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I was wondering is that Caroline Dhavernas in the top photo? Sorry for the off-topic question but it’s haunting me ever since I saw the picture for the first time 😉
Keep up the great work, you are a major inspiration for me 😀
I really love the lighting for the two photos, especially for the last image.
You need to bring these workshops to Ireland Joe! I’d love to partake
I did this workshop in January last year. I cannot imagine a better workshop. It took my portraiture and lighting to a whole new level. Joe is incredible teacher and motivator. Sign up as fast as you can.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
The first photo is really interesting, the second photograph has the magical light that always relishing.
I would love to go to one of your workshops, but I live in Arkansas. You should come to Little Rock, Fort Smith, Fayetteville, or Tulsa, OK sometime Joe! Love your work!
Count me in again too. I’ve gone for the last year and a half on multiple days and I learn something new everyday I’m there.
Mark Astmann aka “William Holden”
Great news. Hope one day I can travel over there and attend these workshops.
Nice shots but the way. The second one of the boxer is lit very nicely.
For those of you that are on the West Coast and can’t swing the trip to New York there is still a few more spots in the 2-Day Lighting Intensive Workshop that Joe will be teaching in Portland, Oregon. This workshop would be similar to attending the “regular” and “advanced” workshop and will cover lots of information in a short period of time (hence intensive).
For more details about that workshop and to register checkout
9 days in a row, 9to6; Joe, you are even more crazy than I thought!
More wonderful language of light. I’ve been working through your Kelby training films and it’s a fantastic source of knowledge. I hope to get over to the US for one of your workshops but right now I’m really looking forward to your Kelby training in London next month. Please keep the UK in the future Kelby Training calendar.
Keep up the amazing work, you inspire so many of us to do what some think isn’t possible.
See you in London.
Joe, I’ll be in Vegas, can’t wait to meet you! 🙂
Joe, How about coming to San Antonio to do one of your workshops. I bet I could put it together through the local photography groups.
Joe –
This news made my day / summer! Registered for both classes the day I got word (Thanks Lynn)! Need the refresher and inspiration! The 2nd course sounds really interesting. I’ll be there with whatever ramshackle rig I can get hooked up.
July in Dobbs! Yea! Joe & company ROCK!
Oh, don’t fret the F word… It’s a reflection of passion for creativity and teaching. 😉
Hey Joe, When you coming to Canada?
Hope plenty of this when you come to Islington London for the day Joe!
I think that after all that hard work you need to take a bit of time out Joe. How about that trip to New Zealand now? The ski fields are open and the mountains look fantastic. So many great places for you to shoot.
And maybe while you’re down this way you could show us Kiwi’s some of your fantastic lighting skills…
Looking forward to meeting you in London on 23rd July.
Cheers, Ian
Hello McNally. I am a huge fan of your work and your passion for photography. I have watched several of your videos from Kelby Training and I have always drawn my inspiration for photography from the way you add drama to a photography by using different light shaping tools and speedlights. I was wondering if you would consider doing a lighting workshop here in San Diego, Ca. I know you were just here for the Nikon Summit but I would really love and be honored if you would do one of your lighting workshops?
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