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Tony says
As always Joe, I am mighty impressed with what and how you shoot.
And life looks pretty rough in that last picture in the water. Tough job, but someone has to do it, right?!
I must get to one of these workshops asap.
Michael Wiesman says
Awesome shot of the LBT Joe! Do I even dare ask for the lighting diagram on this one? haha. Can’t wait to see the rest of the images in the July issue.
Mike Palmer says
I would be stoked also!!
Dave Kallaway says
All I can say about the St Lucia experience is “heavy sigh”…wish I was there! How many of you who read Joe’s blog on a regular basis are saying that right now?? Love the pics…DK
Evan Travers says
The photo at the top is awe inspiring. Such commitment and effort can only lead to such a spectacular result. Well done!
Gregg says
Hot dang! I was wondering when you were gonna do a story on the telescope images. More please.
Billie Muller says
Those views! I am really having withdrawls from all this desert sand!
The telescope pic is fantastic Joe!
Graham McBride says
Wow Joe, we are all looking for the lighting set up!!! only joken what a amazon picture…
Eileen says
Great opening image – might have to buy that issue to see more. The St. Lucia workshop looks hot (in every sense). Me jealous. Hope to see lots more pictures from the island.
Marshall says
Um, I have great experience in holding things, and I like water. Soooo, I would be the perfect complement to your team in St. Lucia! Awesome stuff man, keep the inspiration coming.
James says
The only thing I can say is that when I looked at the pictures in the magazine I didn’t think about the lighting. I thought about the telescope.
you make it look easy.
Simon M. says
Very nice Location ; )
How do you call the shaft in the last picture?
The one, with the softbox on it.
Thx for answer.
Mark A Higgins says
way to work you ass off to get ‘the” shot
Lauren Holland says
What a wonderful job you have, Drew. Lucky man.
dave bingham says
AMAZING scope photo. Diagram PLEASE. it’s masterful work, especially for a self-proclaimed “numnuts”
Frank Burch says
Just read the Cosmic Vision article on my way home from Hong Kong. At first I was a little disappointed as I thought the article said “Comic” Vision and was expecting something humorous. I know…humor in NG, what was I thinking? Anyway, as an AZ resident, with a daughter at the University of Arizona, I ended up really enjoying the article. I haven’t visited the Mt. Graham International Observatory in years, but now I find myself wanting to return. Some of those shots were truly mesmerizing. Well done!
James Arendell says
Shame about the converging verticals though:-)
jenni says
the first photo is spectacular!!!love the pictures!great job…..
André says
I saw your photos in the new NatGeo. I dont need to say that they are fantastic, do I?
Keep the GREAT work!
I have one question. For editing photos, do you use nikon’s software? Or lightroom?
PS: I hope you understand the english I wrote, I’m portuguese.
Chris Biele says
Oh, please stop. If you post any more St. Lucia pics I will be forced to read your blog with my eyes closed… The beauty is killing me.
Dan Cooper says
Joe, totally amazing once again. I’d love to see some of the et up BTS shots, those are just as much fun to see. Great shooting.
Gregg says
You need like, “Helmet Cam”, like the extreme sports dudes have. Down hill moutain biking, snow boarding, BASE jumping…
Nat Geo photography…
Michael Erb says
I just got my NG issue the other day. Having just discovered your blog, and trying to learn flash photography myself, I looked at that picture of the telescope and wondered how Joe would light such a place. I guess next time I should read the photo credit!
Hans van de Vorst says
A day in the field is certainly better than a day in the office… I wonder if you ever see an office from the inside Joe. Btw thanks again for the workshop. I had a fabulous shoot for a client with an impressed art director. I’ll keep following lights. Cheers, Hans
ahmadzamri says
i’ve just got my july nat geo this morning. and im impressed with the cosmic pix. i dont know thts urs. its my habit to open ur blog everyday and today wht a suprise!!
great2..Im inspired by you!
fozan malaysia says
awesome shot….hehehe
Affiq Artisme says
Woahh…the last pic..
i never think to shoot dat way!!
at dat place!!
in that moment!! woaahhhh..
Barbara Bruckman says
I look forward to spending time perusing inside the yellow border every month and was WOWED this month with your photos and the article that accompanied them. It’s always nice to know what’s behind the scenes of your beautiful, mysterious images.
Curtis Copeland says
WOW! Great work on lighting up the telescope Joe. My wife and I went on our honeymoon at St Lucia. What a beautiful island. We stayed at Ladera. Awesome!
Marc says
I agree with the previous comments… awesome photo of the LBT.
So seriously… what kind – and how many – flash units did you use? How does one know how much power will be needed to light such a telescope?
It’s a pity that you don’t have any snapshots (or video) of the setup, like you did with the “change a light bulb” story. But I guess that would have extended the time beyond 2 a.m. …
Great work, as always!
Malinda Hartong says
As far as the helmet cam suggestion, how about getting a Flip Mino HD with 1 hr of recording time, in addition to the helmet/bike gizmo, and havin at it for You Tube & the Blog!
That’d ROCK!
Especially on a boom on a crane on a mountain in Arizona! We even hang ours from the rear view mirror while driving in level 3 snow emergencies, then flip the video during editing. I put mine in a cheapo little water bag from the outdoor store and took it rafting with over 100 folks from the blind assoc yesterday. IT was the ONLY thing that stayed dry! And i’m stoked the editors posted my story AND photos (not my favorite one, but…) I, a photographer, got a byline. Anyway, if ya wanna see flip clips, just yell.
Marshal says
I suspect NG chose you for this job not only for your extensive lighting experience, but just as much because you’ve proven to not be afraid of heights. I mean considering that Empire State Building shoot…
Marshal says
Looking forward to seeing more from the St. Lucia workshop. Considering the beauty of and in that place, Lightroom would’ve been the last thing on my mind. I’d want to be outside the whole time.
Josh Zager says
I was wondering what softbox you were using in the picture of you in the pool?
momo says
great post 🙂
Tit says
Wow great shot joe i like the pics of an Indian (hindu) old woman.. like the exposure PERFECT…!!
Deb says
Love the pic of Joe in the water – I am SO trying this in our pool!
الشله says
>>> Good
Tang says
Hi Joe! Scott and you have disappeared in 31 days. Are you ok?
George Alexandrou says
The first time I traveled to St Lucia, I knew that I had landed in paradise. With lush mountains, fresh fruit everywhere and secluded coves, St Lucia is picture perfect Caribbean. Ladera Resort is then the Caribbean resort.