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Woot! Thank You for all those incredible photos! Very inspiring! 🙂
man oh man – I wish I could have come all week.
Seems like there was just so much learning and so much fun…
Thanks again for offering these workshops Joe, I feel very lucky to have been able to watch such a master at work.
Christina looks stunning, love the sheen of the silk, hair and skin.
The results are amazing… I so wish I could have been there! It’s too bad the Photoshop World workshop is sold out 🙁
You guys had a blast in those 6 days! 🙂 the photos are beautiful thanks Joe for posting little videos of the seminars, for us that live far away and can’t assist those videos are made of solid gold :).
F*A*N*T*A*S*T*I*C series!!!!!
Incredebly on-topic when it comes to lighting; almost as if I were taking part…
Thank you so much for charing.
What interests me very much, besides the lighting technique, is how you “hold” your lights and diffusers (the stands/clambs/rings/VALs…). Much of them are “standards” in the industry; but you seem to sort of “customize” them (like your famous SB-tree). You use a lot of booms (which makes perfect sense).
Maybe it’s a little off-topic for your blog, but I’d love to see/hear/read your techniques for holding and positioning SB’s and stuff.
Hope to see you in a workshop of yours in Europe some day.
Thank you for the great coverage of the workshop. I was waiting everyday for the new photos and explanations, setups etc. Outstanding work as usual. Hats off.
Can you tell me more about the overhead diffusion? Was that it? one diffused light? How far away. Ambient light? silver reflector below? I love that fresh look.
Joe, thank you for sharing all them days and on this one, with details on light – especially.
I wish i were able to attend, but chances of sneaking into one of your workshops on short notice (yes, my booking schedule sucks, i am probably the most disorganized person out there with camera) are less than growing second head. So for poor sods like me – this is great chance to observe.
(and i am still kicked by your outside flash idea in that new Nikon DVD. I cant believe this CLS worked from outside b/c it never does for me, no matter how i angle by SB900s, which does not make that shot with balerina any less of great idea)
Thank you. I am looking forward for your new posts and for upcoming book release.
You are amazing Joe! Everyday I visit and you inspire me to no end, Thank you.
Joe, I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, but man – you’re a freakin’ genius! I’m quite mad at myself for missing this series, so I’ll just have to make it next time!
Very cool. Thanks so much for your blog, and for sharing these pics and the info!
Wow. Inspiration everywhere. Amazing images as always. Can’t keep up with all your posts this week. You’re an animal! Rarr baby. Rarrr (Sorry. An out of context Austin Powers thingie. It’s late)
I had the great pleasure of attending this workshop. First I have to say, no matter how much you know about lighting, both studio and small speedlites, you will gain a wealth of information here. Not just pointing light, but understanding how to shape and most important, THINK, light. It’s not only “here’s how to do it” it’s WHY this happens and/or how to think it thru thus leading to a creative thought process when it comes to your personal artist view.
Most importantly, while you should agree this workshop it an amazing value, there is reasons. It is clear that Joe does not make a fortune of money here as he has space to rent, people/staff to pay, equipment to maintain and my fav food to order, but think about this for a moment. While Joe could have rented a fancy NYC studio he chose a WONDERFUL factory/Studio in NY’s westchester, and both he and his entire staff worked their butt’s off taking a empty space and making it 4 large changeable sets complete with each set having a large array of both Big and small lighting so he could teach us at a VERY reasonable rate. And I do mean, when you see the site you know that each member worked very, very hard. They did this for us. Take a look around, you will see dozens of “workshops” that IMO, do not come close to the content level and charging a great deal more.
I would save the money on equipment if you have to and attend this workshop.
Thanks Joe…!!!
Being able to count myself in for this, the last day of the workshops, I can truly join the chorus of “Yep it’s worth it”‘s because…it is! It was not only a phenomenal learning environment with excellent staff and talent, but also a gem of a day. Regardless of ability, count yourself unfulfilled until you witness the buzz that is in the air when such a personality like Joe is in the zone – and I’m not talking about the sound that recycling packs make.
When we weren’t blowing fuses – and even when we were – we were having a blast, and I think anyone present during any of the days can agree: it was well worth whatever it took (a drive from central PA in this case) to participate. And, just about anyone who witnesses this work, either here on the blog or there in person, will almost certainly come away with a significant ‘wow’ factor. It was a great pleasure all around for me, including the participant camaraderie.
If you can, take the chance, regardless of how you think you stand photographically, and learn firsthand at one of these tight events, if you haven’t already: you will certainly not be disappointed.
Thank you again Joe for these lovely and inspiring images. Amy is beautiful! As is everyone.
Thanks for the great post. I love seeing the actual shoot with the lighting setup, models, shooter etc. Great job.
Thanks for posting the video Joe – love the Napkin sketches, and seeing it in full motion is even better!
Hi Joe..I really like your work its definitely the kind of pics I’ve been growing up with since our family has always been loyal subscribers to the National Geographic Mag ever since I was little..I was so amazed at the great lengths of danger you went through just to shoot that Empire State building shots..It really made me feel humbled as a photographer that I am still not doing enough..heheh…Anyway I’m beginning to use more and more off camera flash techniques after being so inspired by you, I must say the results have been quite startling and fresh cos I hardly used this technique before..I must say I’m still bogged down with the technical bit of ratios and light placements and I wish I can get to a more creative level where these things will go away and only my creativity will help me feel through the I really wish you would plan such workshops here in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia..It would be so great to have someone like you have a workshop down here..anyway best off luck and I will be tuning in to this blog more in the future…
Thanks Joe, I had a great time at the workshops in front of and behind the camera. Tell Lynn the Chili was great!! And I will knock on the dressing room curtain before entering next time. Kudos to Joe’s team of assistants, that did a great job. I learned a lot and thanks for making me look beautiful!!!!
When is The Hot Shoe Diaries supposed to be released? I’d like to toss you a few more bucks.
Also I hope its not all about the Nikon flashes. Some of us use Canon.
Great stuff as always. I wouldn’t expect anything less from the king himself.
I’ve just read your blog…your whole blog…backwards! (I’m working my notice period just now)
Enjoyed it immensely and I’ll be following it in the future. Any chance of a free book?
P.S. Where did you get ringbound paper napkins from?
Was there any filming during these days that you are gonna put up on
Best Regards
Jørgen Larsen
Looks like you all had a blast. I wish I was there.
I loved the picture of Jasmine, a perfect make up/light combo. I have to start using diffusers myself, never done much with them so far. I wonder what angle you had them at?
You MUST come to Australia! We need workshops! Its a great country you would love it!
Great insight Joe. Thanks for sharing. When are you coming to SOUTH Florida? Thanks for the good work!
If you are coming to Traverse City, Michigan in October, you should get over to the Sleeping Bear dunes for a few pictures off the top of the dunes. It is incredible. There are several breath taking sites in that area.
Wow – #1 is really a #1 for me. Wonderful lyrical, soulful light and great tight framing. Applause!
interesting post, will come back here, bookmarked your site
Thank you Joe for these beautiful images!
I like what you do.
regards, Kai
Where is the video? It could be very interesting 🙂 More Tk 😉
Have you ever considered writing an ebook or guest authoring on other sites? I have a blog centered on the same ideas you discuss and would love to have you share some stories/information. I know my audience would value your work. If you’re even remotely interested, feel free to send me an e mail.
When it comes to real estate I don;t know how you find the time to write so well but here is a little something
Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of. 🙂