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Cool bike, the girls show how big it really is. Thanks for sharing.
(kid in the back waves his hand)
“Then we added 4 SB-800 units, running SU-4 on two sticks winged out slightly behind him camera right and left. Zoomed to 105, gaffer tape gobos so they didn’t spill onto the background. This produced nice highlights on the sides of his body. Then, we peeled off the diffusion. Took away the 3×3, took away the sock, and put a silver panel on the floor where he is standing. Bounced two more SB units straight down into it. His body goes even more electric.”
can you do one of your cool sketches so i can SEE what you mean prof? I read that paragraph like 3 times and since i’m a visual type, i got lost after the word Gaffer…
I like the reflector. Joe, that looks like something i would do.
nice serie !
Love this site, and even though I shoot Canon, I have bought the videos and found them great. However I would like this site more if Joe or his assistants would stand back and shoot a wide shot of these setups ( similar to the earlier CAT scan/x-ray photos).
I hope all the models are grateful for the thousands of dollars worth of shots they got for the next time they go for a gig.
Great stuff all week. Thanks
Joe, You need this guy.
I think he may live close to you.
Joe..This workshop series is amazing. I really hope all of this ends up in the new book cause for sure I will read it over and over. Can you give us one of those nice napkin diagrams for the lighting setups..Thanks a lot and keep up the great work flowing
Nice pics and cool video Joe, what lens was that in the first few seconds of the video??
How does one say “Wow” a number of times? What a workshop. What “props”. What a week. Thanks for sharing!
And Jealousy Curve’s Black Widow…lookit you, you hip shooter you! 😀
I’m with Kristin but picking up my lower jaw from the basement.
Thank you, Joe. [Spasibo!]
all I can say is………
I’m still recovering from this day. My mind hasn’t yet processed the volumes of information from the experience. I truly learned more in the first 30 minutes than I have in my last 3 years of shooting, despite 20+ years behind the lens; that realization alone was enough to wake me up quick-like. Lighting is exciting, as the images prove.
All I can say is ‘thank you’ to everyone involved, from the amazing McNally crew (Joe, Lynn, Drew, Will, Linda and Andrew, who apparently has ‘a life,’ whatever that is…) to the absolutely wonderful talent (and they are true talents), including our three amazing models (Kristin, Adriana, and Ekaterina), the gracious and awesome Aaron, and last but never least Joe and John, NYC’s finest. It was a life changing experience.
If you get a chance to experience this event, do it; I know I will.
For all of you who could not make it – you have to jump in one the next series of workshops. Joe was fantastic and he and the crew worked hard. I have some shots of Joe on my blog (
Thanks Joe and gang !!
Joe, this was the best workshop I’ve ever attended. I loved the way you would set up a shot with big lights and power packs, then break it down and show us how to do the same thing with a small light solution. Great job! I’ll be back!
I love these photos, and am anxious to try out these techniques. I wish one day I will be able to attend a Workshop by Joe.
Mine is on order thanks to early notice from Syl. Will be checking my mailbox every day!