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K Hemmick says
hmmmm, at first I thought she was kneeling, not jumping. You stopped her.
K Hemmick says
They are Wee knees.
Craig Ferguson (@cfimages) says
Wish someone (ie me) had have figured out Canon flashes before the workshops in Malaysia. 🙂
Ken Toney says
Joe, I’ve got 4 900’s and thats not enough! I need one or two more. 10 years ago I would have thought that was the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.
Greg says
Where’s numnuts?
Glyn Dewis says
Hi Joe,
Thanks for the post; worrying thing is thought that I didn’t need to click on the link to know who’s knees the first picture was showing…lol
Great info re the white seamless; especially using the silver reflective.
Enjoy the remaining time over in Dubai and if not before I, I’ll see you there next year.
All the best to you and yours,
Meng Soon says
Wow Joe ! Imagine with a few speedlight and of course … good technique … can produce such awesome picture ! Keep it up ! 😀
Matt Timmons says
Hi Joe,
I was wondering if there is a benefit to using small flash for these kinds of shots? I mean it’s still about a seven-thousand dollar setup there. Is it for compact travel benefit? Regular strobes would seem to be the way to go cost-wise for this shot (only need 2 or 3). I know someone could light just about anything with enough small flash (space telescope, etc) but most photogs carry one or two flashes.
I’m just curious if I’m missing something (other than a couple of brain cells so forgive me if it’s something really obvious) as I don’t use small flash, just a sh*t-ton of large strobes.
Cheers, -Matt
Dave says
One…two…three…four…five…six…seven(!!??) SB-900s.
Thomas says
I’ve been doing a ton of those shoots with my kids. They jump from my shoulder down on our bed. I use a remote trigger and angles. It’s something fun to do together 😉
I’m never really satisfied with them – the lag of context (just like your), from shadows or similar, makes it very, very important that they have a “jumping/flying” posture. So I try to keep a bit of a shadow, like these two:
(shot with three small flashs)
BTW: I was at the Strobist seminar in London December 2008. It was cold. He was in shorts.
Lesley Gracie says
Hi Joe,did you have to add black flags on either side of the model
to stop flare from the bg? We’ve been doing a similar set up at
college in the studio with elinchrom lights, then using shots in Photoshop class for pentool practice.
Richard Hales says
Thats a lot of SB900s, wouldn’t have been easier to use a couple of big studio flashes?
Robin C says
Could they be St David HoBEES KNEES?
(Sorry I couldn’t resist…)
Very jealous of all the folks at GPP
Radu says
He didn’t figure out Canon flashes 🙂 He used RadioPoppers.
Some interesting articles there. Thanks.
Brent Pennington says
Thanks for posting this one! The info on doing white BG shots with Speedlights is going to be very useful! I’ve messed around with this before but could never get it quite right – I guess because was using 4 Speedlights instead of 7!
I’ll have to see about borrowing some, as I’d really like to give this a try.
joe mcnally says
Hey Gang….yep, using some bigger flashes would certainly work, and would perhaps be easier, and also more cost efficient. thing was, the teaching I was doing that day involved small flash. That’s what the audience was interested in exploring, so we stuck with it, and started with one hot shoe flash attached to the camera and just built a bunch of solutions from there.
leslie, surprisingly, we didn’t need any black flags or cutters. I was worried about flare when we started, but it wasn’t a problem. Did put some gaffer tape on the camera side of the dome diffusers to play it safe….Best, Joe
Norbert D. says
Hi there,
Yeah, it wasn’t too hard to guess the owner of the knees… :-)))
But one thing is missing in your diagram – the numnuts. WHere’s he?!?
Enjoyed this post as any other on your blog. Keep up the good work, Joe!
Justin Van Leeuwen says
Me likey! I just got a 3×3 lastolite panel to couple with my quadra set – feeling good to put it through it’s paces and this is the kind of inspiration I need!
Johann says
Greg, I thought the same thing.
Joe, are you at least getting a free room for product placement? Thanks for the tip.
Mike Clemons says
Hey Joe… never seen a whole pic of David in big boy britches.
btw… did you forgot to put where numnuts was in the drawing? That’s the fun part.. where in the world is numnuts.. a new blog game!
Norm Cooper says
Joe’s there…
David Hobbit is there in PANTS (what! that venue must have a dress code, or was it the rain?!
and where’s Zack with “ONE” LIGHT!
and here is Syl in action with his own Trident-o-speedlights!
Linda Brinckerhoff says
Hey Joe – where is Numnutz in the diagram?
Waiting for you in Santa Fe for DLWS.
Bring your coat. It’s cold here.
Marvin says
I was in that seminar and I, together with other participants, was totally blown away. Joe, where’s that picture you took where the other model (sorry, forgot her name) sat on the auditorium’s stairs and you lit her up so beautifully WE blurted “WOW!!!” in perfect unison? It was an amazing, amazing experience. I think I learned more in that 4 hours you spent talking to us than in my 2 years of reading, practicing, attending other workshops, etc. Thank you for your time here in Dubai/GPP. I hope we see you again next year. You’re my hero.
Girish says
Thanks Joe for the setup. Very helpful.
That photograph looks wonderful.
Dennis Pike says
I didn’t know David Hobby owned pants… he had to rent them, didn’t he?
Calvin says
Damn…. we was at the same time in Dubai:-)))))
I was teaching there a clas sin photography and photoshop.
But have to leave Dubai on March 3rd
Maybe i will get another Chance to meet you
Kepp on going Joe
lg Calvin
Vineet Modi says
Hi Joe,
I had a great time at GPP this year! Definitely worth coming all the way from India. Will definitely register in advance next time for your bootcamp as this year the seats were full.. but I really enjoyed your lighting seminar where you took that shot of Alessia.. She’s a wonderful dancer.
Don’t forget to check out the awesome shots of mine David Hobby clicked in his ‘Lighting In Layers’ class.. he just nuked me with 8 flashes from all sides and it was just mind-blowing! But more fun would be to see him wearing long pants, which I definitely missed 🙂
See you next year.
stephen says
lol @ the reference to Hobby always wearing shorts 😛
matt haines says
I did a similar ‘hot white’ shoot a couple of weeks ago, and I lit the white seamless in the same way…although perhaps last decade’s version. Three SB-28s (because that’s all I had) set at 1/2 power, and a Metz Mecablitz 60 set at something less than 1/2 power. Upper and lower, cross lit, just like you’re doing. So it’s definitely doable with low-power strobes.
I saved the Alien Bees for the main light and fill.
And I see I’m not the only one who immediately thought “David Hobby” when seeing those legs.
Coach Online Outlet says
your ideas are very special,I support you.I think you must be a clever i want to know you.
Rick Wayland says
hi,fantastic pants in your post,I love that beautiful pants,I need to find one for me,bill
ugg says
wa,I thought it was enjoyable at best.Very good have nothing to say.