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Some guys have all the luck!
How is it that unconfortable poses can look so amazing and natural. (Like in the last picture)
I’m going to twitch and turn my friends limbs off when we go to shoot. Then they will just as elenegant..
See you @ Cologne tomorrow!
When you coming to Amsterdam!?!?!
Can I carry your kit while you’re here? 😉
Wanna come do some shots at the UN Yugoslavia War Crimes Tribunal??
Haha.. enjoy the trip,
such a pitty, that i`ve not been to the triest.
not because of miss hammel, because of the lost opportunity to meet you.
greetings from rainy vienna
ps: you did a great job, “easy” beautiful face, with a lot of lightning!
Das ist sehr gut! Fantastik! Sorry, I had a Deutsch flashback and just drooled on my keyboard.
I always enjoy looking at your sketches. Thanks!
Any idea why the light reflecting off the floor in the last one is much more blue than what the window light looks like?
really jussi? I thought the last one looked like she almost fell out of the chair
no kidding pretty pictures. they are gorgeous and the lighting is awesome! It was great meeting you in boston at Photoshop world 😉
Love the entire first one. And the pose on the last one, but something seems to be up with her skin. Could you perhaps have blurred it? 😛
Wow Joe, she is stunning. No wonder the human race keeps reinventing itself!
I see the how light from the panel is working, but there is a shadow on the window frame behind her. Did you have a second fill light inside?
You lucky bastard! 🙂 Gotta be rough having a job like this! And I agree: if you have something as gorgeous as this in front of your lens and cannot come up with something good (if not great), you deserve to be shot!. Again, :-).
Yup, it’s official… I want your life! Have fun in your travels!
Thanks for mentioning cologne — I wasn’t aware of the Nikon show but will be there!
….hope to see you in Cologne at saturday! 😉
Awesome lighting again…
Will join your sessions in cologne and hope to snatch a signed version of your “Hot shoe diary”… 🙂
till then…
Good thing I’d emptied my mouth before I read that! 🙂
‘Preset’?? Dumb question but what please?
Really stunning photography. A golden combo you’ve got here 🙂
Bravo! Bravo!
@matt: preset of the white balance in the camera. was there, and learned my lessons 😉
many thanks for this great, but too short day.
Ah….I love the smell of Cologne in the morning!
Uh…get it?
Sheesh. Great images.
Isn’t there an old saying: “If you want a pretty picture, give me a pretty face” ? How can you go wrong with this?
been subscribe to your feeds and been reading all of your post thru email and I can’t help myself to visit your site to leave a comment which I wanted to tell you that I love your takes here and been inspired from all of your works and achievements.
what more fun about your post is this one… “to go back to the hotel and put a gun in my mouth…” HaHa!
by the way, good job in flash flavor!
Sehr geheerter Herr McNally: muess sagen, diese sind ganz und gar geile, shoene, beeindrueckende Bilder!! Welcome to the land of my father — well, Vienna, the city of his birth anyways. He was a Freud and Kafka scholar, which explains why the DLWS staff probably thought I was a nut job!
Here are sh*ts and giggles pix from my last trip to Vienna, about a year ago.
Safe travels and komm gute nach Hause!
Thank you. I am always inspired by you and your work. Not to mention laughing my head off,
But, please, don’t joke about putting a gun in your mouth. That’s what my nephew did not quite a year ago…
Anyway, thanks for sharing how you made these images.
Erich Adickes
When are you in Amsterdam? Are you doing something I can visit or attend? Is there a place I can find more info? ]I appreciate your blog and the way you share your ‘how-to’s’; it would be great to see you work sometime!
Lovely pictures again!
what a dish…
Hi Joe,
How come all your models look great–some of wedding photography brides
top out at 300 pounds–how many lights would that require…?
thanks–had a great time with you in Ireland
Wow. Better you than me, pal, because if I had been in the presence of a creature as beautiful as that, I would have dropped into full Cro-magnon mode. (Mongo like pretty girl. Mongo take pretty girl’s picture. Mongo wipe away drool.)
Vienna in May. The Caribbean in July. You definitely da man and I bow to your greatness. :^)
Is it acceptable that the dress is rendered gold in one pic and white in another? How can the photographer work the lights not to have this type of result? Sorry this is not an ass licking comment like the previous 25 comments but I would like to actually learn something from your work.
Oh my….Joe, if you someday come to Salzburg to photograph Mozarts dead body, let me know :-O
Hey Richard,
The color shift was probably just a result of Auto WB, and yes, in post, we probably would correct that (at least, if we were showing both side-by-side).
However, Joe tends to post a lot of stuff on here right out of camera so it’s easier to understand exactly how it was done 🙂
Hope that helps!
priceless =o)
really looking forward to see you at the show tomorrow.
Thank you for the meet & chat @ Cologne!
Nice photo, num nuts.
Seeing those legs, I could understand why numnuts didn’t come up with anything… 😉
Pretty pictures.the model also great.good
Just wanted to say thanks for both your great sessions in Cologne yesterday. Absolute privilege to see you at work and very enjoyable too!
Joe –
Don’t know you to do it – i’ve seen a good chuck of your publicly shared images, and you throw something ‘simple’ like this up and I have to sit here and admire the exposure,colors, the…picture.
Editors: previous comment type: ‘chuck’ should be ‘chunk’ – thanks
It was verry nice to see your NIKON pro session in Utrecht (holland) the 14th of may 2009
Your speedy performance was a learning and inspired happening.
I learned and refreshed a lot THANKS
Hi Joe,
You set the exterior groups to manual, and the table flash to TTL. Does the Nikon wireless system allow some groups to be manual and others to be TTL? As far as I know, Canon’s wireless system is either in TTL mode or manual mode, so to shoot this scenario, I would have to set the exterior groups to optically trigger. Is this how you did this?
You lucky bastard… Not so much for the women — though that doesn’t hurt but the travel. I’d love to do that…
Anyway, Joe it was nice meeting you and i hope you liked it here too..