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Yes, Drew is something. I saw him at a lecture in Denmark last year. His is awsome. Hi has a great sense of humor, some pretty funny stories to tell and is a bit mad… When I think about it, very much like Joe actually…
I bought the DVD from and thoroughly enjoyed it… smoke machine and all. Definitely worth a look if they still have it in stock.,12490.html
Great guy that Drew!
Had the pleasure of being in a workshop in Dubai, the same year I took your class. Far out ideas with excellent and out of the box results.
I can hardly wait for that DVD to come out, because I really need this information. i’ve got scads of potential clients clamoring to pay me huge fees to do epic projects that let me unleash my untrammeled creativity without providing them any tangible benefit. Not.
You see the same kind of thing in architecture, publication design, industrial design… the people who win the awards and have the genius reputations are being recognized, I think, for their ability to get away with stuff that their peers wish they could have gotten away with…
What we really need is a workshop or DVD that would teach us how to persuade people to fund this kind of massive self-indulgence — preferably without the need for getting them stoned, which is illegal where I live.
Several years ago I read and saved this quote by Elliott Erwitt: “It’s very amusing, but it’s a formula. When you’ve seen three or four pictures, you’ve seen them.” Sound familiar?
It’s out Ranger 9! Run to the store….
And by the way, there is an awful lot of sham promotion out there that does get noticed, and perhaps shouldn’t be, because it is hollow at its core. But, there are certain qualities that do come up time and again in discussion and description of those folks who stay the course, stay in the ring, take great risks, live with uncertainty, work the high wire with no net, compete in a ferocious marketplace and turn in a professional, compelling, story telling, durable, seaworthy, solid, accessible, excellent level of work year after year. A few of those qualities, in no particular order, are imagination, talent, tenacity, personality, drive, work ethic, passion, improvisational skills, curiosity, sympathy for the human condition, sense of humor, flexibility…. and so on. All these and more tend to reside in copious amounts in the makeup of every successful professional photographer I know, Drew Gardner being among them.
Sexy CSI oooooooooooh ya
Hey Joe
Do you think you could call a few of your buddies down there at Nikon HQ and ask them to put together a CLS Mc”SuperFlash” something with some power that would link with the Nikon CLS instead of the 3 lights on a stand workaroound.
You know what I mean something that would make an octabox pop
Excellent work!
So are all his latest shots including the model & water buffalo done with the P65+?
Thanks so much for the update – rushing right out for this – looks mindblowing!
Take care!
Badgers? Badgers? We don’t need no stinking Badgers!
“All right, quick, send in the LLama….please, the LLama…”
Very cool link and post. Looks like a COOL cat to work with for sure 🙂
Smoke Machine ??? Why not use a couple of these ? I did not have these good looking models, so i placed the smoke in front of them.
cheers olli
The same year I took your class. Far out ideas with excellent and out of the box results.
Hi, I don’t know why, but it seems I can’t read your full article trough my feedreader (googlereader). Is it a blog parameter that you’ve changed?
it’s nice post, specially newbie like me,
beautiful site..)),
qusiU1 Thanks this design is very good..,