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Danny North says
Sweet photo, big fan of yours from the UK here.
Love the use of the blue gels.
Are you ever going to come to the UK to teach some courses?
Ron Mandsager says
Great stuff, Joe – as always!!! And I agree w/ RC – a cartoon book of ‘Numnuts’ as an eBook would be out of this world! š
Marc Durocher says
I don’t usually work with an assistant, but if I did, I could see the Channel / Group shirts would be really handy for any VAL’s (Voice activated Lightstands)!! Then you know which flash is on which group/channel just by looking at the shirt of the person holding the light!
Lyndon Smith says
Thanks for these last 2 posts. I really appreciate seeing the various options you give the photo editors.
Love the slow shutter zoom shot from yesterday… Warp speed Zulu..Beam me up Scotty…oh yeah!
Jonathan Martinez says
I love the details and set up diagram. Very imformative and you did an awesome job.
Dan Milham says
RE: Moose; Kind of depends on who’s giving the bird. Laurie Excell has posted some wonderful shots from the Bosque on her blog.
stephen says
What kinda birds are you talking about there, Joe? š
Lenard says
Lewis Coward says
Simply brilliant Joe .. the diagrams as Jonathan says are so useful. Cheers
Jack Thompson says
Love this, copied it down in my flash recipe binder!!!! As Lewis said, these diagrams are very usefull, and humorous (numnuts!!!!).
Joel Bischoff says
Joe, love the images… but what’s up with the first one (guy pointing) where the center screens look like one big screen. In the second photo, the screens all appear to be square. Did something happen with the printing where they needed to cut out the middle and piece it together? Just wondering whats missing.
Josh Siegel says
I think I am going to get those shirts for my brothers kids and my kids. Make it easier to refer to them by groups and channels..
Mike Neale says
Ok, Joe,…we are impressed,…perhaps the best written explanation to “Image Statement” and “Goal seeking” in Art that we have ever read. Brilliantly stated.
Also, well done, Drew, with the montage movie,…thanks and “Holy Shit!”,……;-))
JayM says
Joe, you’re a God.
Matthew says
As an amateur photographer, I enjoy reading you blog and books very much and I am always impressed by your way of lighting things, but as a full-time scientist I am rather not.
This is, because you may have inspired our companies PR guys a little too much – during the last visit of a photographer in our molecular biology lab, he began to turn off the light and illuminated everything with fancy colors. After our bonny technician pipetted dyed water from one microcentrifuge tube to another for twenty minutes, I think got what he wanted. But let’s face it – nobody seriously works in such an environment, which is for understandable reasons normally lit up by fluorescent lamps.
So although your work in the first instance is art, maybe the next time you also consider the aspect, that you help to generate a wrong impression of how scientists work. If you don’t become too fancy with your ideas, this helps a lot.
Kent Wedding Photographer says
Lighting the ground is a key point most of us would probably not think about normally…. information like this is why I read this blog!
Bob DeChiara says
Joe, your sketches are a true work of art!
Trevor says
Wooohoo!!! Numnuts is back!!….thanks Joe…got the whole picture of the set-up now.. =D. Great work again!!
BĆĀ¶rje EnsgĆĀ„rd says
Hi there!
Love your work. What app. are you using on the iPhone to get those extraordinary artworks?
Best Regards
BĆĀ¶rje EnsgĆĀ„rd says
Sorry my Bad
Brian Laurent says
Joe, thanks for sharing your insights. I’m confused by this about the CLS system: You say the head on the SB-900 commander was pointed up to bounce the signal off the ceiling to the slaves, but I thought the signal wasn’t light, but IR from the face of the SB. And also, doesn’t the little red eye on the sides of the slaves need to be facing the signal? My SB-800s seem to be very sensitive to the angle and direction of the commander signal (I usually use a SU-800) unless I’m in a tiny room. Thanks if you can help me better understand the limitations and possibilities of CLS.
Bob Guercio says
Hi All,
This is Michelle’s dad speaking.
It seems like yesterday, 31 years ago, that Joe gave us this 1979 calendar for Christmas. Joe could not have picked a more personal gift for Kathy and myself, especially considering that to say that hours went into it’s preparation would be way off the mark. My guess would be that Joe spent several weeks working on that project so the gift was truly heartfelt! Thanks again Joe.
I’m sure glad that Kathy didn’t put that calendar on the bulletin board in the kitchen to use as our scheduler. It would have been a mess with the usual scrawl marks, crossed out dates and the usual writing wherever room could be found. We used a hallmark calendar for that!
In any case, one final comment in passing! Where have 31 years gone!!
Roxann Fabro says
Talk to your vet. This is a tough decision. I made a difficult decision when the cat I adopted from a shelter developed a blockage a few months after I got him. He was a barn cat and ate junk dry food all his life before I got him. As much as I hate Science Diet foods, I put him on the prescription diet to prevent it from happening again. He has not had another blockage and it’s been 3 years. I personally don’t like the choices available out there for cats with this problem right now.