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Jo-Hanna Ho says
LOVE the Sheikh pic! How are the both Sheikhs doing?
Monte Stevens says
Wow, I love the last shot of the mosque. It just seems to me one of your workshops would be fun. Now, if I just had the extra money.
Dario says
Something seems very wrong from the photos… how hard is to shoot photos wearing a burqua I ask myself… first it sadden my day but then made me happy to live in the so called “old” Europe.
Thinking and asking question after all is a good thing even when we doesn’t like what we see.
It should have been a great workshop!
FedkaTheConvict says
Seems like an Omni-Bounce is requisite equipment in Abu Dhabi.
Ban_D says
amazing shots again – especially love the last one!
Bill Van Loo says
The “Cool Kholloud” portrait is just stunning. Perfect light, beautiful subject.
Rolandave Bola says
As always, awesome shots Joe! I envy those people who got to attend and participate in your workshops. I wish I was there too. 🙂
Ken Toney says
Sheikh Numnuts, thanks for posting these photos. I was wondering if you would put up more. I bet you guys had a hilarius time!
stephen says
amazing. period. the last shot is so killer, especially with the one walking person right in between the doorway!
Christina Wehbe says
Hello Sheik McNally. I love the new photos. gosh I love your blog!
hfng says
Just amazing.
Cyndy says
Cool Kholloud portrait is absolutely beautiful! Lighting is gorgeous and what a beautiful woman.
Rob Lamping says
Love the colors in the thirst and last picture. Simply beautifull. Looks like a great place for photography. Specially if you haven’t been there (yet)…
Sathish says
both Sheikhs are looking very handsome in the traditional outfit! 😛
Barbara Thorbjörnsson says
Beautiful portrait in black. Your work is moody which, to me, means it is alive.
Stephanie Wales says
AMAZING. Hoping to shoot with you when you come to NH in the Fall 😉
Johan Sopiee says
Ya Sheikh Numnuts and Sheikh Drew of the Desert, I just love this entry!! you guys are sooo much fun! we had lots of fun when you were here in Malaysia. come back soon!!
RobinC says
In the off camera TTL Group shot there is a strange black halo around some of the people/flashes – is this from in-camera/post processing or just the contrast on my screen?
I loved the Sheikh Numnuts too.
(Was watching the shootout video from GPP earlier today)
David Difuntorum says
Dude, I’m deeply and sincerely happy for you! Good for you that you’re living a life of adventure and art. Yeah it can be challenging sometimes and adventure has a grit-in-your-teeth quality to it that you can’t really explain or get away from but it sure is worth it.
Looking forward to your seminar on Wednesday in Philly!
God bless you, man. 🙂
Howard Haby says
As mentioned above, I too am a fan of the Sheikh Duo. Great photos, great entry. I anxiously wait for every blog entry you make. Great work, so envious of your travel adventures as of late.
Eva says
Dear Joe!
Thanx for this report. It was wonderful experience to meet you and to work with you even for those few moments.
I wish you all the best!
Siddharth Jain says
Mr McNally, Greetings. Your Pics Are Beautiful As Always. I Personally Liked “Mariam Bouncing Light” For Its Simplicity And The Combination Of Black Of The Burqa And The Outline Of The Equipment. Also Kholloud And The Mosque.
Girish says
Hi Joe,
It’s always good to read from you.
The Sheikh numnuts shots looks real fun.
It’s great to see so many people from various part of the world taking such interest in Photography. Even with the weil, like the Suha shot.
Flipping in desert shot is my favorite.
Keep it up and belated Happy Easter.
Hadi says
I wish I were there. The last time I attended in one of your workshop was at Jacob Jawits’, NY, 2008. I spend a couple of months in Emirates taking photographs. I’ve put some of them in my site I’ll be happy if you send me some comments, if you could spare some time. I’m sure you’ve taken some very nice photos in Abu Dhabi and Dubai and you will show them up sometimes in future.
Mike Neale says
Culture diffusion at it’s best,…thank you for sharing!
Joe says
Amazing pictures! If you’re ever bored, I’d be very, very interested in your lighting/camera setup for the “Flipping the Desert” shot.
Steve Burns says
Sheikh Numnuts: Thanks for the post, interesting to say the least. “Mariam bouncing light.” A new form of lawn tennis?
One question, that shirt with the breeze collar you’re wearing, do you know where can they be had state side perhaps. I love’em and to date have been buying regular dress shirts and having the collar removed. Sure beats having to wear a tie. ;-}
fred says
What a pity You were in my city and I did not know…. 🙁 are you coming back next year ? could you announce it before ? would be great.
Bader Al Nomani says
Dear Sheikh McNally
Thank you for the great work you have done for the workshop.
it was wonderful time, learning and working with you.
you are the Prince of Light.
All the best
Jay Mann says
Joe, Definitely agree with the statement, “Travel is the graduate school of life”. Can I use the quote on my webpage? Credit to you, of course
Living overseas must be the Post Doctural. Been living it for 10 years, Southeast Asia and the Middle East, everyday is an adventure.
Kat Speyer says
Love it! Gorgeous photos and looks like quite the fun crew.
Yazeed says
Bravo Joe Bravo..!
when different cultures encounter for the sake of learning..
get a little bit of tan , grow a mustache Joe 🙂
Good Luck
GH Q says
WOW just wow what a wonderful work amazing really amazing, Kholloud’s photo is gorgeous a beautiful model and talented photographer 😉 .
great work guys
Joe I WILL SEE YOU next year @ GPP
John Van Boxtel says
Sheikh MnNally, “Prince of Light” – I love it!
Cynthia Farr-Weinfeld says
Amazing photos, Joe! Great post! And I love the photo of the two Sheiks! Cindy
Wolfgang says
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun there! Oh, and I also love the portrait, the mosque shot, and – last not least – the two Sheiks 🙂
antonio mercurio says
Really stunning works, a dream to be there !!!
Shua says
Dear Joe,
Thanks for the great workshop. we learned a lot from you.
you were such a good teacher and its nice to meet you and learn from you
note : you spelled my name wrongly 🙁 its Shua not Suha 🙁
Take Care..
Thanks again ^_^
philipp (pbv) says
“Suha frames a shot” is my favorite, really a great shot! Thanks!
John Batdorff says
Love the mosque shot….
Ahmed says
Sheikh NumNuts, great post (as usual), stunning photos (we got used to that too :-))))
Serioulsy, you know what are you doing? you are being a human being, bypassing the nasty stereo-types about people in that great part of the world
Man, You are bringing people together… You are a great value to humanity… seriously
omar alzaabi says
to see joe mcnally on the internet and meet him is totally different world
it was a great opportunity to meet and to learn from the legendary joe mcnally
thanks alot for you and for ADACH to make a dream come true
best regads
omar alzaabi
Dennis Pike says
HA HA HA HA HA HA Sheikh Numnuts
hasi says
Great shots! Wish the workshops were in a country where I would be allowed to travel. Any chance of ever having one in Israel?
Skip Barber says
So Joe, do we now have to address you as “sheik, or is “your highness” still enough?
Great photos as usual.
Kent Weakley says
A little different than Photoshop World 🙂
ancymonPL says
great photos, as usual 😉 fliping in the desert is my favourite one…
Clint Bittenbinder says
Your amazing. your grip and setup photos are better then my on purpose photos. thanks for the continued inspiration!
Eric Matchko says
LOL!! “Travel is the graduate school of life…” More true words have never been spoken! Absolutely love the Sheikh Numnuts and Sheikh Drew shot. One of the best shots I’ve seen of you two – gave me a great laugh today!! Happy travels; safe returns!!
Dwayne D.C. Tucker II says
Twice in the last month!!! Crazy! But I love it and I wish it was me haha!!! Great shot of you and Drew there that made me laugh amazing shots once again!
Nassau, Bahamas | Miami, Fl
Sighh Soon 🙁
Yooo tell Drew I am back in Bahamas for the weekend! Aunts funeral but when that’s all done I am going to get some good shots around the island.
alex says
Mariam bouncing light has got to be one of the most interesting photos I’ve seen all year. I know it was a behind the scenes shot, but living in the states, we never see women dress like this.
jane says
Love the shot in the desert. That is amazing.
Rashad says
Dear Sheikh McNally (Prince of light)
I was so happy to be in the workshop
I proud to be one of your students and i will keep learning from you every day in my life
hope to do meet u again
All the best
sean chandler says
I’d love to know how you got the shot of the woman wearing glasses (close-up) without seeing a reflection of the flash in her glasses
Omar Ibrahim says
It was a great pleasure to see and observe a great photographer like yourself first hand.
I you didn’t remember me, I am the guy who almost made you you missed the flight from Abu Dhabi:)
PS. I am sending you a bill for the ruined car top of my 4 wheeler you climbed on to shoot in the desert:)
Cheers to you and to Drew
Joe McNally says
A great pleasure back, Omar…you are a very fine photographer, and both Drew and I really appreciate the doors you opened for us. And I appreciate the roof of your car! many thanks!
Carl Licari says
Oh if father O’Malley could see you in that garb!
Maitha Bint Khalid says
I hoped to join the workshop , but I didnt have the chance.
But it was a great pleasure to attend “Learn to Light Intensive Seminar” and “portfolio review” I was really happy to meet a great photographer like you.
Thank you very much
Best regrads
Adhba almubarak says
dear Joe,
it was really a great pleasure to meet u and 2 learn the concept of flash photography !!
hope will meet again
best of luck
Ludovic says
Amazing pictures.
Louis Pang says
I love the two Sheikhs! I will get you some Malay outfit in your next trip to Malaysia!
Waleed Al-Abbas says
Dear Joe,
Thanks a lot for the workshop and the flash skills that you tout us during the workshop.
I enjoyed the workshop very much and enjoyed the fun we had! The whole group was amazing.
It ‘s my owner to be your student.
My thanks also go to Drew for his support and help.
Many Thanks and all the best.
Drew Gurian says
Thanks a lot Waleed, and stay in touch!
Kholloud says
Thaaaaaaaaaank you for everything being an amazing mentor, role model, friend and father figure … hope to see you so sOon … oh for old time sake “fist pump”
Kholloud says
Thaaaaaaaaaank you for everything being an amazing mentor, role model, friend and father figure … hope to see you so sOon … oh for old time sake “fist bump”
Jijan says
love all your work..!!! great work.
Dawn Spinella says
Love the jumping, action shots. You capture both strength and beauty in the same moment!