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behindthephoto says
Wow, the second photo is great. I have to try it too 🙂 (off to buy some gels)
David Apeji says
That shoot-out in the Scott Kelby video was off da hook!
John Leonard says
The TriFlash rocked at Dobbs! I can’t wait to snag one.
Love that “Octa by the Bay” look….which leads to…..
“Sittin’ in the mornin’ sun
I’ll be sittin’ when the evenin’ come
Watching the light roll in
And then I watch it roll away again, yeah
I’m sittin’ with an octa by the bay
Watching the light roll away
Ooo, I’m just sittin’ with an octa by the bay
Wastin’ time…..”
Sorry to all the Otis fans.
Robert in Tokyo says
I have plenty of gadgets but show me a stand that will hold 3 fashion models and then we can talk!!
Cory Ann Ellis says
IDC photography already has a 3 light holder on the market if someone wants one now.
I don’t have this product of there, but do have many others and they are great. They also have good customer service.
Cory Ann
Daniel Cormier says
You’re down here (Tampa Bay area; that second shot actually looks like Clearwater Harbor to me) often enough, why don’t you do a workshop here? I’ve (knowingly) been a fan of your work since the 100th Anniversary of Flight spread for National Geographic and would love to attend one of your workshops.
Mark Olwick says
Isn’t One LIght trademarked by Zack Arias?
Oleksandr Photography says
I was making a similar thing by myself. I is great to be able to buy it now!
Paul Keating says
just watched the first Dtown as well
I posted on the dtown page as well, but thought I’d post her for anybody who cares. :o)
About the command wheel tip.
I’ve been using it so long on my D80, I didn’t remember it wasn’t default.
However, an additional tip:
While the thumb (shutter spd) command wheel scrolls through the shots like using L&R on the multifunction pad, the front/finger (Aperture) command wheel scrolls through the view functions (EXIF, Histogram, highlights) like the Up & Down arrows on the multifunction pad.
And one more, if you hold down the “zoom in” button and spin the thumb command wheel, you can zoom in and out much more quickly than just repeatedly pressing the zoom in and zoom out buttons.
Ranger 9 says
I realize it’s contrary to the whole McNally nous to say so… but by the time you’ve bought the bracket and, say, three SB-900s to go on it, wouldn’t you have spent more money than you would on a really nice monolight…? The latter also wouldn’t leave the model wondering why you were lighting her with something you had apparently put together out of Tinkertoys…
Dirk says
I put a similar bracket together for myself, too. Yes, I could have bought a monolight, but the portability and remote control of the SB’s is completely addictive. I love it that I can carry it all in a backpack and a shoulder bag and have a mobile portrait studio.
An Octa and Ranger out on the water? Crazy, but completely worth it. Love your work, Joe.
Traci says
Smokin JOE! Just checked out D Town! You now act! What don’t you do? Check out Joe doing a commercial for Kelby Training!
Mike Keller says
@DTown video – the best part of the show, hands down, was the commercial for the Light Shaping tools. 🙂 I presume that lens smoke was added in post.
@Ranger9 – yes, but then instead of having three portable lights you can use anywhere, you have one monolight that is useless without AC, a generator or a battery pack.
Rafa says
I liked the second one, great picture.
Ian Pack says
Love the photographs, especially the second one, which will make cracking wall art.
3 Speedlites, 3 sets of controls to fiddle with, 3 sets of batteries to run flat just at the wrong time! If I need this sort of power I’ll stick to a monobloc. But then again, thanks to you, Joe, I’m a convert to the Speedlite way of shooting.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Mark Griffith says
Only problem with that tri-flash is you gotta have 3 (tri get it?) flashes! Pricey man, pricey.