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Andrew says
Ugh, you’re killing me!!! I think you need to make a few stops up to Canada (Specifically Toronto area) and teach some workshops here. You have SO many fans up here that would love to learn from you.
David Kelly says
Hey Joe,
Where you goin’ with that (flash)gun in your hand?
…coming over here to old Blightly that’s what.
Really looking forward to seeing you in person at next week’s seminar over here in London, Joe. I’m sure it’ll be an amazing & fun day.
Take care,
Tim Skipper says
Awesome images. I especially love the second one of the Brittany, excellent mood to the photo.
I can’t say thank you enough for how you share information. It has given me courage to step out and shoot images with small flash that I never would have tried otherwise.
In fact this shot was created by using things I learned from you by using gels, color balance, and off camera flash.
Howard Haby says
Love the third photo and fourth photos, sticking the lights outside like that creates a great backdrop and mood in the photographs. Great work.
Gyula says
Great shots Joe!
The last one is my fav.
John Leonard says
Awesome; I can’t wait until the 28th!
Frank McPartland says
Guys! Amazing Workshop yesterday — thanks again for the almost 12 hours of teaching! (Lynn: Thanks for the amazing food and making the day run like clockwork!) Joe: thanks again for sharing your gift of teaching and for letting us watch you create _amazing_ pictures!
Frank McPartland
Jason D says
Uhhhhh Joe…….Question in the back…….
What’s a “V-flat”? and why do you use it with small flash?
Ian Pack says
Great stuff Joe. Looking forward the 24th in London.
Cheers, Ian
Scott Thomas says
If you are getting these right out of the camera. Mind sharing us your camera setup? Picture control settings and such. Thanks!
Edwin Mendoza says
I was great to be there to learn from you and see how these great images are made, I hope we can meet again.
God Bless you
Sathish Mantha says
Awesome! I love 2nd and last picture. Same question as Jason. Actually i did google quickly for V flats. Seems to be giant reflectors. I would be really helpful if you could tell us how you used them in the picture.
Please post reply soooooooooooooon!!!!
alim says
Great photos…love the quality of light in these images. Thanks for the continued inspiration…
Penny says
Can’t wait until the July31/Aug1 lighting seminar in Oregon! I am looking forward to meeting you and learning all you have to teach. I’m coming from Osoyoos, BC Canada. The drive along the coast should be so pretty, I can’t wait. Hopefully your state police down there don’t mind speeders 🙂
Patrick D. says
Save some energy for the 18th and the 28th! Looking forward to the fun!
Rocco Sellitto says
Looking forward to this weekend’s Workshop. Caught you at Adorama. Excited about having more time to watch the “process”.
joshi daniel says
the lighting is so awesome in the first image 😀
Glenn G says
Great workshop Joe and a pleasure meeting you. Big crew, lot’s of talent – everything first class. The workshop delivered beyond expectations.
Girish says
Nice photographs.
Like the second and 3rd.
Tom says
Finest Workshop I’ve ever attended.
At my age, and long time passion for making photographs I’ve been to quite a number of workshops. I am lucky that every single one of them has been worth it and I’ve always walked away with something.
Two of these workshops have been Joe’s Basic Lighting workshop a couple of years ago and now, yesterday, the Advanced workshop. First I’d like to point out that if your a newbie to the workings of both small (speedlites, CLS etc.) and big flash (Studio and portable strobes) you really want his basic workshop first because it will make much more “Click” for you when you attend his Advanced workshop. You will follow along at a perfect pace then.
Next, the ratio of support staff was overwhelming. 1 Staff member to each 2 students leaves you wanting for nothing, having your questions answered or call for help responded to within moments if not seconds.
But what was very valuable to me personally was the “Click” factor. Joe has a way to plant the seed in my small little mind where it takes root and grows into something creative on my own. To me, that’s learning! You will take a lesson that Joe teaches and use it as a valuable basis for thinking though your own lighting setups, your own creative lighting and your own art. This I find very, very unique in an teacher. You are in fact not learning how to set up Joe’s sets but learning how to use lighting as art for your own work.
Finally the two hours that we split into teams, just 2 to a team and each team with a model, then switching. Member of your team have a question? Bam, staff right there. This is in addition to Joe walking though all the teams and their own studio setups checking on your progress and again, not telling you what to do but helping you learn.
Now, the truth. We won’t tell Joe but I really attend the workshops for the lovely Lynn. This is a woman that keeps the entire workshop running like clockwork, making sure each student is fed very well and working with the Models and Make up Artist to make sure that we have a very smooth set.
Not to mention she is the kindest human I may have ever met. But again, that’s between you and I.
Brian H. says
“new grid system for a small strip”
Please elaborate!