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Gerry Johnson says
You sure nailed that Joe! Just like an iPhone on Verizon! Go!!
Kyle Jerichow says
Looking forward to the results!
J W Nienstedt says
I’ve been holding out and living in a world of IR wireless Nikon flash for a while now. In fact, I’ve gotten quite used to dealing with it’s shortcomings! I’m still pretty excited for PW to finally release these to the masses 😉
Tyson Murray says
Awesome shot Joe. I like how you can see the drivers face. and the colors, I love how they pop out at the viewer
Matt Cashore says
Sigh. The Nikon-branded Mini TT1 and Flex TT5 have been at the top of my B&H wishlist since March of 2009. Well, heck, it’s been what, 98 weeks wait…what’s 12 weeks more?
Larry Pollock says
LOL, I just had to comment as I’m one of those iPhone users who is waiting.. Now I will be watching for these too!
Trevor says
Hey Joe,
Since this is the first time I’ve written in, I thought I’d start off by saying that I love your photography and blog. I’ve read The Hot Shoe Diaries twice and really enjoy your writing style.
As for radio triggers, I love the form factor and concept of the Mini and Flex Wizards. But, I was wondering if you’ve tried the RadioPopper PX system and if you had an opinion on it. The most intriguing aspect of the RadioPoppers to me is that you can sync both manual and i-TTL controlled flashes at the same time with the PX and JrX units mixed. Will this be possible with the new Pocket Wizard setup? Also, if you see an advantage of one system over the other, I’d love to get your impressions.
Christopher Campbell says
And it is only four years since they announced that the system would be available for Nikon CLS “within six months.”
Glyn Dewis says
Can’t wait to get my hands on the new technology; lots more fun to be had 🙂
Don Harper says
Exactly right, this has been forever in happening. I’m comfortable with my pocket-wizards and manual ratios, but oh I could do so much more so quickly with a reliable auto system.
Kevin Halliburton says
Man the last 5 years has seen some incredible strobe innovation. These are high on my need to buy list. Now all we need is some light weight, battery powered, 1600ws, i-TTL strobes to plug these into… Never let them rest! 🙂
Craig T says
Hmmm…I wonder if I will see these tomorrow for your workshop in Calgary… 🙂
(I can hardly wait. This is like Christmas for me but with more lights!)
John Tebbetts says
Chris got it in a previous comment, but was tangential. No question what the Wizards can provide, but also no question the message for Nikon users (acknowledging the obstructions that Nikon may have ensured)…..up yours until we Wizards get ready to get it to you, and meanwhile, we know where our major market really lives…and meanwhile…the endless marketing platitudes. We all just have to understand where we reside on the food chain.
Hannes Uys says
Awesome shot Joe!!
Ralph Grant says
What we really need once this tech is out there is a SB-900w that has the wireless mode built in so we don’t have to mess with another gadget, cable, battery, etc. That would be awesome!
Boundless Photos says
Love my Flex and Mini, cant actually remember what life was like without them now. I think its great to be able to set flashes manually but when your shooting weddings time is always in such short supply its great to be able to use ETTL.
Considered the RP’s before buying the PW’s but I just think the RP form factor is messy in comparison.
Boundless Photos says
p.s, Forgot to say, thanks for writing Hot Shoe Diaries Joe, great read and very insightful and inspiring and very different to the vast majority of other photography books out there.
Ross says
Have been using RadioPopper PX (TTL for Nikon) and JrX (manual for any Hot Shoe Flash) … and have been mixing the two (TTL and manual) for over a year now. And Love It!
It’s solid, and has been working for me.
… I am just saying 🙂
joe says
Many, Many Thanks for the update !!
Michael Shi says
Joe, thanks for the update. I’ve already have my SU-800 listed on the craigslist.
JB says
Thanks for the PocketWizard update. BTW, I gave up on the Verizon iPhone two years ago and it didn’t hurt a bit.
James Conkle says
Wow, even having one of those units on hand would save many hairs from being pulled!
Gavin Wyatt says
Hey Joe,
Love your work, got ‘Hot Shoe Diairies’ and ‘The Moment it Clicks’. Just waiting for you to come to Australia for a workshop!
Love the concentration on the drivers face… it counteracts the confusion of the image around him very nicely!
Looking forward to trying out this new gear too.
Andy Lim says
I’m eagerly waiting for the Nikon version of Pocketwizard too!
Serov says
Hi,Joe 🙂
I like reading your blog very much,and enjoying stories behind every picture. Whether ‘Hot shoe Dairy’ or this blog,they all share me many useful knowledges.
I have a question about GND Filter.
The lens of my camera is Nikkor 16-85mm DX, filter size is 67mm.
Could you tell me which size of quadrate GND Filter fits to my lens,and which type I should buy?(-1EV,-2EV,-3EV or both?)
Thank you!
Edmond says
I’ve been using the tt1/tt5’s for about a year now (canon of course) and am still having a blast with them. the AC3 is an awesome addition especially when my lazy but doesn’t want to make the long walk for small adjustments!
Rangefindergeneral says
How long could it take these have been promised for over a year. I hope it’s worth the wait.
Hope there will be some eBay copies coming out soon.
Jonathan Thompson says
Great blog Joe, I really hope the PW Mini works better on your Nikons than the Canon. What a disappointment. Put your flash in a sock to help the signal etc. I don’t think so! I’ll have to go RP, from what I’ve seen the PW just doesn’t work remotely well enough on Canon to be worth a look and I’d love to be using it, it looks great too, small, neat and compact. Perhaps both Canon & Nikon should build that sort of thing into the flash units and design a gizmo to add onto older units so we’re not all left out in the cold. Heaven forbid they think of the customer 1st instead of milking the market. I’d spend a shed load more if I thought I’d be getting the best they can produce.
Matt Jacques says
Is it just me, or is the “stack this on top of that” approach with the new PWs kinda annoying? Doesn’t my D700 already have full auto and manual zone control from the body? I know full wireless versus line of sight and everything, but it would be nice if there was just one less gadget to stack together…
James - NYC Wedding Photographer says
I am very excited about these new pocket wizards. They were supposed to be available mid December. Any idea on when they will actually be available?
Alex says
Hi Joe,
I’m apparently have a SB-600 and SB-900.
I’m wondering should I got a SB-800 or pocket wizard as a master to trigger?
Shanel Prak says
Great post, I enjoyed it very much. Shanel Prak
Susi says
nice blog