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Chris says
Cute fan clogging moggy!
Just finished one of your books this week,(small flash) great stuff – Thanks 🙂 Great info, thanks for sharing.
Rusty Bryant says
Those pictures are hilarious.
caroline says
Pete, our beagle mix, seems to have figured out that I need the mouse to get any work done. When he’s needing attention, he just keeps head-butting my mouse hand until he gets it.
Michael S. says
HA…yeah, dats one needy lil’ cat! LOL!
Colleen says
My cat (needing some attention) sat on my “option” button and changed the contrast on the monitor. It took a call to Apple support to get it figured out.
Tyson H. says
LOL Joe, one of our cats does the same thing!!! They sure can make them selves 10 lbs heavier and 10″ longer when they need to can’t they?!
Nigel is so cool and regal though, thanks for sharing. Have an awesome Holiday!
Barbara Louise says
Cuteness! My dog Piper does the same thing… only it’s a little different when it’s a 75lb Rotty/lab/chow mix, and I have my wireless keyboard on my lap on the bed.. Her big ol’ head plops right down on my fingers…
Have a great day !
Jack Rigby says
Mookie tried of his computer pretty fast too.
Keep em coming
Mike Rose says
Hmm. This is a fairly clear explanation for why I used to get hives and wheezing whenever I worked on your laptop back in the LIFE days… 🙂
Les Doerfler says
Knowing how Scott Kelby operates, my guess is that the visit was actually planned to discuss a book deal with Nigel.
The Catbox Chronicles anyone?
Ken Wilder says
After looking at all those McNally self portraits on Kelby’s blog, I’m beginning to wonder if too much exposure to multiple SBs isn’t doing some severe damage. And I just took that lighting seminar, too. Hmmmmmm.
Francois Meehan says
Nice pic! My cat is snobbing my work on the Macbook 🙁
Bob DeChiara says
That darn cat!
Looking forward to the “camera stuff”.
Mike Neale says
Ah, Nigel,…”the other white meat”!,…..;-))
Rikk says
So, who actually owns copyright? Scott’s camera-your finger press…
art meripol says
Henry (the dog) knows when the luggage comes out that it’s time to retreat into a blue funk. But when I come home, he’s ecstatic. The world is a better place but no matter how tired, i have to play immediately. Not too bad a deal for me. But for Barbara, when I’m gone, he goes deaf to all commands. Joy’s of pets and travel.
Emon Hassan says
Looks like Nigel is keeping up with Scott’s blog! 🙂
Sven says
Finally a blog post of yours where I can say “been there, done that” 😉 Except that our’s is called Ronsu. But the habits are the same.
Greetings from Finland.
James says
Joe, for an experienced photographer, you sure did this cat picture all wrong. First off, you need to drop your shutter speed to at least 1/8 second, preferably 1/4 second, or even 1/2. Secondly, you need to introduce the photo by telling us you’re testing your brand new $2500 lens and $4500 body. Thirdly, you need to ask us if something is wrong with your gear because the picture is blurry. And to think you wrote a book…
Rory Laubscher says
Hey, be thankful for the small blessings. At least Nigel isn’t a Rottweiler!
John London says
Know what you mean. I have a kitty that parks himself on my laptop, because it is nice and warm. And, of all things he falls asleep. At least Nigel is awake and paying attention.
Lind Kennedy says
Can empathize big time, this post is being typed one handed with the other hand holding back a ginger cat with attitude!
flounderman says
Hey Joe, did you copyright those photo’s you took of yourself with Scott’s camera?
Carol Lundeen says
How do you manage the cat hair in the office, Joe?