙂
Brian Walter says
Wow… look at all that great gear!
Eyal Gurevitch says
That’s a lot of glass.
People don’t appreciate the value of a DSLR shooting high frame rates, without eating up film. 10 fps on a film SLR? Yeeeesh!
Matt Dobson says
Oh the tash works dude!
Irjohn J says
I think I saw these two faces somewhere before…
JP says
Wow, didn’t recognize you for a second under that Einstein mop!
Andor says
Great old-days shot – the mustache is awesome too 🙂
…and what kinda damn cannons over there! 😀
Chris Matthes says
How on earth did you focus with all that hair in your eyes?
David Kelly says
Joe, IMHO there’s a definite Doug McClure look about you in the photo.
Richard Kozak says
Wow – you are Moose’s lost son. He’d be so proud!
Rob Hammer says
WOW. Even Tom Selleck would be jealous!
Bob says
Rock Star!
Jeannine says
Funny, I do see the Doug McClure similarity, but like a fine wine you’ve improved with age. How about updating your blog photo too!
Jacob Härnqvist says
I’m having trouble seeing the moustache, but it’s kinda interestering how it steals the show anyway (considering the above reactions).
Jason Satterwhite says
Joe, you look a little like Moose Peterson in this photo!
Darren Smith says
Man, the photographer chopped you feet off! I mean, he *was* one of the pros there neh? 😉
Brian Jones says
Wow, you really just dated yourself. You’re old….. 🙂
Stu says
The stache worked … THEN! The photos and coverage from that era inspired many. Thank you. Oh, yes–Doug McClure for certain!
Jim Digby says
That brought back memories. I worked for Martin in the 60’s. (They built the titan).
Jason says
It must have been tough to get all that gear in a Ferrari. Hopefully Higgins was there to help!
barbara says
LOL This is just plain fun to see these “former days” shots.
Pete says
Hey, it was the 80’s! Give yourself a break.
Lorri E says
Joe, are you sure you and Moose aren’t long lost brothers?
James Pruitt says
What year was this Joe? Must have been one hell of a wind. Hair everywhere and a cookie duster to boot. Seen you on The Grid and there has been a lot of changes. Not bad changes, just changes we all go through.
Mark Howells-Mead says
Is it a Freudian error, that I read that as “prepping for lunch”?
Louis Pang says
WOW! You look hot…like a Marlboro man!
Alastair says
“Shall we shag now, or shall we shag later? How do you like to do it? Yeah, baby!”
Dave Kallaway says
Mind blowing that so many people think you look like Omar Shariff, Robert Redford..too bad they have it all wrong. I think you look like a stunt double for the guys on Dukes of Hazard. C’mon people! LOL Love, love, love the pic my man!
ClarenceC says
The ‘stache ! My god the ‘stache ! (And the gears are pretty cool too)
Jay Mann says
So, I was going to comment on the ‘Stache as soon as I saw the photo. On many guys they don’t work, on some they make us so darn good lookin’. :{
Patrik says
The mustache fits you. Is that a photo-west i see or?
CarolF says
I’m definitely seeing the lost family connection with Moose…love the pic, the post made me spew coffee I was laughing so hard at your rental car return!
M.D. Welch says
Joe doesn’t always drink beer, but when he does, he drinks Dos Equis!
Linda Brinckehroff says
love the photo vest!
You are a brave man to put the photo out there.
C.Atnip says
I would love to see an article on how you fired that many cameras from different locations in a 20-30 second window, tracked the shuttle with long glass, and got great shots on a 36 exposure roll – without pocket wizards!
Ivan says
Those were the days… when men were men, with staches and stoggies, women chas’n, beer swill’n, film shoot’n, ASA not ISO… Yeah baby! Yeah! Woohooo.
Now we shoot digital.
Joe Howe says
What’s your porn name?
jason harry says
Imagine carrying that amount kit about, but the good weather in the pic …result
Kholloud says
Looking good now and then! is that a mustache 😉
David says
Love that ! It looks like you’re going to fight 🙂
Mario says
Ah you’ve reached that wonderful point in life where you understand the wisdom of ages, and realize a moustache is something that just doesn’t do it for the history books!
Kai says
Great to see a battle of rolling film on the site……by the way, nice moustache Mr. McNally…peace.
ted says
Nice pics Joe!