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Charles Verghese says
All the best…Malaysia is a lovely place.
Can’t wait 2 c what u come back with
Craig Ferguson (@cfimages) says
Very tempting. Malaysia is only a 4 hour flight for me. It’d be much easier if you’d come to Taiwan though. 🙂
Louis says
Craig: a great opportunity to experience another part of Asia! Come to KL! We roll out the red carpet for you!
Vincenzo Pistritto says
Joe! Come to canada! We just had chase jarvis up in toronto. You should have seen all the free beer coming his way. Well maybe after Malaysia you can make a pit stop in the great white north!
Hope to see you soon!
Paul Alers says
Enjoy!! BTW my sister in law is the Ambassador’s secretary at the U.S. Embassy there.
JP Sevillano says
It was a pleasure meeting you on the seminar here in NY. Love your work and made me look at lighting in a whole different way.
Not only an amazing photographer but great instructor…
Ken Wilder says
Twas a great Kelby Tour day in NYC. The lighting stuff was great and more flexible than I imagined, but the best lesson was how to think on our feet when we know it isn’t working just right.
“Been there,” but haven’t always “done that.”
Nanda says
Come to Singapore Joe! It’s worth the 1 hour flight down.
Christopher Romano says
Hey Joe, as someone who was at the NYC seminar, I just wanted to say I had an absolute blast. It left me with tons of great information to wrap my head around and try for myself, and was bigger and better than I thought it would be. I’m glad you posted that executive shot of Trent; when I saw it I instantly thought “that is fantastic,” and it was in my opinion, the best shot of the day. Thanks again, and I know I’ll be there again next year or whenever you’re around these parts again.
mike bernardo says
That NYC seminar was really awesome! It’s quite amazing what one could learn in a day just watching you do your thing.
Trent and Martina were great sports too!
Steve Feratovic says
Hey Joe, The seminar was amazing, two for one!! you get great standup comedy and a fantastic lesson in lighting, big and small. It was a great seminar, I thought it was better then any other seminar I have attended. I love the fact you did a step by step photo shoot, adjusting as you went along. No light meter! I just saved my self at least $200 buckaroos! and I have more money to spend on more important equipment.. the Trent photo that’s posted here AWESOME! if I remember correctly the suit photo was one before the collar stay was put in, lol great photos. Art directors in NY, gotta love em! Great show Joe! P.S. thanks for taking my photo, I felt like a star for 20 minutes. see you guys again till next time.
Andrei says
Joe, How do you get the images straight onto screen? Is it wireless from the camera? It’d be sure encouraging for us to see your clunkers until you get the final product. I’ve been working on off camera ETTL with groups and such. I shot Canon and have been trying things from your books. Great work, I must say. Very inspiring.
amr hegazi says
Joe, I have bee to Malaysia several times, it is quite an impressive country, photogs, are very gifted, as matter of fact the whole country appears to be in photography, looking forward to read your impressions.
SUzaidee says
I’m glad you heading to Malaysia Joe… Can’t wait to meet you in person… Have a great trip
arthur says
Go East young man, go east! Good luck, Joe, wish I could go too.
Boney says
Wow! This is great news!!
David Solo says
Hi Joe, I really enjoyed the seminar in New York and took away lots of great tips for lighting. I live in scotland so it was quite a long trip! You arent “just” a great photographer you are also a great teacher! Thanks for signing my copy of the redshoe diaries for me.
Chris says
Pretty cool, I see that he recently posted some pix from a D3s and the new 70-200. Should be some awesome pictures coming out of your workshop as you two ‘boys w/ their toys’ work those new bad boys.
Barrie says
Great you are coming to Malaysia – I am based in Bangkok and would have happily made the short flight to attend your workshops – unfortunately I will be in Venice preparing to shoot the Carnivale at that time – what a pity!
By the way, I loved your Venice work a few months ago. Best wishes for the trip – try to make it to the island in southern Thailand for a few days R&R.
eulee says
Hey Joe, any chance that you might swing by Singapore? I’m sure many people would love to meet you here! Me included.
Craig Ferguson (@cfimages) says
Well I made the plunge and booked for the first of the one day intensives. Now to find some flights and a hotel.
Ijamp says
Wow! Pretty awsome Joe! Sure you’ll make your fan screaming here. Welcome to Malaysia.
Low Bi Hong says
Hey Joe.
Waiting for you workshop in Asia for a long time. Currently studying in Japan. But I already booked a sit for the workshop in Malaysia. Looking forward to it. Welcome to my home country and hope you like it there 🙂
Dwayne D.C. Tucker II says
800 people!!! After college I reallllyyy have to come to a tour with you can’t wait!! Maybe this summer..or if you ever stop in Bahamas I will fly back home my flight is 35 mins from here in Miami..but we will meet some day.
Your Photography Friend,
Dwayne D.C. Tucker II
Nassau, Bahamas / Miami, FL
Daniel says
How about a detour south to Australia on your way home?
Would only take a couple of days to organise workshops in three of the major cities.
Come on, you know you want to….
jakob says
Hey Joe Im still waiting for a small workshop here in Berne, capitol city of switzerland. Hope yr doing great!
Cheers jakob:)
Pulung Aldila says
see you there at february Joe
ckucin says
I’m your big fan.. Truly excited when I read your blog about your upcoming to Malaysia. Hope to meet you here in Malaysia.
fozan malaysia.. says
Welcome to Malaysia Joe… 🙂
Jeff Revell says
I just got back from teaching a class in Malaysia a couple of weeks ago. Great city, great people. It’s amazing how many people there shoot weddings. Seems like everyone that owns a DSLR has gotten in on the act, which also makes it hard for anyone to make a living at it. Enjoy your trip.
Zafer says
@Joe: Finally, someone worth listening to is coming to town. I can’t wait. Now, I have to
save up to attend. I hope it’s going to be affordable for a regular joe like me to get tickets/access.
@Jeff: There are thousands of photogs of every size, ambition and skill here in town. When you say that everyone and his uncle with SLR has gotten into wedding photography – I can say that most of them are just into their first year of photography, no idea how to “read” the light and what’s worst – no idea how to run a photography business.
The point of being a wedding photographer here in Malaysia is to make money (admittedly, just like everywhere else) but here, it’s just for making a quick buck. The industry is booming but at the same time a lot of photographers are making less and less Ringgit with every wedding. And I hope Joe would touch on that topic too.
Zafer says
Well, the clinic’s all sold out – it’s lights out for me.
Have fun in Malaysia.
Chris Fam says
I will be attending Joe’s seminar in KL! Yeah!!
it’s worth 4 hours of driving from the state of Johore up to KL!
KLBO says
Have fun is Malaysia, maybe someday I’ll get a chance to join one of your work shops.
Johan Sopiee says
i will be attending the Monday Workshop and Saturday Seminar. can’t wait to meet you in person Joe!
and thanks for bringing Joe to Malaysia Louis.. you Rock!
Lukasz says
Love this post!
Edinor Yaziz says
See you there Joe! 😛
All of my colleague went bonkers when i told them you’re coming here. Seriously, I wont let this one slide. Owh, Louis Pang promised a hug if I attend too HAHA! Now thats a great deal 😛
Zulhatfi Aziz says
Joe.. i’m really keen to learn from you as i’m from malaysia. Hope to see you soon. Will attend this. 🙂