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Jollence says
On top op a ladder, that pretty scary. You have no problem with that I think since you’ve been on top of one of the tallest building in the world.
fozan malaysia.. says
wow….i like this entry….
Zafer says
I wish I can afford a lesson with you. Any plans on coming to Malaysia? If you, get on the list of attendees, please!
john fowler says
Joe, I’ll bet THAT landscape talked to you?
Trey Ratcliff says
Great toe shot… fantastic idea there.
Hey, do you know what happened to Tom (of Tom & Jared – DWDMGUY ?) I know that you were in correspondence with him as well… and then the emails have kinda stopped and I was worried. (sorry I didn’t have your email here) – anyway let me know pls at tratcliff at gmail thx mate. – TR
jussi says
The end sounded like it came from Hartigans(?) (character played by bruce willis in sin ity)..Crap, I cant remember the lines, but thats just the I heard it..
Deb says
Okay – I SO want to get up on a ladded on the top of my hubby’s parents house in northern NM when we visit next month – thx –
Michael S. says
Looks like I missed an awesome workshop! Maybe some other time. (Hey, that landscape shot would look great in HDR…..LOLOLOL, just kiddin’!)
murat says
great job as always, mcnally…love the top-of-the-ladder-i-am-lightning-king bit 😉 think could survive without the lovely toes, though! 🙂
Chris Biele says
Great images. I really like the last one. If you squint it almost looks like he’s got nine toes!
Lou says
Damn Joe… num-nutz is right. So, was the couple on the balcony planted for the resort shot or was it serendipity? Thanks for sharing!
pjd_ampney says
Ahh thats where I’m going wrong, I ain’t got no fancy sandbags like you have.
Great perspective on both shots.
Lovin the blog
Mark A Higgins says
Joe, you are one crazy SOB! I thought I was the only nut to brake out a ladder where I could fall 100 feet. Nice to know I’m not the only crazy Irishman out there.
Sathish Mantha says
Awesome pictures and a very good management lesson too. “Anytime you can offer someone something with a bit of difference, you might be ahead of the game, just a little. 🙂 Thanks Joe!
Alex Campagna says
Mr. McNally, you should have a look into the “Photography for Real Estate” blog.
They do these kind of pictures all the time but instead of putting their life on the line using a wobbly ladder, they use some kind of big poles onto wich they attach their cameras. Some of them go up to like 25 feet. I even saw an attachment bracket that snaps onto the end of a swimming pool cleaning pole.
I understand it’s not the same as looking through the viewfinder, but I guess having a cable long enough and use Camera control Pro on a laptop, you could get a good result without killing yourself ! 🙂
But since you are my all time reference in photography, I’m sure you already know all that!
Anyway. Keep up the great work. You’re an invaluable source of inspiration.
Cindy Farr-Weinfeld says
Great entry Joe! Just when I think I do really crazy things as a photographer, you’re ALWAYS there to remind me that I’m really as tame as the day is long–getting up on a ladder on top of a peaked roof! I bow down in admiration to your genius, oh great one! Cindy
Pol says
The toe picture is really good, though it gives me a bit of the creeps…. just a little!
Jacob says
I absolutely love the image of the feet. It makes me want to be there. The color, DOF and light couldn’t have been better executed.
Bixby says
The feet shot is just flat-out beautiful….
Heinz Schmidt says
Wow that is brilliant! Are you looking for an assistant by any chance? Man, you really have inspired me I want commercial jobs like that. Studio portraits are soooo boring.
Think I’ll start taking on some different jobs. Just finished your book and want to get ‘Moment it clicks’ next.
All the best Joe.
cameron griffin says
you’ll go threw anything to get that picture =). Awesome shots!!!!!
Dwayne D.C. Tucker II says
I was like what the HELL is he doing on the top of that ladder! (Quite obvious but still..crazy man crazy man.) “Monkey see monkey do” Now you are making me going to try a 42′ ladder.
I love how you position the toes btw..created new ideas with lines for me…Still go back and look at it it’s really amazing Mr. McNally.
Dwayne D.C. Tucker II
T. C. Knight says
So, are the tree tops and brush as soft as they are pretty, when you fall off the ladder in to them? Or, did it hurt?
Mihailushka says
Eric says
Holy Cow! A rickety ol’ ladder like that would have made me mess myself. That one is tall.
marc silber says
Joe– dig your use of ladder–that’s why Ansel Adams had the custom roof rack on top of his Caddie — so he could get UP and get a whole different view of the world, that 6 feet plus tripod gave the world a different look…