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jacqueline says
Great portraits of the mad man of photoshop. Your description of him is right on.
Glad you are having a great time at PSW, wished I had been able to make it this year.
Pat Delany says
You know Joe, there are many of us out here that have the same sentiments about you and your skills with light and camera. At your workshops we hope to absorb just a fraction of the knowledge you dispense. Thanks again for sharing.
Tim Skipper says
Every time I learn something more about Photoshop, I discover a person who makes me look like a total moron.
Portraits look good BTW.
Deb Cobb says
JM – session was informative except for the annoying peanut gallery in front with the claxon alarm. Oh, uh…
You inspire and delight and you make it accessible. Thank you. I’ve already started experimenting hand-holding the flash.
-your favorite news gal
Steve Wylie says
Thanks again for a great Photo Safari in the Valley of Fire. It was great to shoot some lovely and talented dancers in a striking location. Looking forward to getting my images cleaned up and posted.
IPBrian says
Well said Pat…
Radu says
Hi Joe!
Where is the second flash located? I get the first one is in the 24″ EzyBox aimed at his face from the right, slightly above, slightly behind the subject, but I don’t see the effect of the second flash. I thought of the light on the hair on the back of the subject’s head, but you said that’s the silver Trigrip reflector (and since it’s a little cold, it looks like a reflection from a silver surface).
Best regards – wish I was in Vegas for PSW!
William Chinn says
Dr. Brown has finally been captured. His personna is there for all to see and, of course, be amazed. No costumes (less the glasses), no schtick, just showing the face of this gifted person. May we all be captured like this some day.
Jerry says
How did the PW’s preform in the far north. Or did’t they
Enjoy Osmosis ing At PSW.
Win says
Hi Joe,
Thank you for keeping up with the blog. I enjoyed your short seminar in Portland, Oregon few months ago. How far did you put the flash from Russell Brown? Did you put two flash units in one soft box? I’m curious why you put the blank space behind him instead of in front of him. The photos are intriguing.
Thank you for sharing.
Darren Elias says
Amen to that, Pat Delaney!
Tom Curtin says
Hey Joe,
To get the background rim light did you use the second SB-900 and tri-grip to create a floor skip?
Ivan says
Great shot. What were the camera settings to blacken out the entire scene?
Lance Levine says
Great pictures. Can you publish a sketch showing the equipment and set up you used to get this lighting effect?
seks izle says
How did the PW’s preform in the far north.
Cynthia Rothrock says
I was so impresses with the video of your work I still am thinking about it. Hope to catch one of your workshops in the future
Jack K says
My son and I sat in on your presentation at PSW. We literally were both on the edge of our seats, hanging on your every word for the entire hour. We felt like we could have listened to you for hours.
It was certainly the highlight of the show and our trip.
Thank you so much for sharing your work and your thoughts.
jack k.
Jeff Dillon says
And what’s more amazing was that these were around the fifth and sixth frames of this lighting setup…
At the time Joe, said he was shooting at 1/250 (Nikon’s top sync speed), f5.6, ISO 400, against a white seamless background that shows black here because it wasn’t being hit by the flashes. The Ezybox was a little bit on the far side of Brown’s face to keep the camera side dark and character-rich; an assistant was pointing the second flash into the Tri-grip about 8 feet away at shoulder height at 10 o’clock.
These are pretty much the frames out of the camera as we saw during the demo; there’s no extra space on the right because the softbox was as close to Brown’s face as possible, just out of frame in these shots, in the frame in a few others.
Ken Toney says
I had a blast at this class, you guys are sick! (thanks for the Safari!)
Alan says
It is a shame that Russell Brown is so serious.
Joe McNally says
Hey Alan, I know……dour comes to mind, you know? :-)))))
Shane Savage says
Joe (Mr. McNally),
Again, thank you for all you do for us photogs, we all truly appreciate your efforts in making us feel welcome and allow us to tag along on your various adventures. It was a pleasure meeting you at PSW and I hope our paths cross again in the future.
yaron says
utangac says
It is a shame that Russell Brown is so serious.
antalya böcek ilaçlama says
antalya ev ilaçlama