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Justin Van Leeuwen says
so much to see in this post – I wouldn’t have thought that gold trigrip was so far away. Just a hint of fill I guess – a kiss of light. Brilliant. Thanks again Joe.
Scott Slattery says
Looks like a blast! Can’t wait to get there for this Saturday!!!!
JayM says
Another inspired outing. I love the blue shot. And now see why I’ve never gotten it right: not using enough CTO to counteract the incandescent WB. Going to have to start going with 2 full cuts rather than 1 and a half.
Thanks again, Joe.
oliton says
Looks like lotsa fun !
Patrick Delany says
The space looks warm. Shorts look to be the optimal dress code. Looking forward to the fun on Sunday!
Joe McNally says
Definitely, definitely shorts….it’s been okay, but yesterday after that rain it got so humid I wished I was teaching a figure study class….:-)
Tim Skipper says
Looks great. It’s like your spawning a whole bunch of “little Joes”.
I haven’t been to one of your workshops, but I’ve read your books and watched your training videos on Kelby Training. This image was inspired by one of your lessons
Thanks for teaching
轩 says
æ¥è‡ªä¸å›½ï¼Œå…³æ³¨æ‚¨å¥½é•¿æ—¶é—´äº†ï¼Œä½ 的书我都有,ç»å¸¸åœ¨é˜…读,åå¤çš„阅读。
From China, concerned about the Hello long time, your book I have, often in reading and repeated reading. The first message.
轩 says
English is not good, please forgive me!
Howard Haby says
Great colour in that second photograph! Excellent.
Paul Hodgson says
Hi Joe,
Thanks again for these posts…very informative.
Having a hooter (UK for nose) the size of a continent I’m curious if you would share what picture control you use in your cameras? You mentioned that these images are straight from camera and as I utilise ViewNX and NX2 and nef files, these pieces of software honour all your camera settings.
Hope you do answer.
Thanks again
Jason Lykins says
Hey Joe! Nice shots, nice workshops! We need some McNally love here in Cincinnati. Hell, we’ll even host at our studio if you want. 3000sqft to play in and do some shooting…
arun says
Would have loved to make it on one of these days – It was a blast the last time I was there.
Stay cool !!
Bill Bogle, Jr. says
Joe. Shorts, really, they look like capris on you. What legs! You should have worn the shorts when you had the workshop in January. As I recall, instead of looking for the light, we were looking for the heat. Still remember Andrew wrapped up in the rope, freezing with no shirt on.
Great shots, great space.
Wish I was there . . .
Bill Bogle, Jr.
Michael Wiesman says
Man, I wish I could be out there with everyone. I see lots of smiles on everyone’s face and know that everyone is having a great time and the atmosphere must be just as great.
“I wouldn’t have thought that gold trigrip was so far away. Just a hint of fill I guess – a kiss of light. Brilliant.” – Justin Van Leeuwen
If you look at the catch-lights in the first posted photo, you can see the reflection of the tri-grip and just about how much it is contributing to the exposure. Just a kiss, the right amount.
Bob DeChiara says
All readers of this blog have been spoiled this week with 3 posts! What’s the matter Joe not enough work and all this time to blog…When you coming back to Mass?
Girish says
Nice shots. The second one is real nice.
Thanks for sharing the tech specs.
jason harry says
not been on here for a while nice to see your posts are almost daily !!!
good to see, lots of people will make better images looking through your archives
best wishes…… venice seems soo long ago now …
Karl Staib - Work Happy Now says
Love that first picture. The lighting is perfect. And the smile just jumps out at you.
Will Foster says
Looks like Andrew is doing some sort of workout with those sb’s!