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Jeffrey Chapman says
Lauren, who I remembering claiming to not be a model and not have much interest in modelling, is without a doubt an absolutely wonderful model. She’s photogenic and super-easy to work with. I hope that at a minimum she’ll keep popping up at your workshops.
Jay Mann says
Oh goody, more images for my favourite game, Guess the lighting. Did pretty well, but the lighting on Lauren was tricky, did you have a high window open for the ranger unit? Or did it just blast the dirty window above. The window we see does not appear to have much light coming through. I am a slow learner, a 3D Numnuts diagram would help.
Sergei says
love first one, Joe. Gorgeous. All – light , composition and of course gorgeous model – come together there.
Craig Ferguson says
That sofa image is just magical. Great work.
drew says
Hey Jay,
The window wasn’t open behind Lauren at all….Ranger pack/head were maybe 20 feet back and 10-15 or so feet above her.
Richard Cave says
The sofa one is awesome, please crop the window out!
Awesome work btw
You are too late I have drunk your beer, So when you are in the UK next its your round.
steve K says
the girl being menaced is perhaps misogynistic, don’t you think? i mean, would a woman shoot that image? nicely done but not really amusing.
Trude says
Wow. That shot of Lauren – be still my heart!
Shamik says
This was a blast!had fun and learned a lot… the sofa picture was definitely the wow moment of the day! couldnt tell that Lauren wasnt a real model…
A quick Q for Drew..the Lastolite hotshoe Ezyboxes we were using with the SB units..were they the 24″ ones? cant seem to find them online on Adorama
Jamie Willmott says
The sofa shot reminds me of a chocolate commercial, like the Cadbury’s flake adverts.
Claude says
Joe, having participated in day one of your workshops, I am impressed how you have been doing something different every day. Kinda makes me want to sign up for more than one next time.
Lauren is a knockout and so sweet. Please bring her back next year.
ricardo says
que lo pario..!!! como logras tener esa marivillosa imaginacion Joe?
Mark says
Joe, how ’bout have Kyra menace Phil next time? She can do it and it would make Steve K happy…Numnuts needs to be politico correct alldatime, right??!!!
Some great set ups here. That first one is special. I kinda like the window in the frame…or not. All really good stuff.
Larry Smith says
I love the picture of Lauren, now I’ll have to figure how to do something similar with my 580EXs and maybe EzyBox hotshoes.
Lauren says
I agree about the window… It works well with or without it. Thanks, you guys! I had more fun than I ever could have asked for and learned loads about lighting… now I just have to put it to good use. (alliteration not intentional)
Deb Ryan says
I think I like the window in the shot. It gives the light on her face and body some sense. It’s a wonderful image.
Lauren says
Yeah but the light doesn’t look like it’s coming from that window; that part’s being blocked by the bridge. So seeing just that part of the window doesn’t really make the light make sense either.
Rick says
Hi Joe, I study your work. I find it mesmorizing and captivating. Each shot you publish inspires me to go compose and shoot better. I only have a D80 but I have some pretty good Nikkor glass rounded up so far. I am earning and learning my way up the Nikon food chain.