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Jerry Balloch says
“2 and 4 iPhone pictures a day” Classic. Great send up. Good work!
Sean McCormack says
Hi Joe,
Looks like no stylesheet to me here! hope is all gets sorted 🙂
Sean McCormack says
Looking at the code, the style sheet is relative to the main page, so works there, but when you go to an individual post, it’s too far down the folder chain to access the style sheet..
The video on the other hand is the work of a sick puppy 🙂
coybert says
What is it with you photogs and slow flash-based slideshows?
mike m says
nice job!
Jeremy Beasley says
Love it!
Take that Chase…. total classic
Paul Treacy says
That’s a hoot.
I’m upping my video output too. I only use a wee Flip Mino SD but I’ll be hacking it shortly with a wide lens and synching up an audio recorder too to record my sons’ galavanting over the summer. I’ll mount it all on a home made fig rig which is already looking like a sports car steering wheel with bits and bobs all over.
When it’s done I’ll make a film about how I made it.
Stay tuned.
Paul Treacy
Keegan Sparks says
The video was great! Way better than Chase’s.
Charles Verghese says
Congrats Joe & Drew…good job!
Now, if I can make mine half-way decent….
Marcin Srok says
I really like the new design, clean and simple in the way it should be.
Marcin Sroka says
I really like the new design, clean and simple in the way it should be.
best regards
tom aellis says
OMG Joe, at first I thought it was a rip off of Chase, I should have know better. EXCELLENT. That is one sick mind (thank goodness)
Site looks wonderful Joe and Drew!!! Really great work.
ptashek says
Well done, but it still needs some work 🙂
The layout of the “Meet Joe” box is a bit flawed under Firefox 3 – text is flowing past its frame.
Joseph Yarrow, Bristol Wedding Photographer says
thats better Joe!
Nice stuff.
Also, The hot shoe diaries book is the daddy!
John Piccolo says
This is why I am a huge fan.
Oliver Berner says
…and that´s why i ALWAYS ALWAYS tell my friends and teach my children : if you see a dwarf, hit him FIRST and hit him HARD.
btw.: hmmm, great workshop video to get my hands on an iphone and dump that ole blackberry. Where do you say lives that Chase guy ???
Roger Botting says
Nice facelift, on the website. Next……Joe?
tappDaddy says
Is it true… When you were born the Doctor looked at you and spanked your mom…? We love your new blog… J&E
Ranger 9 says
About the video: Uh… don’t quit the day job…
About the redesign: Great! It’s very clean, easy to read, and the nav icons give it a distinctive touch without disrupting the overall flow. The downside: Makes me feel I should redo mine…
Michael says
hey, I think your RSS link is broken.
UncleSam says
I knew this was going to be something provocative. Just like the one with Chase, but closer to the earth. thanks, i was worth it.
Rennan Quijano says
Love the new design…and a very funny first video blog! Congratulations!
Kevin Williams says
The new blog looks great! Cheers to Moose for getting you started, and cheers to Drew on the redesign.
That video … sucked. Luckily, video is not a memorable media. (he he!)
Ed says
Chase Jarvis says
Touche! Hilarious Joe, you mad bastard.
I’ve learned a lot from you over the years…how to put 42 speedlights in an assistant’s wig, how to CTO the Empire State Building with a camera in one hand and a ballerina in the other, and now, how to hit that slow, fat pitch over the outside corner of the plate right outta the park 😉
Hats off to you, an honor to be roasted, brother. Looking forward to that next beer in Dubai or wherever that might be. And of course, big ups on the refreshed site + blog.
Teymur Madjderey says
awesome stuff! love the new design! and the video is just hillarious!
Andy in Charleston says
Totally one-upped CJ on the “Creativity” vid. Busted out laughing (Chase’s only garnered a chuckle) and got the “evil sigh” from office-mate/wife for the disruption. Thanks for the laugh.
fausto rowlan says
LOL! The biggest laughs are the ones you don’t see coming, now I have to wipe the coffee off my monitor. btw, how’d you get your face so red?
Joseph Rowland says
Joe, love the new site, and the slap-stick humor. I am sure Chase laughed out loud at the video. Your “sickness” and demented sense of humor always keeps me coming back. Thanks! 🙂
Terry Reinert says
Joe… love the new blog design! It is very clean and easy to read. Very nice! The video is hilarious as well… reminds me very much of a Mike Myers movie for some reason… the midget punching you in the nuts probably has something to do with it! Hilarious!
Mark Astmann says
I have a feeling the trike guy was a past picture editor of yours expressing his love for your work.
marcello says
hi! contrats for the new layout!
i’m having problems with the RSS feed tho: my news reader can’t find the RSS file and if i try to open manually the feedburner link on the page Firefox complains that the XML code in the feed isn’t correct.
anyone else here having problems or is it just me?
Dave Cross says
Your next Kelby Online Class? Street shooting with an iPhone, Hmmm
Funny, funny stuff as always.
kramon says
and what’s extremely clear; you’re a way better actor then The Chaseman!
and this is in no way meant to disrespect Mr Jarvis’ many talents, but a fact’s a fact…
sharon says
Bad, so bad. 😉
Laurie Iten says
Hmmm… This video sure looks a lot like the one currently in the sidebar of Chase Jarvis’s blog (
Piotr Skorupski says
O Jezus…Amen
Toby says
Well done, when are you coming to Southern California? It looks like the next workshop is in Jan 2010…that’s a crappy time to go San Fran. You must visit sooner than that.
Robert Theoret says
Hey Joe… “where you going with that gun in your hand?”
sorry was thinking of an old song. Seriously, GREAT job on the new site and blog. May you’re sense of humor never change, it keeps an insane person like me from going crazy.
PS. kudos to Drew Gurian, great stuff.
Piotr Skorupski says
Joe is champion.
Ben Olivares says
Congrats ! the blog looks much better and easy to read.
Edmond Terakopian says
LOL!! Absolutely brilliant! Loved it 🙂
Andrei says
à la Jarvis. nice spoof. I hope you caught the little guy with the built in gps locator in the iPhone. + he could not have gotten far with that machine of his…
Thomas C. says
Nice job for the new blog ! (the loading of the portfolio is pretty slow for me 🙁 )
Mark Feliciano says
Joe, you rock. that just cracked me up. What a great way to give off your totally cool new site. Thanks! That was even better than Chase!
sam coran says
This video is HILARIOUS! hahaha
WEbsite has a modern look.
thanks for sharing.
Mike Van Cleven says
Nice one Joe !
Kris says
Hey Joe… gotta keep your eye open for those tricycle-riding little people!
They’ve been known to come out of nowhere, kick you when you’re down and steal your iPhone. I could have sworn that NatGeo did a story on them…
Adam says
I think the new look is great. Nice job!
Marvin says
Congrats on the new website.
GT says
Nice updates, great idea Mike! Joe next time offer to take is picture instead 🙂
lowell says
love the site! the tid bit on jarvis is hilarious. you guys are too funny!
M.D. Welch says
You are truly a bent man. Love the roast on Chase. I can see more spoofs coming now from other photographers. Love the new look of the blog, very clean and easy to find stuff. Drew did an awesome job on both the blog and website.
Dustin Diaz says
It fits well with your Twitter theme too 🙂 The whole design is a good refresh where I find this change quite welcoming.
David Burke says
Priceless! Love the roast to Chase! Both of you are an inspiration to us all!
Frances Knowles says
Giggle, giggle! Loved it!
Adam says
Dave Kallaway says
New blogs are a great idea. You could write a blog on a napkin and just post the picture and I’d read it. (kinda like your lighting diagrams!).
Lindsey says
Brilliant! Love the new site and the new blog! Thanks Drew for getting Joe on Twitter, too!
Jodi says
You are so twisted! Nice work Joe.
Mike C says
I totally dislike the new blog and website. What makes your web designer think that doing the site in all-flash is a good thing? Flash is for designers that can’t figure out AJAX for crying out loud! But I’m especially disgusted by the “upgrade” to the blog. I used to be able to see the posts in Google Reader as they actually appeared on your blog’s web page, but not anymore. Less is NOT more in the RSS stream. Joe, you’re a great photographer but you’ve agreed to the castration of your website. I hope you’ll reconsider things.
Les Doerfler says
Great look on the new site and blog. Hats off to Drew for that.
Next up…how about a spoof on the stop motion photo/video craze that is currently the rage.
Diego Lorenzo Jose says
Like the new look, Joe. And as always, a pleasure to read your thoughts. Hilarious video 🙂
Jeremy says
I’m dying here! LMAO
steve K says
great site, great work, you are gifted as a communicator. but really stupid, cliched video. and yeah, i saw chase’s which you parodied.
still, i’ll be tuning in.
Russell Schnitzer says
Digging the new style, Joe. Thanks for keeping it fresh, and for the inspiration. Keep having fun.
Gary Crabbe says
Really excellent on all counts.
Rob Hammer says
your a sick man! Thanks for the laugh.
Elijah says
Great parody of Jarvis. ha ha
Pshorten says
Hi, New website is great but can you re-set your RSS feed so that the entire blog entry comes to our readers? It’s so much easier to follow everyone’s blogs that way.
Denis says
Nice one! Love the consequences of creativy.
And a good lookin’ blog too! much better than the old one
Michael says
Like the new look but, like others, would prefer that full posts get passed through the RSS feed.
Nice job on the video–hope you’re OK.
monkeyinabox says
That’s one mean tricycle assault. Things are certainly looking good around here as well.
LisaNewton says
Great site. I’ve always liked a white background. I don’t know if you’re aware, but in IE, your top toolbar is out of the box, literally.
John Leonard says
Love the new site. Glad to see you have more current stuff in your portfolio too! Love it all….well number 6 in the corporate portfolio looks like something I’d shoot.
Oh, and when are you going to talk about this great new dance photo with the multi-exposure thing going on? You hinted on it in April.
Jim Cutler says
LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Video Beautifully done. I’m sure Chase laughed out loud, too.
Daniele Barraco says
Hey Joe… that’s what happen showing an iPhone on the street 🙂 Thanks for the laugh!!! Congrats from your great new website.
Dan from Italy
JoeH says
LOL…no really…
I was laughing so hard, people started coming into my cube to see what was up!
Christian Frölich says
Nice redisgn Joe, site is fresh, simple and concise, congrats, been reading Hot shoe …., you sure as hell opened my eyes and take a different aproach with speedlights.
Tony Pettis says
Joe, you’re truly a whacked man.
But you know, bro, I think that’s part of the reason why we all keep coming back. Whether it’s strapping yourself to the top of the Empire State Building, freezing in the tundra or getting run over by a tricycle, we really never know what we’re going to get when we drop by. So we keep dropping by. 🙂
The update to the website is top-notch. Big-league look for a big-league shooter.
MikeP says
Anyway to get RSS feed to show the whole post?
Waqas Ahmed says
The RSS feed for the website broke with the new changes. It is no longer full text feed, making it useless.
Hopefully that’s a minor oversight and not deliberate. Love reading your blog.
Frank McPartland says
Joe: New site looks great! Congrats!
Ivan M says
Joe –
I’ll be another one to say, please make your feed available in full length for RSS readers. It’s a pain in a butt to click through to the web-site, and it’s so 90s.
drew says
Hi again everyone…
Looking into the RSS situation right now, and promise to do our best to get it figured out very soon! If anyone has any thoughts on it, feel free to email me: [email protected]
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Leif (Sweden) says
Hi Joe
Great update – now even better then before
Love to see more
Ben Madden says
Looking good with the new layout, Joe. Guess the Tricycle Tirant made ‘short’ work of your iPhone photo shoot.
Tell me, how is ISO3200 on the iPhone?
Johnny Yuma says
That is too dang funny. Classic McNally.
carlos benjamin says
Love the video. Not so much the new site. I have to chime in as a dissenter who can no longer see your posts in the RSS feed. If you could get that fixed I’d have no problem with the change…..
Ken Ely says
I love the new site design, and the linking of everything McNally. I’m glad the best part of this hasn’t been changed a bit, the creativity and humor that makes this my first internet destination. Keep it up.
Kenny Theysen says
Loved this video. Just something we would expect. Good job guys!
sandy redding says
I’m with Carlos. Your new site has a truncated RSS feed.
Mark says
Looks pretty good man. Love the video! Them midgets are terrifying!
darko pevec says
oh, “waw”‘s and “awesome!”s! 🙂
Fred Troilo says
You are one sick puppy!
Geoff Powell says
Love your new site Joe, and the blog looks great too. Cudos to your designer. And man, I love the video roast of Chase. That’s classic, particularly the first twenty seconds…
Keep up the good work Joe, you’re an inspiration.
Jason says
Sorry, going to agree with Carlos and others on this one. Include the full post in your RSS and we’ll all be happy!
Eric Cote says
Simply hilarious! Love the “I’m taking 2 to 4 pictures a day”
Ana says
I like the new look, congrats to you an Drew for the good work.
I especially like the logo, it goes well with the thin lines.
The video is soooo funny !
vokod says
Really love the new site. Actually, I’m working on a similar one, an integrated blog/portfolio/client site. Just in a bit smaller one 🙂
brad says
Gee, your interns must really hold you in high regard. I bet in their next clip you get taken out by a pirouetting ballerina — aged 9! 🙂
r. j. kern says
loved it!!! even more than Chase’s 🙂
Baz says
Howdy Joe + staff.
Nice to see a refreshed website: I didn’t think there was too much wrong with the old one, but the occassional spit and polish does no harm! Seeing Joe’s thoughts and photographs is always interesting.
Add my voice to the grumbling about the truncated RSS feed. Why restrict the content in the feed and force foot-fall to your website? I know you’re there – I’ve bought your books and I’ve subscribed to your feed because I *want* to read what you have to say as soon as it appears, there’s no need to force me to your site: I’m already a dedicated reader and will follow links to workshops and other services that aren’t visible directly in the blog – just plug them at the appropriate time! This is usually something that sites desperate for pageviews and adclicks, rather than a photographer demonstrating and sharing his experience for fun and profit.
Robert Grubba says
Very cool movie 🙂 I hope that there will be more of them :-]
I like new design of the blog too.
Bob DeChiara says
Is this guy the best or what? Love the new site!
-Bob (Boston)
Scott MacKenzie says
Notes from the Flightline is/are Great.
I take care of my 89 year old Mother, so…I mean Jeebus…
ANYWAY, I love the new site.
It’s very navigablblble.
Jorge says
LOL. LOL. LOL. Typical NYC (?) However, I am quite sick of hearing about Chase Jarvis and his stinkin’ i-crap. Oops. iPhone. As a shareholder of Apple stock since 1987 of which I own thousands of shares, I still don’t have an iPhone and I could care less. But, for those of you that “have to have the latest toy” to be cool a heartfelt THANK YOU as you fatten MY wallet (and early retirement) and reduce your wallet size. Schmucko.
Great job on the video Joe. Still laughing…
Roberto says
Cool movie 🙂
I enjoy with your new website.
Robin Ng says
love your new blog + site! will definitely ask all my friend to drop by!
Thomas says
Ho Ho Ho…amazing creativity and execution, loved the movie, every bit of it. Congratulations on the new look blog.
Mark says
Can’t wait to dive into the new site. Congrats to Team McNally on the relaunch.
Paul L says
I like the new website, but as a heavy Google Reader user, I notice that you now only have the first paragraph of each post in the RSS feed, not the whole thing, which is a bit of a disappointment.
Is that a deliberate change, or just the way the new software does things?
Jer says
I agree with Paul, I miss being able to read it in its entirety in Google Reader However, I understand if you are trying to make some revenue off of ads.
Jer says
I apparently jumped the gun as the latest blog entry showed up in Google Reader with the full post. Thanks.
Remek says
Joe, I hope you will publish your entire blog entries via RSS. Thanks!
Mark A Higgins says
Joe, love the new website and blog. The movie really shows your warped sense of humor! Everyone loves an angry midget. Whoops, I mean little person I don’t want him to take my nuts out as well!
angkasuwan says
way to go moose
Carlos Bruno says
MUCH more fun Chase’s … you always know how to. Experience, I know …
Trying to not be so obnoxious but, the ‘EAST’ always have more ‘accurate sense of humor’ than the WEST … but Manhattan. ;0)
Carlos Bruno says
I MEANT >>> THAN Chase’s!!!!
Alvin Catacutan says
Hahahaha. That was bizarre and funny.
Congratulations on the new Website.
Bill Bogle Jr. says
Now we know where Num Nuts comes from on your diagram.
A low blow for sure.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
Steve Pearce says
Jo, the use of little people in this vid is the best thing you’ve ever done…. Seriously
very nice website, better than the last. I love your video. very funny.
Roger Madsen says
That’s really funny 🙂 Like the new design too!
will pattison says
you got robbed!!
Bill Anderson says
Joe, you are a great inspiration. I am still enjoying HSD as your humor makes it all go down easily. I don’t understand why some need to put Chase down to give you a compliment. you are both doing your thing and I am a better photographer because of it. Keep up the great work. I am watching!
TheChuck says
That was AWESOME.
Rick says
Sick bastard! I Love it!
Chris Ward says
Nice upgrade to the site. Hilarious video. Not a high contrast font, but I like that you have “Powered By WordPress” on your site.
Air jordans says
Can you post via Rss?
Morten Davidsen says
What a wonderful update to your blog. I really like the new design, very contemporary.
Lot of good content as it were, but better packaging does indeed help.
Good luck!
Martin Ellard says
This made me laugh more than Chase’s good job.
Love the new blog too. Just started out Tweeting so I’ve added you to the list.
jakob says
Aaaah Joe that Iphone video is sooo funny, Im cracking up!!!
Tamatha Montier says
Lots of of bloggers are not very happy with the new iPad.There was 2 much hoopla regarding it and lots of blogers got turned off.You see, I for one see lots of the cool potential of the gadget. Third-party applications for making tunes, games, newspapers and magazine and FFS books, tons of awesome stuff, but IMHO they just didn’t really sell it properly (excluding the books). It looks kinda unfinished
Tod Wedge says
Just landed on this place via Google seek. I love it. This situation switch my perceptual experience and I am obtaining the RSS feeds. Cheers Up.