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Joe!!! Are you in SF for the Photoshop 20th?????
You have a knack for finding ballerinas everywhere! Now let’s see some reportage from the Tenderloin, eh?
Give Nick’s Crispy Tacos my regards.
What a beautiful portrait. I love the softness of the light and the playfulness of Ariel’s pose. Rock on!
Dependable fog, that’s what we San Franciscans get even when we don’t want it. Lovely spot you found Joe. Looks familiar. Presidio? Lands End? Drew looks extremely enthusiastic. Is that in his job description? Excited about tonight’s Photoshop 20. Am one of the lucky ticket holders.
mmmm I love the fog. Love love the ballerina in the woods. Great Juxtaposition. Are these (the ballerinas) a personal project?
I had someone telling me you have all the time in the world when it comes to landscapes.
I just laughed and said “is that right?”
Well, that’s ninety bucks’ worth of Gaynor Mindens in the bin…
…meanwhile, with all the other stuff you make Drew schlep around, you haven’t added a fog machine to the road kit?
Very cool compositoon there and I can see a very familiar assistant too 🙂 , hopefully can see you guys again in the next workshop in KL God Willingly
what can I say man .. magnificent once again and really a motivator (for me of course!). Cheers Joe.
Hey Joe,
Come to Seattle we get Fog 367 days a year. 🙂 Well maybe not 367, but 70-80% chance. There is certain areas that get it so bad you can’t see 10ft ahead. Lower Snoqualmie Valley.
Having lived in SF I also appreciate the fog. This is a really beautiful shot! Where are these woods?
“Shoot what you love” – I take it you love ballerinas. So do I. Fab photo Joe. Love your work.
Beautiful Joe. It looks like it’s out of Neverland.
Great inspiring blog post. Thank you for sharing.
Great shot, the light, the rich green and a ballerina, what could go wrong? Ah, is that poison ivy you are standing in?
We actually do have a fogger- but it ain’t the easiest thing to travel with.
Yes, Joe, I know how grumpy one is after a sunrise shoot. I was all packed up and leaving for a shoot at 5 a.m. this to shoot some Bank Execs at 7:30 this morning. Everything was made better by a stop at O’Rourke’s Diner (Middletown, CT) for a Polish Omelet.
Is that an Elinchrom strip?
Likewise on the morning shoot hunger!
Beautiful soft light that matches the softness of the fog in the background. Nicely done.
Fog is easy.
I usually just reverse my old diesel engined car into the woods and rev like hell for 15 minutes.
Got some great images of angry farmers with shotguns using this method.
Never seen a ballerina yet though.
Poor Drew, being listed with the rest of the equipment.
Beautiful shots though…
Great shots (nice and interesting concept with a ballerina in the forest!) – lucky to have fog almost on demand 😀
Hi Drew,
At first I was wondering how could the Quadra adapter support the weight of such a large modifier. Then I realized it’s actually the EL-Strip (13×69″) indirect light that has it’s own support and the Quadra head is just mounted inside it.
Is my guess correct?
This probably makes the modifier bag heavier than the Quadra kit bag 😉
Looking forward to meeting you and Joe in Dubai next week!
Thanks, I’m learning a lot with each entry on your blog.
Okay, I like this shot. Dependable fog,hmm…I like that shot. The fill light on the right makes it look more natural actually. 🙂
Fog. . . the beautiful, elusive fog. . .
As a photographer you are always capturing light, but when you are able to also capture atmosphere you have real magic.
@Radu – I believe you are correct – it appears to be the EL Strip.
@Joe – Curious as to why you chose that specific modifier… any thoughts? I assume the vertical strip to provide the even light over her body vs a large square or 53″ octa. Would more spill have made that much difference? Or what would your second choice have been for those that drool over and are without the ELs.
… and can you bring some ballerinas to Santa Fe DLWS? 🙂
Wow Joe!!! That location is breathtaking! I’m such a sucker for ivy covered anything lol.I like the fact your lighting is rather simple & not a big ol production…
Great job as always!! That’s one I would definatly hang on my wall.
We don’t get fog in my neck of the woods often, so if I need it I have to break out the fog machine! Glad you were able to redeem the day ” the image got away”!
I could go out there for 45 days and that would be the clear 45.
Ah fog, recently during winter in Pune, early morning I have seen some real nice fog. Enjoyed it totally. I wish I had traveled to a nearby hill station 🙂
Love to see more shots of the shoot, if possible for you to post it.
Great read and thanks for sharing the setup.
Lovely how fog can be used to create mood and atmosphere.
Where DO all these lovely ballerinas come from, Joe? I love this shot–if she were wearing a red hooded cape, this image couldn’t look more fairytale-esque or haunting. Very, very nice! Was this one just for you, or on assignment? Nice!
Joe, you are a smooth talker. Getting Ariel to show up dressed like that in chilly weather. You could have bought her breakfast.
k, now I want to see a Ballerina/fog shot of her discreetly exiting Porta-potty at aforementioned construction site. (Same pose and expression would be perfect.)
Great shot!
The fog makes for a great pic. I never got the chance to thank you for the (deserved ass chewing) advise you gave me from your vast knowledge at the portfolio review in Vegas. When you said senior pictures I though wtf do I want old people shots for; DUH! Now working on Seniors and yes weddings. Portraits stupid!!!
Thanks again, Chuck
Joe- great work.. I am always so so impressed. The link is the fog we get in our area.. 20 miles east of Seattle.
Not sure if this will come through.
Very very nice. A picture IS worth a thousand words.
Radu and Brian-
Yup, it’s the Elinchrom’s strip light…indirect light source, meaning that like the large Octa, the flash head mounts inside the softbox, and therefore doesn’t need to bear the weight of it.
We still travel with a bunch of light shapers, but the lights themselves are SO much lighter than Ranger packs, and pretty damn versatile!
See you in Dubai!
Damn that fog, but it makes for great atmosphere…nice!
Love the soft feel of the light bank. Amazing how the ground doesn’t catch any hotspot. Thanks for sharing how you lit this scene. Your blog is my daily education and inspiration!
Joe, that image is so beautiful it almost brings a tear to my eye.
Every picture I see on your blog is an inspiration to me. If I was even just half as good as you are awesome, I would be much better. I learn from every post you have and I just wanted to say thank you for blogging.
Lovely photo. Muir Woods might be another great location…
Your love for shooting (ballet) dancers shines here Joe. Great one, shot the Carnavale in Venice last week but no fog there unfortunately. Fog is great, as is that Elinchrom wonder of light !
I live in SF, and I love the fog. So glad you’re a fellow fog lover. Far too many people here say negative and dismissive things about it, but to my mind, there’s not much else that’s prettier.
Joe you’re such an inspiration. Any way of setting up a meet with you next time you’re in the SF area?
lisa’s diner? what, no cracker barrel?
well done Drew & Joe. Did you guys tried to use Deep Octa with Quadra’s yet? 😉 Any insights?
you gotta love those Quadra’s, great shot Joe..
Fog AKA mist is one of my favorite things in which to photograph. Ariel, in the fog, is beautiful!!!! I am learning so much reading your blog. Thank you!
Nice! Bet the bkfast was awesome too. I’m hungry now! Bkfast would definitely ease the grumps.
i love these, they’re so beautiful and memorable. totally just gave me inspiration.