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Melli says
Even though I am in Europe, I know I want to learn more about lighting with sppedlights. I already enjoyed your free lessons on Scott Kelby, like the way you teach (and I am a teacher too). So I am sure I am at least coming back to that. Keep up the good and inspiring work.
Matteo says
I like the temperature of the light.
Eli says
Cool shot… great story.. thanks for sharing
Chris Rollason says
“Seeing her here brought memories back of my daughters as dad drug them along on various photo misadventures.”
Are you sure you “drug them along”? In the UK that practice is outlawed……
Laurent. says
Hi Joe, not directly related to this post, but i would like to thank you for all the advices and tips you share on the net.
I recently watched your Kelby courses and it’s amazing how you can teach things giving this sensation of “it’s that simple”. And it’s so funny to watch. I learned a lot ! (sorry for my english, better in french).
Big Fan here
What about a workshop in Paris !? :d
xlphotog says
Nice shot. I have 2 sons. Try getting boys to go along with your photo shooting needs.
Ok, so you shot off camera (naturally) and it was ttl? Using an SU-800 or an sc-28 cord? High winds in Hawaii with an umbrella? LOL. I found the new Lumiquest Softbox III to be a good alternative and you don’t need an assistant to hold it.
Kelvin Ng says
Hi, your fan from Hong Kong, China
I am also a dad so I really appreciate this article and I know a thing or two about over zealous daddy photographer and reluctant daughter/son models Anyway, with my limited English, I hope you are trying to say “drag them along” rather than “drug them along”, otherwise I’ll have to inform the FBI.
Anyway, I have pre-ordered you book on Amazon and am really looking forward to it.
Joe H says
Joe — gorgeous shot. As the dad of a 14-year-old girl, I’ve been so lucky to have an in-house model for the past few years. “Dad, wanna do a photo shoot??”
Now my son is a completely different matter. At 17, he’s just now starting to relax his No Photos rule.
Question: looking at the water in this shot, I wonder: do you ever shoot with a polarizing filter?
Mark K. says
Easy like Sunday Morning this shot…and gorgeous!
I’m prepping my little girl to my first assistant soon. Though, at 23 months, she still has a hard time holding the reflector and eats the grapes as I’m trying to do a still life….
Anil says
Great stuff, as always, this blog is a treat!
Except that the warm light on her face opposite the side of the setting sun sort of causes a disconnect?……
dh says
that’s: dad DRAGGED them along, not drug.
not that i can write anywhere close to your breezy, conversational, humorous, informative tone. just saying.
sweet pic, btw
AdamJ says
Great shot, I love it!
Did you use a gel/color modifier on this shot other than the diffuser?
Lewis W says
Great photo, Joe. But I do have one question. This image was minus 1.3 ev and you displayed a shot from Santa Feo, with a minus 2 ev. Could you elaborate on this?
Fausto says
Wonderful light, I like the fact that you can see Kauai’s red dirt on her jeans. Having been to the island just last year, I can attest that the island is like a living postcard, stunning anywhere you look. Between yours, Moose’s, Laurie’s, and Kevin’s blogs, I’m reliving my Kaua’i vacation. I can’t wait to see what you folks do with Waimea Canyon.
Ham says
Cool, how did you light up her feet without lighting up the shore?
Austin Larson says
Nice Shot, I’ll be attending your seminar at the University of Hawaii this friday. I’ll gladly take Hannah’s spot if she isn’t able to come.
Brad Gingerich says
Hi Joe, I’m a big fan of yours and frequent your blog all the time. Nice shot…keep up the awesome work!
John Leonard says
You know when I came back from Dobbs I had to buy 2 of those TriGrips. They really are my new favorite light modifier, portable, versatile, and the quality of light is top notch.
johandp says
Love it
Esam Kabli says
Very very wonderful Joe, i like it very much, the lighting, the subject, the background all just fantastic.
Darren says
Ha ha – I am a Phoenix commercial photographer in Arizona and have a 9 year old boy. He periodically gets dragged along on shoots and sometimes plays the part of lighting assistant while others playing the part of bored child hating his father.
I do hope, though, these experiences will be seen (likely later in life) as a gift to him that he will carry as a bank of memories of meaningful time spent with his dear ‘ol Dad.
Craig Ferguson says
Love that warm light.
Chad says
You’re always an inspiration! Have fun in my home town (Kauai) if you want some good food try Hamura’s saimin man I miss that place!
Michael Hansen says
Hi Joe.
I love pictures like this one. I shows how much you can do with very little gear and a bit of imagination.
I love the simplicity of these kind of shots.
Michael Hansen says
….Just forgot. Did you use any gel on the SB-900?
Miles Wolstenholme says
Excellent composition, I love the lighting.
Tom McKean says
It’s wonderful how with just a simple strobe setup and a Lastolite diffusion panel can make such a dramatic shot of the young girl. Light is such a fantastic element that when it’s incorporated into a photograph, can become an intregal tool in one’s vision.
Light is what photography is all about.
Pablo Sanz says
Hi Joe,
I feel this is one your shots I dislike most…. 🙁 in terms that the firts thing my mind thought is that it totally seems as if the girls is copy-pasted in the frame as any rock around her is lightened and apear dark…
anyway, can´t wait to receive your new book!!! months of waiting…
greetings from Spain, thanks for sharing your knowledge with everybody
best hopes 4 U
Ronnie says
Thanks, Joe. Always visit you and DH.
Two people who have been providing inspiration. I loved this one’s light and environment.
Richard says
As the proud father of the young lady in the photo, Thanks Joe! I can answer one of the questions since I asked it myself at the DLWS. The rocks, being black, didn’t reflect much light, hence her feet are lit, but not the rocks. The technical aspects were simple, the composition was brilliant and Joe is a great teacher.
Scriber's Web says
That’s an incredible shot. Love your blog. What fabulous photos. So inspiring!
Thanks for the wonderful treat!
Kent says
Joe // loved your little spiel at UH which was sponsored by Lighthouse. Brilliant iconic images. it’s really inspired me to learn more and shoot more. As a student at UH who wants to get into the pj world as it’s shrinking…you;ve really shown me the level i need to be at in order to compete.
aloha // kent
Jeff says
Although a huge fan of your work Joe, I can’t say I really like this photo. The way she is lit up looks way too artificial/unrealistic and “copy&pasted”