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Hugh says
Hi Joe
Met someone who went to your last Malaysia workshop and came back full of ideas.
Just one point; Malaysia is indeed funky, but it is not an island….
Jay Mann says
Sounds like good fun. We raised our kids for 6 years in Jakarta, infact they graduated high school there. That whole area is an amazing place to shoot, I go back there at least once a year for photos.
Bob DeChiara says
Love that image!!! Not so intimidating without that cleaver!
Kevin says
Simply great! I hope one day I get to travel and teach! Your work has made me a very big advocate of the Rangers. Thanks and keep clickin’.
Roberto says
Você é ótimo. Visitar seu blog sempre me inspira (e me alucina). Eu amaria ser seu assistente; mas moro no Brasil… 🙁
Sucesso, e muitos, muitos cliques fantásticos.
Cuiabá – Mato Grosso – Brasil.
Dylan says
Korea, Mr. McNally… we’d love to have you!
Ingoman says
Need to check this out we are in this area around that time…. Woooho
Johan Sopiee says
oh wow! OH WOW! superb!
Dennis Pike says
I’ll be keeping an eye out for the smoke signals.
mike says
Surprised not to see Manila on the list, considering the size and depth of the photo industry in the Philippines. It’ll be easy enough for motivated Filipinos to get to Sing or HK, of course, just surprised.
Gary M says
Would love to get my wife into Annie’s beginner class. Unfortunately, Asia is out of our travel budget. Maybe she could teach a couple of them state side?
Ian.I says
Hey Joe,
Im always checking out your blog and never leaving any comments. Some time back i sent you an email and asked when do you plan a visit to Sydney Australia. Im going to ask again and hopefully a better answer on positive dates, pretty please ;~)
Scott says
Hey Joe, when are you going to come to Australia? This Asian Tour is so close… can’t you just hope on a connecting flight and make a quick visit?
C’mon… Whaddya say?
Morgana Creely says
Hey if you’re travelling that far, why not extend your tour a little further and come to Australia? We’d love to have you! 🙂
Marcus says
come to sweden
Nick says
A few people have already asked but I’ll ask again – please come to Sydney. One of the most beautiful cities in the world
iksa says
It is nice for you to come to Indonesia …
Andrew says
Joe, seeya in HK
Ugsson says
come here
Hee says
Greeting from Malaysia Joe!
can’t wait to see u next year in Malaysia!!!
Greg Brave says
I am joining the Australia requests, and if you come to Sydney, you definitely have to come to Melbourne too! 🙂
Anyway, good luck in Asia!
Al says
So does your wife Annie have a course book video article?
Em says
Would love to see you in the land down under Joe! I think my boyfriend would probably jump out of his skin if he found out you were coming here! I hear the Gold Coast is a great place to stop by… 🙂
Rey says
Joe, please consider and come down to Australia. =)
Simon Fleming says
Hey Joe, I may have missed the train with you seeing this older comment on your blog but after reading all the “please come to Australia” comments had to add my vote as well… I don’t mind what part of OZ you touch down in – I’ll get there.
Tripp says
OK so I signed up for one of the one day workshops in Jakarta, paid my money, and now the and sites are broken and have been for a couple of days. Is this a scam or is this for real? (just kidding) Seriously, why are they not coming up now?
Joe McNally says
It’s for real, we are going to Jakarta, might be a server glitch which I’m sure is temporary. They’ve been known to happen, here and there…..Joe
Gordon McGregor says
+1 Vote for Joe McNally Australian Tour
Paul K says
I know this sounds like a broken record but Joe… Please come to Australia !