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jumpthesnark says
I needed that laugh. Thanks, Joe. And I hope 2010 is a happy and healthy one for you and your family.
alviseni says
haha, for sure. that seems a wise comeback.
i will not get cocky then.
happy new year.
J. Kiely Jr. says
It’s already 2010 in Australia. For some strange reason I hardly consider you a “sinner” with a camera.
The fact that you share so much of yourself overrides pretty much everything else.
Thanks for all the inspiration via your perspiration!
Dustin Diaz says
Yep. Just a few more hours to go. It’s so not over 🙂 HNY!
Jim Frazier says
HYN to you too. It’s been an enjoyable year reading your stuff.
Filipe M. says
Happy New Year, Mr. Numnuts! 🙂
Stephen says
Happy New Year to you too Joe. Discovered you and your work this year and hope to see more in Twenty Ten. Have a good one 😉
– Steve
Wayne Hutchinson says
Happy New Year to you too Joe, Your tutorials have been an inspiration for me, time to work on my own dream instead working for others, 2010 I’m going for it full on.
Teymur Madjderey (icedsoul photography) says
all the best for you joe!!! enjoyed all you posts and the workshop and cant wait for more in 2010!!! happy new year!!!
Robert Byron says
Few hours left but happy new year anyways.
Raul Lamoso says
Happy New year for you, my friend.
I wish that 2010 brings to you all you wish.
Best Regards
Gary Muth says
” Happy New Year’s ! ” …thanks, Joe
Chris Roberts says
Happy New Year to you too! and a big thanks for these very entertaining pages.
Fortunatas says
Happy New Year, Joe! You’ve been an ispiration for me in 2009. Thanks a lot!
Dave McLane says
All the best for 2010, the Year of the Tiger!
Moh'd Marhoon says
I wish to take the opportunity of wishing you all a very very happy and prosperous 2010. Hope this new year brings lots of happiness, joy and satisfaction to you and all your family members.
Jim White says
Happy New Year Joe! I’m hoping that this year I’ll be able to attend one of your workshops . . Looking forward to more great work from you in 2010!
Sam says
That’s a great story.
Nathaniel Rosa says
Happy new year to you too Joe,
Keep inspiring 🙂
John A. says
Happy New Year Joe!
aparmley says
I discovered you and your work via DH over at early last year, bought your book, TMIC, and met you on your book tour when you stopped over in St. Louis. Here’s to a happy/healthy 2010! Cheers!
Sid and Michelle Monroe says
Best wishes for 2010, and we look forward to seeing you in Santa Fe!
paly says
Happy New Year!
nir pengas says
happy new year to our small community. wishing you all a healthy and happy year.
hugs from snowy nyc.
Brian Burke says
That sounds like something my father would have said.
I have learned a lot from your books and blog this year. Thanks for sharing, showing and teaching. All the best to you in 2010.
Charles Carstensen says
Thanks, and looking forward to 2010.
Roar Lochar Ramberg says
Happy New Year! Have a great celebration and I’ll see you in a few months at the NAPP Photo Safari! 😀
Jerry Courvoisier says
All the best to you and ann in the new year!
Any new year’s resolutions?
Pedro Cunha says
Thanks for all the lessons (on photography and lufe), laughs and inspiration in 2009 ! I wish an incredible 2010 for you and your loved ones.
Mark R says
Thanks for feeding this blog with goodies in 2009.
Happy New Year Joe! a Happy, Healthy and Healthy year!
Ricaro Alaniz says
Feliz Año Nuevo!!! thanks for all Joe! i had learned so many things form you 😛 looking foward to see more of your work and learning more form it ! cheers from Mexico
Mark Holloway says
Thanks for your books, your blog, your insights, and the laughs. You have made a positive impact in my life. I wish you and family a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010.
Best regards,
Richard Cave says
Happy New Year Mungo,
Look forward to meeting up with you,
John Leonard says
Happy New Years!
Jon Bierma says
Happy New Year!
Next year will bring more great pic for all of us.
Thanks Joe
Bill McCarroll says
Thanks for your humor and willingness to share Joe. Looking forward to following you in 2010!
john fowler says
Still a few hours left here as well – but time to offer a sincere thank you for the most generous help over the past year. My mantra remains: “what would Joe do in this situation?” It works most every time.
Very best wishes for a successful and very happy New Year to you, Annie and all you family.
Jon T says
Happy New Year Joe, and all fellow followers of your enjoyable, and generous, scribbling.
Brian Struble says
Happy New Year, Joe:
Keep it coming…
Ihor says
..and God said “Let there be Joe!”….and there was Light!
SKJ says
I am going to donate some of my karma because you already share so much!
Abhijit Bhatlekar says
Wish you a very Happy New Year, dear Joe.
Eduardo Mena -COSTA RICA says
Thanks Joe. I fuiste engreÃdo o no?. Siempre disfruto sus ocurrencias. Estoy ansioso por conocer tus pecados!!!
Gabriel Bonino says
Best wishes to you Joe, and keep on running taken and producing your best.
from spain.
Jason Kaye says
Hau’oli Makahiki Hou!
At the heart of the image says
Happy new year from Amsterdam. I ordered the “Hot shoe diaries” which is expected to arrive tomorrow. Not a bad way to start the new year i guess. Happy shooting in 2010!
Michal Pstrucha says
Dear Joe, I bought the Diaries on 31st Dec
and spent the whole night reading it…
Almost forgot to celebrate New Year’s!
All the best in 2010!
Louis Pang says
LOL! Don’t get too cocky!
Arefel says
Happy New Year, Joe! You continue to be an inspiration! Thanks for all the great stuff you shared with us in 2009.
Bob DeChiara says
And a happy New Year to you too! Thanks for all the wonderful posts. Looking foward to man more in 2010!
Robert says
Happy New Year to you and your family Joe.
Ken says
Good morning Joe,
Man, that Catholic and Jewish guilt really has you by the ba…..
Ken in KY
Dick says
Hi Joe,
Thanks for the numerous inspirations in 2009. May all your F- stops be little ones in the new year. Cheers !
Kenny Smith says
Thanks, Joe, for sharing all the great information.
Glyn Dewis says
Happy New Year to you Joe and thanks for sharing during 2009.
Best wishes to you and yours,
Bob Noeth says
All the best to you and your family for the new year Joe!
Thanks for sharing you wisdom. Waiting for Dobbs Ferry 2010! -Bob
flounderman says
You so crazy. Hmm photographic sins sounds interesting. Mine is Nikon gluttony.
Chris Gray says
Happy New Years to you and yours. Thanks for giving us a great and inspirational 2009.
Look forward to what you will serve up in 2010.
Billy Mitchell says
What new year???
Tomasz says
WÅ‚aÅ›nie skoÅ„czyÅ‚em czytac “Uchwycic moment” i biorÄ™ siÄ™ teraz drugÄ… Pana książkÄ™. Podziwiam zdjÄ™cia i życzÄ™ Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 2010! Książki też sÄ… cool! 😉
George DeLoache says
Happy New Year Joe,
Your style and artistry is an inspiration. As I looked at your 1979 calendar I remembered my daughter, born in 1979. As a photographers daughter she has been subject to the lens for her entire life and takes it in stride. She’s thirty now and I just stuck her in front of the lens to model for a project I was shooting for FJ Westcott. All the best in this coming year.
Mike Neale says
Another day closer to death,…let’s make it count!…..;-)
Happy New Year!
Happy new year to you and wish you beautiful pics
Bruce Philpott says
Thanks for freeing me from the studio, Joe! My background is studio photography. Now with a DSLR in hand and your location lighting techniques, I can control (modify) the light nearly anywhere with a minimum of gear. All the best in 2010. I hope our paths cross again this year!
Rory says
Hi Joe. Thank you for the inspiration, advice and support that your blog has offered through the year. I am sure there are a ton of us faceless names who are immensely grateful to you for the ways you’ve improved our photography.
Hope 2010 is full of good things and amazing surprises for yourself and your loved ones.
Keep the posts and the wit flowing freely.
Lewis Coward says
Have a brilliant 2010 … your blogs, comments and books have been great … look forward to more! Thanks
Karen B says
Many thanks go back to you, Joe, for sharing your work along with your wit. Looking forward to many more blogisms to come in 2010. Always a pleasure to view your posts.
Happy New Year to you and your family,
ric woods says
I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for a great read. ric
Jay Rodriguez says
Happy New Year Joe… many blessings to you and yours!
BTW, Tell Nigel that Timmy & Basura send their meows!
Kevin Blackburn says
Happy New Year Joe I can’t wait to read this coming sins of 09 post I am working on mine now..The list just keeps getting longer and longer and longer!!!! Many Bleassings to you and yours. Kevin and Crew
Simon says
Happy New Year to you & yours too Joe. Thanks for your blog – it always contains something to make you think, something to make you laugh and more often than not something inspirational.
Thanks Joe.
Chris @ Brighton Photographic says
Happy new year Joe, I appreciate all the informative blogs you’ve done this year. Happy 2010!
Chris @ Brighton Photographic
Joe Arthur says
Happy new year Joe!
Adam says
Joe – you been the greatest inspiration over this year and I’m realy greatfull for this!
Have a fruitful new year.
Evan Spellman says
Happy New Year, thanks for sharing your insights and expertise.
all the best in 2010
Alex Rodriguez says
Happy New Year!
Many blessings for 2010!
Elizabeth Gower says
Thanks, as always.
The Headshot Truck says
The Headshot Truck is an all-inclusive, mobile photography studio where actors, professionals, and entertainers can get their headshots done.
Every detail of The Headshot Truck experience, from start to finish, has been tailored to the needs of the actors we are here to serve. Our team of experts aboard each truck includes a makeup artist, wardrobe consultant and a photographer. Rain or shine, come hell or high water, our goal is to enable and empower every actor to produce a solid set of headshots, without breaking the bank or wasting time, so they can move on to other things, like say, focusing on auditions, acting classes and agent meetings.