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Jan Winther says
Oh oh oh…i wish i could attend…
This looks exciting. Ill try hard to be there next time.
Luke Townsend says
You CAN count on my being there!
Willie says
Hey Joe
(hmmm great name for a song, that).
When are ya coming to Australia to do some workshops?
Specifically – Melbourne, Victoria. (at least this part of the country has great coffee and culture).
C’mon – get yer numnut ass down here – there are a ton of folk waiting for ya!
bryan lathrop says
I missed the winter round because of family obligations…in the clear this time around. Sending my app in express mail tomorrow. Yee hah!
Theis says
I said it before and will do it again move the hole damn thing to europe. If you come to Denmark with a show like this I will take a week of work and be a light stand 🙂
Hans van de Vorst says
Hi Joe,
Inspirational shots, can’t wait till June 6th playing with strobes in old Venice. See ya there, Hans
John Leonard says
Ah, I miss Dobbs. It was nice seeing some snow back in January. Great workshop, well worth the money…actually worth a ton more.
Chris Davis Cina says
Wish I could substantiate another workshop because it was so much fun last January. The energy and sharing in the room was worth it just in itself and then to have Joe teaching with his knowledge and sense of humor – absolutely outrageous and informative at the same time. I was the only one who was a local – everyone else came from miles away knowing how significant it was to see the Master at work. Don’t miss this fabulous experience!!!! I’ll be looking forward to reading about it every day.
Mark says
furiously flipping through his calendar and cancelling appointments….
Peter Pubehoover says
Joe, you are the man. If you do come to Australia to do a seminar/workshop, I will be there wherever it is!
Just imagine; tribal painted aborigines, kangaroos, didjeridoos, surfers, endless beaches, beautiful girls, deserts, barbeques, crocodiles, rainforests, 24 hour long-haul flights (no, wait, forget that last one!).
Marc Lanciaux says
I went to the last class, and I have to say it was incredible. Learned more in that one class than months of books/websites/DVDs/taking bad pictures.
Doing it in warmer weather would have been my only feedback. Glad you got that covered.
Wish I could attend again!
Ozine says
Joe, any chance of doing a workshop in Holland? Fabulous pictures!
Jeffrey Chapman says
Check is in the mail. I can’t wait!
Fred M. says
my check is in the mail and to say I’m excited would be a gross understatement
I cant wait!
Kevin Ballon says
Any chance of Toronto – or maybe Buffalo? I would absolutely love to go and will make every effort to, but being a student it is very difficult to both afford and get to NY….Help us Canucks eh!
Arun says
Hey Joe
I will not be able to join you guys this time around. If anyone is considering going and has the time to do it – just go for it !! You will learn a lot from a guy who has basically shot everything all over the world and with a zillion different set ups ( and he is quite funny as well)
I have some images on my blog from the last workshop with Joe here –
Go to the Workshop and have a blast – atleast you will not be freezing this time.
Brian says
Was lucky to attend your NY Adorama workshop last fall – will look forward to seeing you at the end of June.
Graham McBride says
Joe when are you doing this on the west coast ? We have a spare room you can stay in… G
Jackson says
How will i become to like you?
wen says
why in NY…why not in Los Angeles :O
Ben Yew says
Looking forward for your future workshop in OZ 🙂
Dave says
Check is in the mail. I can hardly wait.
Eddie says
Sent in my deposit yesterday. I’ll probably be the youngest/most rookie but I’m looking forward to it.
Vedtam says
I am wonderig if these workshops will be available lather on DVD??
Christine Glade says
Just registered! Should be a great day.
Kjartan says
I got the confirmation email from Lynn. I’m really looking forward to this!
cody says
wow the incredibly cute one scares the living bejeebees out of me.
Rolling Thunder says
My friend Teddy would love to go, but he hates people that tells him how to take pictures. Just for the record, he is not Chinese
Jeff Freeman says
If you have any interest in coming to Portland OR (yes you can visit Laurie 😉 I’d jump at the opportunity to help organize a workshop (yes so I can attend!) … drop me a line.
PS love the Hot Shoe Diaries…keeps me up WAAYY too late reading most every night!
Nike Kobe IV says
This looks exciting. Ill try hard to be there next time.
Jeanmarie Halla says
I like the layout of your blog and I’m going to do the same thing for mine. Do you have any tips? Please PM ME on yahoo @ AmandaLovesYou702