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Love the updates, can’t wait to attend the workshop on Sunday.
As can be seen in the first picture, we would follow you anywhere. Where is the tight shot that Drew took that you are going to use for the back of the Hot Shoes Diary book? It was sooo you.
The shots of Valarie are stunning. And John as well. Who knew Andrew’s calling would be in front of the lens, not behind it.
Thanks again for the great day. I can see that the days that have followed have been just as educational, exciting and enjoyed by all.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
You are having too much fun there, love the backlit shot of valarie, plenty of tude as I call it. I hope emmanuel drop a casting card in her direction. Hope you give Joy that photo as it is lit beautifully, though in portraitiure I was taught to keep eye highlights above the 9 o clock to 3 o clock line, just proves you can break the rules and still win.
Looking forward to more, oh before I forget, UK trip, near Ireland home of fish and chips, queuing and bad teeth when are you visiting?
Hey Joe – can’t wait. Looking forward to learning and gleaning
see you this weekend
You must mean that Valerie is a model that also happens to be a trainer…!!! Terrific example of making the location work regardless of where it is. That’s the fun stuff…
Great post Joe. I love the Valerie pictures. They look so gritty.
Thanks for sharing.
Ps: When is your next book due? My “The moment it klicks” is already falling apart.
Cheers, Joris
Love the photograph of the setup on the dock. The guys are dressed like you are doing a meat locker shoot and there is Joy in a sleeveless top, enjoying the moment.
She’s a trainer? Looks like she should be The World’s Next Top Model.
Love how you’re showing us the set ups. Some small space, but the lighting combo electrifies it.
Love the overhead light you get from that Ezybox on the boom, beautiful shot. I’ve been looking at a few eBay knockoffs – not sure of the build quality though, I’m sure you get what you pay for.
Hi Joe, i had so much fun on the workshop on monday. keep trucking.
If it was anything like it was on Monday, it was a meat locker. Look at the top picture and see how we were bundled up, and Andrew took his shirt off to show off his new tat. Nothing would go bad in that building on Monday. Hope it got warmer for the models and the crew.
Bill Bogle, Jr.
I learned more in that one day workshop than I have from the mult-thousands of dollars I’ve spent on books and DVD’s, ect.
Now I have a reason to justify my Adorama and Amazon addiction to buying stuff.
Kudos to Joe and crew for keeping things moving, fun and educational at the same time. The workshop was top notch and much appreciated by this novice shooter.
The shot with the remote strobe and green gel behind the curtain is brilliant. You continually remind me of why you get paid the big bucks. I plan on stealing this lighting setup, BTW. Thanks!
That workshop was extremely educational. It was fun getting inside the brain of a world-class photographer. Hearing Joe’s constant stream of thought as he evolved each photo scenario was enlightening (pun intended). Joe is the embodiment of “iteration” (converging trial-and-error). He keeps thinking of novel ideas on how to improve the photo when most of us would have declared victory and turned off the lights. No wonder his clients love him.
Joe, Lynn, his expert staff, the gorgeous models, and the very savvy shooters in the class all made that day very productive as well as enjoyable.
Thanks to all involved.
Cap’n Larry
Joe … I forgot to tell you …
Anytime you need to have a large sailboat venue for a shoot, let me know. I’m out of Annapolis.
Cap’n Larry
Amazing! I’ve tried to get these kinds of shots. Guess I need more practice. Just did a photo-shoot for a fitness model. Turned out ok. On another note, I’m looking at the Kauai workshop… can’t wait. Thanks for being so generous with your advice.
JesteÅ› Genialny!
Amazing! I’ve tried to get these kinds of shots. Guess I need more practice. Just did a photo-shoot for a fitness model. Turned out ok. On another note, I’m looking at the Kauai workshop… can’t wait. Thanks for being so generous with your advice.
Fingers crossed to see you in Hawaii!!
Hey joe, Thanks for sharing this post