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Frans says
Shot in the middle of the street… Awesome!!!
Tim Engle says
Just read the article today.
Love the bar image!
Mark says
Wow, the pics and the video are just brilliant. I’ve watched it 5x.
Christina says
Great shots!
stephen says
Love the videos. Hope you’ll post more like this!
Rob Byron says
Beautiful model. Very cool video! Very, very cool.
Vince Carmichel says
Insert fanboy comment here.
Jerry Balloch says
Love the on-the-hoof zebra crossing shots, tight.
Larry Smith says
Really Cool!
quicoto says
Nice vÃdeo, I love the making off like this.
Gerry Walden says
Great to watch you working on the video. Thanks so much for posting.
Stephen says
Brilliant! As usual…
XTofDuran says
Wooow great pics and many thanks to Louis Pang for the BTS video !!
Richard Hales says
Great stuff, you stopped the traffic, literally!
Jarek says
Very fast and great work ! The last one in (62 page) is super !!! Yes, Yes Yes !!!
hfng says
Super cool! I also love a woman with a cleavage 😉
Stephen Nesbitt says
Gorgeous. You get all the hard jobs don’t you Joe!
I love this format of showing off your pictures. Gives a real sense of how the day flowed.
Howard Haby says
Awesome, very cool.
MaryAnn says
Great shots!!!
Antoine says
Once again, thanks for sharing. Great inspiration.
Bob DeChiara says
Great stuff guys!
willie fagan says
Hey – a ‘woman with a cleaver’ ?
Gimme a woman with CLEAVAGE anyday instead.
Still – great story!
cheers from Australia.
Pam says
Absolutely Amazing!! Why can’t I do this? (Hmmm … maybe if I steal the other Joe from the alternate universe … ?)
Love the video music (Jet, Snap Your Fingers). Anybody know where I can get that song? Can’t find it anywhere. Thx!
Kent Weakley says
Wow. Love the locations and the spontaneity. Great work, as usual Joe!
johnwaire | photo says
very cool video…and great imaging. curious how big of a crowd you atracted…
Ben Wong says
Nice, Joe, holding up traffic so you can get your shot ;-)!
Mark says
Wonderful job and inspiring as always. . . makes it very difficult to stay at the day job when I see shots and scenes like this. . Nikonian strobist to my death!!!
Jason says
Well, if not love at least show deferential respect to her! Nice narrative and shots (as always)…
Idzuan Rosli says
Wow.. you shoot on the middle of busy Petaling Street road. Really admire you. Great stuff!!!
Cynthia Farr-Weinfeld says
Great shots, Joe! Loved the video too–It’s so cool to see how you work–that was pretty minimalist lighting for you, huh? You are such an inspiration! Cindy
TripleScoop says
U r Brilliant!
craig says
more cleaver… more cleaver!
Louis Pang says
Wow…I made it on your blog and American Photo! What a day. It was pure joy to work with you and Drew. To all the readers out there, these guys are truly as nice in person as they are on this blog. Can’t wait to have you in our country again next year!
Mihai T says
This is excellent. Who said UWA lenses are not good for portraits? (need to try this myself).
Do you do anything to correct the UWA distortion?
Theis Poulsen says
What the large softbox used in the street ??
Looks way bigger than my lastolite….
Nice inspiration gotta go pick up the magazine now 🙂
Michael White says
Awesome job as always, Joe 🙂 I agree with the others too, I would love to see more of these behind the scene snipit videos as well. It’s amazing what you can learn in just a few minutes of observation. 🙂
Vladimir says
Joe you’re a maniac! Love the crosswalk shoot. Pop pop pop, now run run run!
Glyn Dewis says
Hey Joe & Drew,
Superb shots and a great accompanying video!
The Ezybox and Tri Grip Reflector…fantastic combo and as always you prove that it doesn’t have to take the most expensive kit to make the most amazing light.
Thanks for sharing,
All the best to you,
Masden says
Dont like the shots, but love the practice !
Ken Toney says
Joe, you got it made dude.
Johan Sopiee says
oh man! AWESOME!!!!
Nics says
AMAZING! I really need to pick up a copy of this magazine for the article.
Girish says
Thanks for another great post and all the setup and tech specs information. Another thanks for the video as well.
Great photographs
Simon says
Looking forward to seeing if the magazine makes it onto our shelves… Chicken Rice in Petaling Street will never be the same. Great shots Joe (and video Louis…) – and all this after sharing so much with us all in KL. Excellent…
macxter says
Salut joe !
Excellent !! j’adore !!
C’est bien d’avoir mis une vidéo 🙂 mais c’est pas assez long…
More info setup please on another movie 🙂
mikeyiso says
A quote from the movie coming to america…”that boy good.” lol. You’re the man Joe.
Ravi says
I can’t come up with one location where Joe cannot shoot! This man is amazing.
colorado wedding photographer, JasonG says
Great shots! Love the lighting – love how you were able to keep her the focus even though the backgrounds were bustling and busy.
David says
Glad to see you posted this up on the blog. Enjoyed seeing it Denver as well!
Chris Biele says
Sweet! You literally stopped traffic.
Gerald Lim says
Sweet post! awesome pics ! love the picture was having coffee while the model was standing next to him !
Frans says
Hope there’s workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia. Malaysia so near to Indonesia, yet so far.
Abhijit Bhatlekar says
Great Video, great shoot. Can you please put up a PDF of the pages..?? CAnt really read the stuff, you know..!!
Ban_D says
Nice post and amazing pictures!
Thijs says
He Joe i was wondering if you wil post bigger pictures of the article? Really want to read it!
karl bratby says
Beautiful model, great shots, well done.
LGreen says
pictures of the beautiful model in the street are “fantastico”!!
Matt says
What song is that?
Pam says
Matt, that’s Jet – Snap your fingers. Been looking for an mp3 download. Can’t find it anywhere. Pls let me know if you do. Thx!
Thomas Lester says
That was great! Thanks for that!
David Solo says
Ok…. if no body else is gonna say it… ” I like a woman who can handle a big chopper!”
Ariff says
Awesome shot…. I love Petaling Street….
Clayton Songer says
Nice to view an amount of relevant info.I honestly hate Blogs operating ad,your blog can be something we can describe an exclusive blog designed to provide Information. Greetings
Michigan wedding photographer, Victoria Chris says
Beautiful shots love them