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Joe, best of the season to you and yours!
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year, and thanks for lots of great inspiration during 2010! Looking forward to what’s coming and cookin’…
Merry Christmas to you too, Joe. I really enjoy your posts and Kelby Training videos. They are an inspiration!
lovin every minute of it, thanks for the best photo blog on the inter-what-what, and merry christmas to all you guys as well. Wicked!
Merry Christmas Joe
Enjoy your well-deserved rest, Joe.
A very merry Christmas to you and your family,
Happy Christmas to you and yours Joe.
Merry Christmas to you as well!
marry christmas joe
Have a Happy Christmas Joe.
Merry Christmas & best wishes to you and your family Joe.
Thank you for another year of great stories, great photography & mountains of inspiration.
All the best,
Merry Christmas and happy new year Joe and Drew!
Joe, i’m russian and english isn’t my native language. Can you explain me what is “more tk”?
My best wishes for you, your family and your precious work by photography!
Greetings from Torino, Italy.
Marco Baracco
(silent follower)
Hi Anton…it’s an old journalistic convention reporters would insert in their copy when the information was still forthcoming…it means “to come” ……
So you know on deadline they would write….. And the perpetrator (name tk) was transported to the county jail…..etc….all best, Joe
Best wishes from Germany Joe! Merry Xmas
Merry Christmas Joe!
All the best to you and all your loved ones for the New Year!
The best of Holidays to you and your family. Enjoy the time at home.
Merry Christmas Joe!
Thanks for making the trip to Calgary for the lighting seminar – really great.
Enjoy all the good things Christmas in NYC have to offer.
All the best,
Thank you for all the great tips at Wish
great success in the up coming year.
Happy Holidays.
Merry Christmas Joe and all the very best for 2011. Looking forward to more inspiration and great reading on your blog next year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Joe
Best wishes to you and yours. Just forget about us for a little while, you deserve it!
Marry Christmas to you and your family.
I have to thank you, I was at the San Diego workshop and after just one day of watching you work with lighting techniques my photography has improved. In my own small way I have tried to mimic your techniques.
God Bless you and you family and I hope to see you next time you come to California.
Best wishes to you and your crew of (suffering) assistants for a VeRy MeRrY ChRiStMaS with your families!
Enjoy your down time.
Thanks so much for sharing and teaching and making us ROFLOL-ing this year!
(I hope that photo wasn’t taken recently in Connecticut or we’re gonna really be in for it this winter… but then this isn’t on your rader because you’re headed to Asia and will miss the fun of the 10 inch or more snowfalls sure to be headed to New England.)
Merry Christmas Joe. I am sitting here in front of my computer “multi-tasking”.. reading your always great Blog. And, just to my right I am enjoying your Life Guide to Digital Photography on my new iPad. Boy,what an excellent work that is!!!! Congratulations. I hope that your New Year is great!
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
I enjoy your blog and find it makes me think.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Anne, and the rest of the McNally clan.
Thank you for sharing your passion and giving us hope and inspiration.
See you next year.
Merry Christmas to you too 🙂 And a Happy New Year!
Have a Merry Christmas Joe – Thank you for all the sharing in 2010! ~H.
Merry Christmas and all the best to you and your family.
Merry Christmas!!
Joe & Annie…
I truly wish you a Merry Christmas and sincerely hope you have a great day – much joy – and a fun recharge / rest for as long as you’re able to stay in one place.
I also wanted to thank you, Joe, for your kindness, patience, wisdom and teaching. My life has been greatly enhanced having met you! Yes the photography has improved as you inspire and share – but the real gift of it all is the unique guy behind the lens who makes so much time available to “us” with his unabashed sense of humor, virtuoso talent and drive! Your creative vision is pure motivation and (getting cliche here, but true) inspirational!
I sincerely hope there’s a McNally workshop in my 2011! The quest and learning is a constant blast and the workshop you and the fantastic crew put on are off the charts!
Can’t wait for “Sketching Light!” The advanced workshops had me trying a mini version of the multiple exposure / flash technique you taught… um, well it’s fun trying – “Sketching Light” should help the trying turn into an actual success.
Again, Thank You for all you’ve done in 2010!
Merry Christmas Joe!
Merry Christmas Joe. To you and your family.
Merry Christmas Joe ,all the best to you and your family.
Thanks for your blog this year
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!
Go Pats, Celtics & Bruins!!
Merry Christmas to Annie and Joe,…etal,…and thank you for all the pearls & gifts you’ve given us,…all year long!
mike and tina neale
Merry Christmas Joe – – thanks for everything
Merry Christmas to you and your family Joe. Your writing and photography have always been a great scource of inspiration and I’d like to send my best wishes for the year to come.
All the best from Jessheim, Norway.
Per Börjeson
Merry Christmas, Joe!
Merry Christmas to all. I came up with the bright idea of making a Christmas card with my 3 Border collies. Bad idea. I have a deep appreciation for children & animal photographers now. It did make a story for my blog though of the pictures, plus a letter to Santa from them.
My wife and I were talking about what “tk” meant last night, and it just so happened you answered the question. We knew it meant “to come” but we didn’t know the origin.
Thank you very much!
Merry Christmas!
Thank you for this years photographic contribution into my life. I love this photo…it is magic.
My best to you and your family throughout this Season and the Year to come. I continue to follow your work.
Merry Christmas to you and your family Joe. Thanks for the inspiration and the ongoing gift your expertise and teaching spirit are for us. Bless you.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years to you too Joe and everyone who reads this.
A very Merry Christmas to you as well!
Merry Christmas to you, Annie and your entire family. A special thanks for inspiring all of us with your amazing talent.
Happy to finally see an explanation for “more tk”
All the best from KL. To bad that we are here a bit to early for JMAsia. hope to cu and drew in Orlando at psw.
Greetings ingo and carmen
You see, Joe?! This is why I don’t shoot winter stuff. Cause soon as I get something I’m happy with you go and post a shot like this. THANKS BUDDY.
j/k lol
Thanks for all you do… Merry Christmas! 😀
P.S. I got The Moment it Clicks for Xmas! Can’t wait to read it!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you to Joe! Nice job on GMA this morning!
Merry Christmas to you and yours Joe.
Thanks for everything you’ve done to help the community during 2010; be it instruction or just mind blowing inspiration…it’s very much appreciated believe me!
Merry Christmas to you and yours and thanks again for the coolest present I got last year … Hot Shoe Diaries! That’s one book never stays on my shelf …