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Stuart Carter says
What did I do? I got knackered shooting two sessions. Need to get me some stamina!
The book is still on my ‘dropping heavy hints to family members’ list!
Love your blogs and little stories, Joe… keep it up!
jeremy mayhew says
Sister mary was just giving you tough love 🙂 This book is an invaluable refrence for me not only in my photography, but also how i think of my career and myself as a photographer. its ok to doubt myself, and its ok to be a little frustrated when i only have 12 seconds to do someones photo, now i feel normal when before i didn’t know how to feel.
So thanks for that Joe, thanks for writing a book(s) that makes me a better photographer in my brain, as well as a better person.
Dan Milham says
Shot more pictures of my granddaughter…lost count months ago. Also watched the Saints stay unbeaten, barely.
Squeeker says
What did I do? Nothing as exciting as what you do…. but I hope it is someday for sure! =) I helped a friend with a shoot for a local cover band. Here’s a shot I snagged real quick at the end of the shoot before the band had to leave:
And here’s the shot my friend got:
Sarah Kavanaugh says
AF reserve weekend. Counting down to retirement….
john jackson says
Congrats on the book it and your seminars have been a great inspiration. I spent the day hanging of the back of a mule(off road vehicle not mammal) shooting rolling shots of cars that wouldnt run lol
David says
I was part of Help-Portrait in Toronto on Saturday
Linda Brinckerhoff says
What did I do?
Santa Claus (aka Grandad Brinck) came to town to visit my first grandaughter Robyn (6 mos). I heard he will visit new grandaughter Leah (5 days old) today. Ain’t nuttin better than grandchildren!
BTW, Sorry I didn’t let you know since I thought you were up on all this, but I saw “Hot Shoe Diaries” on a TOP 10 List for best photography books online. I will try to track down the source for you.
Debs says
Bought myself another Nikon body & a Sea & Sea underwater housing to go with it!
Love The Moment it Clicks – read it (and Hot Shoe Diaries) regularly. Am always plugging them to friends/fellow togs too!
S. Allman says
I shot 12 portrait sessions at two sites on Saturday for help-portraits. We collectively had 111 people come through before 10am at the first site! Like you, I was beat Sunday and decided to just lay low and do some blogging about it. It was rewarding – partially because I got some great shots too. This was my second photography related event this year and I intend to do more next year.
Robin Cook says
What did I do this weekend? I got rained/sleeted out of 3 shoots BUT I did have a fantastic shoot in my garage in 35 degree weather with some precious bulldogs!! Here’s one of the shots
Francois Meehan says
We had a fair bit of snow lately in the Montreal region, so I took advantage of it, went in the field with the dog, it got wet:
Mark Holloway says
Some have even referred to you as a God, Joe.
JayM says:
on December 11, 2009 at 6:18 pm
Joe, you’re a God.
Hmm, wonder who that was?
Eric Politzer says
Congrats Joe! Will you get a “Hotter One” for Hot Shoes Diaries?
This weekend: tried desperately to get a full audience shot at the SF Symphony from behind the orchestra with the house lights down at two concerts. crawled away thinking “who the heck are you trying to fool here?!?!?!”
Kevin Blackburn says
We did the Help-Portrait thing it was great
Rob Byron says
Joe, trust me. The book should absolutely be listed as a “Hot One. It’s just that good. The only “hot one” I ever had was a fart and, trust me, it wasn’t good for anyone.
This weekend? Did the Help Portrait thing. Good times!
Frank Burch says
Busy week for me. Monday I attended a PhotoShop seminar with Dave Cross. Flew to Mumbai,India on Wednesday and returned to Phoenix on Saturday. Picked up a new Wacom tablet over the weekend.
Paul says
I shot a family whose parents were celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary. Maybe not an exciting photo shoot, but we had some great conversations.
Dave Prelosky says
It came to me in a flash of enlightenment that the cast would come off my broken wrist today and I’d better round up the stuff I’ve loaned and refresh the camera batteries so I can get back in the saddle tomorrow. Six weeks off has been no joy..
Andrei says
It is great book indeed! Thank you for sharing your expertise, you are a generous man. I’ve learnt a lot from it.
Now I am going through Hot Shoe Diary. For a Canon user the Diary may seem to be written in cryptic language. It makes it even more intereseting to decypher all the Nikon clan secrets.
David Schlier says
Help-portrait in the AM Sat (which was pretty cool), a cat shoot and then sang in a concert Sat evening. And another Sunday afternoon.
I have ‘The Moment It Clicks’ and hopefully will get ‘The Hot Shoe Diaries’ for Christmas! Good chance, considering I bought it for my wife to wrap for me…
Bob Harrington says
Ran a quickie four hour on-camera flash workshop at my friend’s studio here in CT. Then spent time processing: the bane of the digital photographer.
Patrick Delany says
Shot the 2009 Santa Speedo Run in Boston with several Bokonians on Saturday. What a hoot (and a lot of fun)!
Boston Photographer | MWynne says
Congratulations on the recognition from Professional Photographer!
Carol Lundeen says
Tried to put a holiday hat on my black and white cat. Imagine that.
nickyQ says
Wonderful weekend,i just want to stay at home and sleepã€watch movie
Chris Davis Cina says
You are a “Hot One” Joe. I told Andy I’d leave him in a second for you. The best I get is listening to a voice message on my answering machine that says, “Hi Andy. This is just Joe McNally.” JUST Joe McNally!!!!! Swoon. Faint.
I listen to it over and over. (perhaps I should take more pictures and spend less time reading your blog)
You deserve the “Hot One” title – that’s the BEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN!
jakob says
Love that book! Have a gr8 weekend!
Evan Spellman says
I’m gettin it soon, saw it before and should have could have kinda thing but didn’t going to now though.
Moose Peterson really raves about it big time.
PS thanks for the video’s on Nikon’s website to do with Strobe’s and color. you know the 2 one’s in the western Bar scene and the one with the Dancers.
Great stuff really informative.
Back to the book, thanks for doing it and happy it’s Hot Stuff !
Best in 2010
Laura Dickinson says
Congrats on being the “Hot One”!!! Woo hoo!
My 6th grade teacher, also named Sister Mary Regina, taught us how to sing and read Latin music, but called us all dummies too. My piano teacher, Sister Mary Ruth used to whack my hand with a ruler when I missed a key. My 1st grade teacher Sister Mary Zita used to put me on the dunce chair with the gum I was chewing on my nose. My 2nd grade teacher used to tell us kids, “I’m going to squash your head into a grease-spot!” My 3rd grade teacher used to throw erasers at us (the large white ones). It’s a wonder I’m not locked up now.
Ron Scholefield says
I signed up for your workshop, Let There Be Light, in Kuala Lumpur, for
6 February. (That’s what I’ll be doing on that weekend.)
Warm regards,
Hong Kong
randy baran says
st. ansel and the nine zones! you guys are sick! loved it!