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David Shaw says
I could of sworn the lyrics were: “Noodly empanada, Noodly empanada, li li la la la lo, Early morning singing song.”
Marco says
Really and how many did this? You must have been rolling on the ground laughing. Did you maintain a straight face whn offering this strategy????? But seriously thanks I needed a good laugh to start this Monday morning.
Ranger 9 says
Thanks, I always wondered what those lyrics were. Now I just have to get the dratted song out of my head…
Matt C says
Love this shot!
Rod says
kent says
cool photo joe! i’m a sucker for anything silhouette.
i like how the clouds in the right corner of the frame look like spirits flying off towards heaven. Very etheral.
Nooby abba naba!!
Aloha from hawaii
Lewis W says
So, that’s where the term “one in a million” comes from.
Jim White says
Beautiful silhouette of the shooters in the foreground and sunrise Joe! I’m going to have to make a trip to this place! Thanks for sharing the post . . amazing work as always!
Tom Peterson says
Only problem with the shot is that it has 35 people in it. Guess that wide angle just wasn’t wide enough to get the other two hundred standing there. Interesting to follow a traffic jam of cars up Cadillac Mountain at four in the morning, isn’t it.
Nice shot, as always.
Will Duris says
love your lyrics…
åŒè‰²çƒ says
so strong my dream
Hubert says
Been there just two weeks ago. It’s almost a spiritual moment to see the sunrise and warm the Earth inch by inch. too bad I chose the lazy way to get to the peak. Unfortunetlly i am too lazy and too sleepy to climb my way there.
Tim says
lol, great song and great shot – even though i suggest some cropping =) but i think tom peterson is right and you already cut the other 200 photogs out of the pic.
Otter says
…and I was so sure that the punchline would be Joe handing each of his shooters an SB-900 from his Army of Lightness and encouraging them to bathe the wack jobs in the blinding light of a thousand tiny suns.
Doug E. says
Joe –
I’m totally bummed I could not make it (call it damned depressed!)
But at least I’ve got a happy little song in my heart now.
Please give Mrs. Moose a hug and thank her for me – she went out of her way, above & beyond…
…Gonna’ go cry in my granola now… Maybe hug a tree.
Kevin says
Went there early, early, early one October sunrise morning only to climb into the brilliance of……. fog. Couldn’t see more than 4 feet in front of you. Lost the car, the wife, the hope, the dreams… went for breakfast and chalked it up to another misread chapter of life.
Went back and located the wife around 10am.
Bill Bogle Jr. says
I was atop Cadillac Mountain last June, and the fog was so thick I could have been at sea level. I kept looking for the animals that live up there, for everyone told me that I had to look for the Porcupines. Did you see these rodents when you were there, as I missed them.
For coffee deprivation, a stop at the Jordan Pond House for Popovers with blueberry perserves and strong tea is a pretty good remedy.
Wishing I was there – Have Fun!
Bill Bogle, Jr.
JD says
Used go there quite often when I was stationed at NAS Brunswick. Love the consecutive high idea!!
Jack says
I really like this shot of all the photographers. We spent a hazy late afternoon up there last summer. A great location, but there are lots of people and you are at the mercy of the weather. We decided to do sunrise the next morning at Rock Beach (unofficial name?) and were happy to of had the place all to ourselves.
David Hobby says
Sadly, Joe’s fill flash did not fire …
randy baran says
third line: are you missing one “lo”? haven’t thought about that song in awhile. other folks there might have thought “here comes the sun” (little darlings) but again, you nailed the perspective in your own excellent way.
Tom says
Good God! “May I take yer Goat’n hat?
Dr Lynn Ellis says
thanks for sharing all that you are Joe. I enjoy your zaininess so much, you are a REAL person, don’t ever lose that.
Tim Clark says
Good morning Joe (Passing the Coffee) wanted to ask a technical question or 2. How could you even think of wrestling with such a “Wide” angle lens such as Bob Krist? I mean heck he has you by a good …well you pounds. Secondly even though I shoot “That Other” world class camera would your Sante Fe workshop be mostly Models and light or location shooting? I am interested in that workshop and need to make decision. Models and light is what Bob thought but I am keen to both your ways and think it will be models on location with crazy light to play with.
Joe says
Love it def funny
Ken says
That contrail in the upper right. That’s me. I fly MD-11s and was on my way to London that morning. I waved, y’all didn’t.
jakob says
Awesome shot! I love it!
flounderman says
Bummer. Use to live there and did not know about this place. Will go back soon. Thanks
Michelle says
Thats a FANTASTIC photograph. You really pulled that one off good. You do GREAT WORK.!!
Congratulations on a “JOB WELL DONE”
Evycolorado says
BIG Quesiton – I wish you would “talk” to us out here about how you organize before a shoot and how you clean those lenses after salt water spray and those darn circular polarizers (if you are even using them.) I find the organizational side and the struggle with cleaning lenses in various weather, especially near the ocean, engages that forgotten side of the brain- the left side for organized, list-type thinking.
Seems obvious to you, but with all your travels, I’ll bet you have a few routines that keep things running smoothly for you. There is also the juggling of equipment- I have these lenses, but want to hike with only one lens, now a different bag…
You are creative…and apparently somewhat organized! Fabulous work, Joe.