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Jon Martinez says
Excellent!!!! I cant wait to see and read more. Congrats on the plaque I bet it was an honor.
John Remus III says
Alway great work with your firefighter portraits Joe!
And that hallway shot at f/2 is incredible. Alas, I’m still shooting Canon and no longer around around the Nikon crew on tradeshows any more 🙁
Sean Sullivan says
Joe, had a great time and learned a lot. Enjoyed learning from you as always, and Joe Hodges was a blast to shoot. I hope we get the see the final “rope trick” shot soon…you do have a warped imagination…love it.
Marc says
Great images again! And congrats!
John Leonard says
Joe your a stand up guy. You deserve that plaque. And I speak for eveyone that our first responders through out the country are a real source of pride and an example of daily heroes!
bryan lathrop says
A TON of great information and shooting crammed into one day. So glad I came up for this. My only suggestion for improvement would be to make it a two-day deal, so you could balance out the didactic portions with more of the hands-on exercises. Regardless, it was awesome watching Joe as he worked his magic as he explained how to “build” the shots. Great crew, great models too.
Jamie Willmott says
That F2 shot is milky!
Herkus says
Thank You for sharing 😉
Ken Worley says
Awesome work, and what a great honor to receive that plaque. We should all be very thankful for the work that firefighters do everyday.
Thanks for sharing.
David says
congrats on the recognition, and thank you for always being inspirational, both through the camera and as a person.
jakob says
This is awesome Joe! Once more Im speachless of your photography, you really kick my ass! Thank you for sharing your stunners with us! You`re my hero!
Best regards,
Richard Cave says
That f2 is amazing, what a shot, well done with recieving that plaque, you are now part of a brotherhood, you are privileged.
Anyway you owe me a beer,
Andre Guay says
Nice Bravo!
Ben Madden says
Way cool on the plaque, Joe! Joe Hodges & Co. sure sound like a good bunch.
Now, stop showing me pictures taken with the 200 f/2!
daniel petre says
hello, watched some video tutorials with J.M. and was very attracted by his way to show and explain things, a very nice work Joe !
also this website and blog is pretty cool and i enjoy every new post in my rss program.
nice apple screen in the last pic 😛
Andrew says
I’m currently picking up the melted remains of my face from my keyboard from that shot of Mariana @ F2. That … I would say, is somethin’ HUSKYYYYYYYY.
Angie says
I had just started reading thru your 911 book the other day, and was quite impressed with Joe. So I’m delighted to see this follow up!! How awesome! They are true heroes, no doubt about it!
Marshal says
A big hats off and salute to Joe Hodges and all brave & selfless firefighters like him for their service.
And to Joe McNally a big salute to a photog I truly admire. Btw, your pics in the current Nat Geo for the article Cosmic Vision are superb! 🙂
Mark says
Just keeps getting better and better. Love that one of Mariana.
Graham McBride says
Joe it must be a tough job working with ladies like these…Lucky you
arun says
Joe Hodges Rocks !!
Thats pretty cool that you were given that plaque. That is some high honor coming from those heros.
Jakov Cordina says
you are an inspiration!
Hans van de Vorst says
A great read Joe, the lady in red is lit S P E C T A C U L A R.
Dewayne Pizzolato says
Congrats Joe!!!
I can’t imagine how surprised you were by the plaque.
I think that F2 shot looks awesome and maybe it’s just me but with that puddle behind her doesn’t it kind of look like she has that “who pissed on the floor” look?
Take Care,
Ziv says
Love the image of Mariana… buttery goodness.
“The Nikkor 200 F2, at F2. Lens is the sharpest thing I’ve ever shot…”
At $5k, it better be sharp. Hope it arrives in a big box… I may have to live in it.
Michael Quiet says
Hi Joe and gang,
What a wonderful workshop Wednesday. I learn a ton. Joe you are a huge inspiration to me. Your work always seems to captivate me and inspire me to go shoot. I am excited to say im gunna mimmic the lighting set-ups at my studio this week. Hoping to reach the quality you produce. I have one question I forgot to ask. What program do you use to handle you raw images? Thanks again in advance.
Stephen Colby says
Spectacular images as usual. How much and what PP did you do on the Mariana shot…or is it mostly the 200 and YOUR lighting knowledge? (read…why don’t my pics look like this?)
Where is the one light and what manipulation was done?
I know I know…I should come to a workshop…jeesh.
Thanks a bunch.
Echo the comment on National Geographic…the shots of the telescopes are nothing short of remarkable.
dinno from liveBooks says
Hi Joe, Your site looks awesome! and I just picked up your Hot Shoes Diaries Book yesterday. I’ve been looking for a book about lighting with small flashes for the longest time and will definitely come in handy for my wedding shoots! Thanks
Rory says
Greetings from New Zealand.
I loved reading this post, and felt obliged to leave a comment. I have devoured your books and love taking time out to take in your blog. Congratulations on the plaque. I’m sure a gift like that is not bestowed lightly, and for the philanthropic nature that merited it I’m sure we’re all thankful. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge so freely.
Hopefully the excellent pinot noirs in New Zealand may tempt you to offer a workshop here…
Al Thomas says
Hello Joe! Outstanding as usual! Mariana is stunning as usual too. Dangerous lady. :)The lack of depth of field causes her to “pop”. Like a lot how the colors blur due to the lighting which puts the focus on Mariana’s top half.
Thanks a lot!
Sina says
I love joe’s portraiture… the amazing thing above the red one I think about picking appropriate tools and method.
Thanks for giving inspiration and congrat for plaque.
Dominic Letizia says
Joe, kudos to you and your pro team for making the day an awesome experience. I was especially impressed by your willingness to share every bit of knowledge and methodology with us in such a collegial way. The true sign of an ultimate professional.
Malinda Hartong says
To Joe Hodges, thanks for your years of dedication, sacrifice and service. Your helmet shows your guts! WOW!
And to our photo Joe, I bet that gesture from “the guys” about choked you up! It does me too. That’s so cool!
Vlad Ciubotariu says
Absolutelly SUPERB !
I like the simplicity of u’re shots. Natural light & MOBILE STROBE. It’s exactlly the way i work for about 2 years, and i can see u can succeed with this method i adore. In my opinion, sun isn’t enought :D:P
I’ll watch u’re blog FOR EVER !
George DeLoache says
Joe your work only gets better. I love the Lady in Red shot. That 200mm F2 is one sweet lens. I have not been able to justify buying one but I still remember using your at Santa Fe Workshop. Well maybe one day when my ship comes in!! I am looking forward to you workshop a Photoshop Word. So I’ll see you next week in Vegas baby Vegas!!!!
All The Best
Anthony Calleja Photography says
Awesome Photography Portraits