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Anders Wester says
Just don’t come here and tell us that you will move to another brand…no names mentioned! 😉
Greg Lepera says
Joseph Chan says
Great looking website. Hardly wait for your next course on
Neil Wade says
…you’ll be giving away a free camera to the first poster in the comments?!?!?!?
f/8nate says
Wicked teasah! i’ll be here!
John A. says
Ooooh, Nikon Pocket Wizard review? New book coming out announcement? New Lastolite Ezybox 48″ review? The official answer to the air speed velocity of an un-laden swallow?
Ken Kaminesky says
Your tweet about the blog post was longer than the blog post. That’s a first! 🙂
Simon says
Announcing new workshop date in Montreal, QC ??? Plz plz plz !
Henry Yong says
Looking forward to the good news!
I’ll guess… staying 1 more week in Sabah?
LBFotografie says
Joe will anounce his new book:
Sketching Light.
james says
You and Mr. Strobist have both posted the same thing today … hmmm.
Mike Mahoney says
You and David Hobby have the blogged the same thing today… are you guys getting married? Having a child? Better yet, switching to Canon? Can’t wait for the news! 🙂
Earl says
This is kind of like your wife saying “When you get back we need to talk.” just as you’re leaving town…
David Hobby says
What the?
McNally has an announcement on the very same day?
Oh, great. This is just great. Like announcing something on the same same day as Apple announces a new iPhone. What was I thinking.
Will Foster says
Your moving the operation to Asia and not coming back?
Barbara Thorbjornsson says
I know! You saw my work and you want to announce to the world, that you love it! LOL
Johan Sopiee says
(bites fingernails in anticipation..)
John Swarce says
Are you giving up photography and becoming a monk? Perish the thought!
Rodger February says
New nikon
Jorge says
Steve Purton says
Joe, feel free to send me your unwanted Nikon stuff, I’ll even pay for shipping…:)
Wayne says
Got your own tv show?
magnus says
the strobist site has “Big news coming tomorrow.”….coincidence?
Matthew Williams says … I know your secret, lol…
Greg says
I think that was his new book: “Sketching light….on a napkin”.
Ana GR says
hahaha, McNally, I love your way!
broxibear says
D800 ?
Stuart Mackenzie says
African or european?
Eric Politzer says
you guys are Oprah’s long lost half-brothers?
Zeb Palmer says
I find it rather convenient ya’ll posted the same basic blog entry at the same basic time (8 minutes appart)….
yeah, it’s a conspiracy, but I bet I like it..
Tom says
There really will be more tk….?
Paolo says
What are you and David planning now…?
Mark Sugino says
Michelle Yeoh will be your new assistant?
Natalie says
Pocketwizard Flex and Mini for Nikon review?
Nasir Hamid says
I’ve already got your next book on pre-order at Amazon. I found it a few weeks ago. The cats out of the bag.
Benjamin Cahill says
Nah, it has to be a conspiracy. Just look at DH’s reply above ^^. Totally fake!
William Chinn says
Where does the line for the new intern position start?
Melli says
Curious to hear the news, as well as David Hobby’s. Seems to be an interesting day tomorrow in the blogosphere.
Timm says
Nat Geo to reveal that human cloning tests were carried out and by combing the DNA of McNally with DNA of Hobby the got a ZARIAS!!
Scott Margetts says
Taking up golf?
Eric says
I’m hoping for some Nikon goodness!
Alex Filatov says
I am intrigued Joe, sounds exciting!
Tore Kvalheim says
Nikon coming out with a new FX camera perhaps!! Or, yet another new flash?? Joe and David having a workshop in Norway!?? That would be fantastic! Can’t wait!
Mo says
New McHobby meal. 1strobist dvd and lighting kit plus Mcnally book collection and an sb-700 and medium fries..right??? we are planning a huge demonstration tomorrow to evict the Egyptian president. I hope your announcement will distract me from that. So it better be good..cant wait ))))
Alastair says
You and Hobby are getting married?
Chad goldman says
Dude, you too?
Ryan McGovern says
Oprah is your sister?
Mo says
Reality competition show about lighting and you and D.Hobby are judges?
JWJ says
A book. Joe & David have a new book.
Simon says
What ever it is I’m sure it will be good… I guess I’ll find out it my secret blowing out the candles wish made it through life’s spam filter
Jimmy Tan says
Big Joe M is moving to Singapore!
Jim says
Ah perhaps a new Book called Sketching Light? Hmmmm.
bart says
both you guys become presidents of light and tax the light
Chris says
Both you and Strobist posted to come back tomorrow for some news…..wonder if it is something related?!?!? Guess we will have to wait and see.
Lloyd says
Wait! Is tomorrow April 1st already?
Kevin Halliburton says
You both finally tried HDR in CS5 and have decided to sell your strobes ’cause who needs ’em anyway with all that digital post processing awesomeness. 🙂
home cook meals says
SB-1000 says
Hey, it’s “tomorrow” now, I’m stopping by so … what’s up …?
chris says
McNally/ Strobist love trist??
Kevin Halliburton says
Alright McNally, ya got me up early for my morning cup of Joe and I’m not at my most beautiful and chattiest self this early so let’s have it straight. What’s the flavor of the day?
f/8nate says
Joe going to announce he has an half-brother named Oprah!
Rodger says
Hi Joe, we are waiting in Cape Town, South Africa
gnohz says
Joe is coming for another Asian Tour!
Or there’s a Nikon announcement? 😀
magnus says
i was right!! 🙂