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Glad you mentioned the change in the blog look. Those of us on Google Reader wouldn’t have known, otherwise. Very nice, clean look to it.
Enjoy the rest of the Asian tour. Looking forward to the next update.
That looks like so much fun, oh and BTW is it possible to make a bad picture of Evon? She is beautiful
Great post!
Welcome to Singapore! Thanks for autographing my copy of the “Hot Shoe Diaries”. Great speech about your 30 years!
To take a part of this experience have to be great, I hope I can do it too one day, thanks for share it from these few photos a lot informations !
Love this post — also the fresh blog design for the new year.
Have a great 2011!
I wholeheartedly agree — the combination of the EZYbox and the tri-grip is hard to beat for location lighting. I can’t tell from the production shots though, what hardware are you using to link the paint pole to the EZYbox?
Steve Schuenke
Great pics Joe. Looks like a lot of fun. I just have a question for you. On the 6th pic, the one with softbox/boom arm setup. what kind of accessories did you use? is it just the boom stand/arm and the stuff that came with the EZ softbox or did you use additional accessories to be able to tilt the softbox? I cannot tell from the pic. Thanks
Were you using the 30″ Ezybox?
And the one shot on the skybridge of the model has a blue background on the bridge. Did you gel the key light with a cto and wb the camera at Tungsten to get that deeper shade of blue?
Nice jacket with you on the podium
Great stuff Joe
I love the new look of the blog. I shows off your personality Joe! too bad you rarely come to Manila. 😎
Funny thing is these things makes me want to go to the other side of the world for a workshop.
They just look like they are cooler than any other workshop.
Two opstions create something like it in europe or save up for the trip…. hmmm me know thinking 🙂
Yet again I find myself sat here in silence looking through your shots. Great stuff as always Joe and that first David Hobby-esque shot is killer!
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your time out there.
Best wishes to you and yours,
Joe, you should post the photo with the Mad Man behind Evon
Have been waiting desperately for this post. Looks like u had a ball. Still sad that we could nit make it. We were traveling just a bit ahead for the stops in Sg and KL.
Have fun.
Greetings from Sydney already
Great new blog theme btw! Well done!
Thanks for sharing the set-up shots as well as the completed images. I also enjoyed seeing the different angles. As always inspirational work!
Huge thanks, Joe! You talked about the EzyBox at the New Hampshire DLWS and I finally bought the 24″ model. Seeing this blog post inspired me to finally get it out and put it to use. WOW! What an outstanding tool! I know it will get a lot of use. Time to look up my notes from DLWS for some of your pointers…
Wow another great range of pictures. I can somehow imagine the conversation with a check-in clerk when you try to travel with a section of crowd control barrier and talk of it as a light modifier 🙂
Great post, great models, lovely new blog look!
Love the new look and pics. Thanks for sharing.
Man i wish i was there..Excellent stuff..Love it as always..
Joe, great new design! Looks fantastic!
BTW: Will you do a tour in Germany at some point in the future? I’d love to take one of your classes. Come to munich, the oktoberfest is waiting for you! 🙂
Yet another great McNally Production. Looks like an awesome time.
And nice new look to the blog! Me likey!
Love the new look of the blog.
That looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing your behind the scenes shots. Wonderful!
Everytime your web designer changes the look of your blog I always say “Why did they do that?”
I always preferred the prior version. Change just for the sake of a New Year does not always make sense as the visual identity previously established is lost.
I suggest considering that for next year but only if you can go back to last year’s style.
Tony Sal
Hi Joe, it was such an honor to meet you last week, I had a blast and learned so much. It was great to be able to see you work first hand, you truly are an inspiration!
Please if you can, post the jump shot you took in the stair well – breathtaking and unforgettable!
Thanks again for your patience, guidance and inspiration! Best of luck for the rest of the tour.
Best wishes,
fabulous color for the images and super clean blog design layout.
WAHAHA…I am There Tooo )))
Nice new design on the blog. I especially like the Numnut´s drawing in the upper right corner. 🙂
Looking forward to see more epic stuff from you in 2011.
Great post, really interesting and enjoyable to see behind the scenes at this shoot, plus excellent photographs to go with it!
Great post, Joe! Had not heard of the EZYBox until I saw this post. Have now done quite a bit of research and plan to pick up a set for use with my SB-900 on an upcoming trip to Kenya.
Just wanted to reinforce the comment regarding the orange link text. It’s barely readable here. The equipment page in particular is now very hard to read.
Great presentation, informative, enlightening — and fun! Thank you!
Great images, makes me wish I was there.
This summer i have done my own version of this picture, when i was doing a photographyc course.
The model was Maria, and we work really good. I use one 580EXII througth an umbrella on my left.
Them we use another 580 on the back, for the blue light.
Looks fun! Great behind the scenes pictures.
Really like photo nr5 with the blue gells.
It is nice to see behind the scenes at this shoot. also it is nice photos!
The warmed one of Evon in the blue (tungsten) walkway is great! I steal that combo all the time 😉 Thanks..