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Naqib/Qippy says
Nice pics Joe.I cant wait for my shoot in Dubai/Abu Dhabi this May…!
david says
Hey Joe (sounds like the intro to a song . . .)
Rick is one scary looking dude. Wouldn’t want to be locked up where he has the keys. 🙂 Great face nevertheless.
Scott says
FYI – bad link on the Santa Fe Workshops – it currently points to Joey L’s web page. Or maybe this is intentional!
Richard Hales says
Love the photo of rick. Any particular reason why you used a ring-flash for the fill?
Ken Toney says
Joe, hey dude you fit so well the other 4 guys from Bubai.(need to get out in the sun)
Glyn Dewis says
Hey Joe,
Sounds like it non-stop at the moment, but then saying that it always seems like it’s non-stop with you…lol
Really like the shot of Rick up to; is the Ray Flash something you’re adding to the mix more often nowadays or was it just a case of playing and seeing what comes of it? Great shot either way.
Look forward to seeing more of what you’ve been up to lately,
Take care out there,
ps> Lovin’ your latest class on Kelby Training!
Boston Wedding Photographer says
Looks great. You almost look photoshopped in that fourth photo.
Jim says
When I read your posts, sometimes I wonder if you really realize just how fortunate you are as so many people that read your blog wish they were as talented and lucky as you are.
Charlie says
Great stuff as always. keep up the good work.
santi says
im sorry i wasnt able to make it!! i was shooting state basketball games.. all the time thinking of the images that were being made..
Omari Stephens says
Like a lot of other folks, I really like the photo of Rick. The expression and the dangling cigarette are perfect. You always talk about defining the space, and this is a great example of how well it can work. Thanks
Lorri E says
“The fellow on the docks was very simple, straightforward-Lastolite Tri-grip diffuser and an SB900.”
I have really got to take one of your lighting classes because I want those type of shots to be ‘straightforward’ for me!
ric woods says
great pics, you have a good repore with your subjects for sure
Barbara Thorbjörnsson says
I relly like the portrait of Rick. I feel as though I know him by just looking at it. It tells his story or perhaps, I am being presumptuous.
Dan says
I was surprised to see Rick’s picture on your blog, but then I realized it meant you were probably teaching here in Santa Fe.
Here’s my shot of him:
I would love to explore that place with you and watch you work in there.
Reem Al Marri says
Dear Joe,
I attended your workshop in GPP Dubai, and was honored to get your autograph on your book… im a female UAE national you wants to be a good photographer someday… ill be in Abu Dhabi’s workshop to learn from you! thank you for coming to the UAE to inspire young photographers around the world!