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JayM says
Joe McNally doing landscape? Do my eyes deceive me? Beautiful. Not surprising.
adrian says
Soooo great colors!
Captain Kimo says
Exciting… looking forward to shooting some autumn leaves too 🙂
Kathy Winter says
I miss Fall! There is no Fall in Tampa.
Marshall says
Heh. Landscape. There’s no fall color. Joe’s in the valley of the gels with 78 SB-900s carefully controlled with honl grids. They set them up by headlamp, which is pretty ironic because they couldn’t set up the 78 SB-900s in the dark without another light they got from REI for $24.95.
onnie says
you’re so much fun to follow!
exhausting … but fun …. 😉
Pat Delany says
Enjoy the White Mountains. Jackson, North Conway, Mt. Washington, everywhere there is beautiful. If you can, take a ride up the Kancamagus Highway, lot’s of scenic spots. You won’t be disappointed. When the mist clears tomorrow, the views will be spectacular. I used to live near there. Wish I was there now… Please post some more of your shots, Moose already has.
Eddie says
Joe when I heard you would be doing this with Moose and Laurie, I wished I had a time machine to go back and save up. haha I love NH too. I will actually be there this weekend. Maybe see you guys around. Enjoy the beauty. Save some for me!
Bill Bogle Jr. says
Hoping that the color does not come and go before I get to Acadia next Wednesday. But the last time I got to Acadia was in the summer of 08, and all I got to see was the fog. Soak up the color, but leave some for the rest of us.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
Jesper Skaerbaek Jensen says
Damn, it is hard to be a photographer ….. :-)By the way, Loved your iPad interview together with Bill Frakes from Manfrotto, made at Photokina 🙂
Karen Bobotas says
Welcome to NH, Joe.
Always enjoy your blog posts. Nice to see you in NH – looking forward to viewing more of your images here with the fall colors. I’m about an hour south in Gilford – the Lakes Region – stop through on your way south for lunch!
Cheers, Karen
Tim Skipper says
I want fall to come here. I’ve lived in the deep south my whole life and we just don’t get colors like that. Beautiful image.
Dave Polaschek says
So was your introduction along the lines of: “We’re in New Hampshire. Moose says there are trees here. I need more coffee.” ?
Jim G. says
Rest up before you get to Tampa on Friday for the lighting seminar. Trees down here change colors in March!
Deb Cobb says
If you’re driving through Franconia, stop in Sugar Hill and eat at Polly’s Pancake Parlor. My grandmother was a waitress there – a VERY long time ago. It’s an institution. I’d recommend going to Profile Lake, but, alas, the Old Man of the Mountains has fallen and won’t get up anymore.
Have fun!
Anand Dhingra says
In addition to Kancamangus, see if you can get to North Woodstock. It’s a great old town with an amazing rocky river which you can walk out on. You could shoot there for hours.
Bob DeChiara says
Great spot! Such a beautiful area. Few hours south and your in my neck of the woods.
Duncan Spaulding says
Welcome to the Granite State! sometimes I feel spoiled by how beautiful and diverse the landscape I grew up in is, hope to see some more of your shots (landscapes [without people in them] are not something I see on your site too often!)
Larry Eiss says
I love it, Joe. Welcome to the northeast. I fully understand your inability to know where you are and your assessment of the environment. I hope you get some rest soon.
Hans van de Vorst says
Anything goes Joe, anything but an office from 9:00-17:00 and similar predictabilaties 🙂
Lucky you, have fun there.
Jim says
Sounds like fun.
Daniel Korzeniewski says
There is not that much of that over here in Florida, just rain, and more rain.. at least now… I love the photo, thanks for sharing Joe.
Holly says
This literally made me laugh out loud and everyone gave me the “whats that weird graphic design chick in the corner laughing at now” look. I get that quite often being the only creative in the office.
Been following Moose and Laurie this week on the trek through the N.H. wilderness. It makes me long for my hometown in Pennsylvania.
Have fun Joe!
Rusty Moore says
Watch out for aliens around Franconia Notch, Joe. That’s where Betty and Barney Hill got abducted, ya know.
Mike Campbell says
Sounds like Massachusetts is just like Toronto. I think every road here is either being torn up, repaved, or widened (and in the processe narrowed).
jeremy mayhew says
wait…what!??! your in NH!?!! blurg! i would have driven straight up to whereever you are to catch a fleeting glymps of the rare and elusive mcnallybird.
i’ll try to be more alert next time, as the official photographer of Chunkys Movie THeater and Pub, i’ll treat you all to movies and dinner 🙂
Robert says
No trees like that in Hawaii …. sometimes I really miss the mainland.