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Mark Block says
Post should be retitled “mcnally on fire”… The top photo is f’n mind-boggling awesome… Well, all of them are, actually.
Jau Crihfield says
Looks like that first photo also used a kicker light of some kind from behind the subject, camera left, in addition to the octa main?
Rich Cave says
Trying to convince my client that sports portraiture is done on a seperate day to the game. This post proves it, Cheers Joe,
Like the lighting very sympathetic to the colour of the ball and sportswear,
Richard Hales says
The great Joe McNally cheat? Never!
Bill Bogle Jr. says
Hey Joe, the Knicks are fun again, and NY basketball with the Johnies is good too. As you know, it can take you through a long cold winter, like the Syracuse Orangemen. Great shots, love the detail and closeups. Power and grace.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
Viveca says
Have to agree with Mark there! Love all these shots, the composition of all is so spot-on it hurts!
Forrest says
Great photos, and remember — he can afford the $100 more than you could!
One question — which Elinchrom were you using inside the 74″ octa?
Forrest says
(perhaps a better question, since lights come and go — how many watt seconds do you you think you needed to provide the illumination for these photos?)
Thanks again!
Cynthia Farr-Weinfeld says
Absolutely fabulous shots, Joe! This is just one of the many areas where you shine as a photographer and almost, dare I say it? A psychologist who intuits what each human being he photographs is like on a personal level and captures the essence of that person effortlessly! Cindy
Ken Wilder says
Stunning “soft touch” image, Joe. k
Girish says
Fantastic photographs. I really like the light setup here. The first and the last 2 photographs would be my favorite.
Around how many photographs do you take while on shoots like these.
Steve Wylie says
That second-to-last shot (the layin) is fabulous! You’ve often said that lighting is a game of inches; this one looks like millimeters. Can you tell us a bit more about how you set that one up?
Craig says
Joe, how did you set-up that next to last shot of the ball going into the basket. No way is that an action shot! Very well done.
Frederik says
love the third shot joe !
Jim says
If SI doesn’t use the photos, you still get paid, right? š
JerseyStyle Photography says
Love the detail shots of the hands and of the fingers/ball/rim.
First pretzel, beer, is on me…
~ Mark
Jack says
Wow. Dynamite stuff. How’d you get the orange outline on his legs and arm? And make it perfectly match the uniform stripe? On the roll-in, was somebody holding the ball out of frame? Looks like poetry.
Tim Skipper says
I heard Zack Aries say similar things about the Octa, I’ve never shot with one, but I sure want to. Images look great
Paul Hodgson says
Pah! 240, lightweight! However, he is physically fit unlike me!
Beautiful images and wonderful descriptions, thanks Joe.
Tom says
Octa makes it great.. I love it:)
Joe Dantone says
WOW, amazing work as usual Joe!!!
Jason says
As always, a good story, but would love to get the nitty gritty on details like the gels (which had to be there, right?) How’d you dial the flash in? Any test shots or did you just “know” how you wanted to light it? From the angle (hate to reverse engineer this stuff as my guesses are usually horribly wrong), I’d guess behind you and to camera left?
It looks like a CTO 1/4 and the flash on say 1/2? Shutter at 1/250th for sync and aperture at f11 for dof?
Am I way off, even near the target? It may be sundry to you, but to some of us, we’re still learning the lighting and these pieces help fill our puzzle! š
Bruno Fumega says
best photographer…is really good.
wish one day be like you
Ć«Ā¬Ā“ƬĀ§āĆŖĀµĀ° says
Ƭā¢ĖĆ«ā¦ā¢Ćā¢ĖƬāĀøĆ¬Å”ā? Ć«ā¹Ā¹Ć¬ā¹Ā ƬĀĖ ƬĀ±ā¦Ć¬Āā ĆŖĀ°ĀĆ«ĀŖā¦ĆŖĀ¹Å ĆŖĀ²Å ƬĀĀ½Ć¬Āā¬ Ć«Āā¦Ć¬Å¾Ā Ć¬Å¾ā¦Ć«ā¹ĖĆ«ā¹Ā¤.
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joe’s asian tour 2011ƬāĀƬāÅ Ć¬ā¢āƬā°Ā½ĆŖĀ²ÅĆ«Āā Ćā¢ÅĆŖĀµĀƬĀā¬ Ć«Ā¹Ā ƬĀ Āø Ć¬Å¾ĖĆ«āĀ¤Ć¬Å”ā..
mindy says
thanks for the post! he is a very striking subject! i always enjoying reading your blog for your tips and anectodtes! maybe next time you shoot him, you can take the basketball shot.
Discount Digital Photographics Pty Limited says
good and professional photographer with extremely high quality camera all of these makes him rock.
Carmina | Design a Postcard says
Nice sports shots! I enjoy action shots because it shows the skill of both photographer and subject. i think with the right equipment, subject, and photographer, a great photo can be taken.
Aaron Lavinsky says
Great Post! It combines both my passion for flash photography with my love for Suns basketball. Too bad Amare had to leave us for the Knicks.
Recently I’ve found myself shooting athletic portraits and I’m wondering a few things.
In a perfect world, how much time would you spend lighting a high profile player like Amare? and how much time are you usually given? Is his manager there running the show? What are your thoughts on using stand-ins?
what light stands are you using? Do you cover up the feet so they don’t scratch the floor or is it not that big of a big deal?
When shooting in a stadium, do you bring your own power packs or do you bring stingers to tap into house power?
and finally, how can you get me tickets for the next Suns-Knicks game? I’ll settle for an autographed game ball.
Bastian says
the 2. shot is my favorite š
Saneesh says
The lighting is great on these pictures !! as usual!
Mathieu Wauters says
As usual, great shots Joe. Absolutely love the fourth shot, it’s brilliant in its simplicity!
chris says
loving the leaping pic… others nt bad too š
Youlanda Earps says
Impressive weblog! But have you contemplated crawling with mike geary about it