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Oh my god, The world IS ending…The sky is falling, Run away, Run Away!!
Twice in one day? I think I hear sirens.
McNally shoots landscape? Yikes! Next, Moose will be doing photojournalism!
I’ll toast you when I’m on the Emerald Island with some uisce beatha….I’ll follow the DLWS show from there.
Well well Joe,
It’s Ken who needs a “SB 800” for dummies. I can’t find where to fix the “darn thing”.
I read Syl piece but he use’s the “dark force” lighting, [canon who use’s dark speech] and I read David to?
What a burden to live in KY where we never see light, that is ambient.
Kind thoughts from the other world
Ken in KY
…think you missed the hyperlink for Syl.
Here ya go:
O.M. Goodness. She is very innocent and those eyes catch u off guard. What a great capture.
OK Joe –
I understand that a new era in American politics has dawned.
I lived through the 1987 Wall St. crash.
I even believe that you can shoot a sunset without strobe – if you put your camera into full auto.
But to use “Lucid” in the same sentence as my family’s name…
Thanks for the nod. Ciao! Syl
Great landscape!
weee! great landscape shot joe. and thanks for the Hispeed sync stuffage. =)
Just remember to turn off rear curtain sync on the Nikons- it may be obvious but the FP high speed sync needs the Front curtain sync mode.
I usually keep rear curtain sync on as default and switch to front for high speed. Also keep in mind that for ghosting and stoppping motion you will want to drop down to the cameras normal flash sync shutter speed or slower to get a single burst rather than the repeat strobes.
I’m impressed!
It’s so seldom one finds a Mongo reference in a photographer’s blog! Keep up the good work.
Hey Joe, I’m waiting for the next landscape photo. I was sure it would be up today. Didn’t you get out of bed today?:-)
Hey Joe….what type of modifier do you have on your flash in that top High-Speed sync shot? Shadow is really soft….Thats what I want!
Love it! Along with all your work, It’s fantastic!
Those pics look very familar. Oh yea, the new DVD, just got yesterday. I have to say Joe, amazing as usual. But did they feed you volume or downers. I was expecting the bam, lightening fast run around, I have less than five minutes to shoot this. You know the real world scenerios. You were mellow, takening your time to explain everything and even involved Bob. He did make a great assisant, not as good as Brad, but right there.
I do have one question for you, did Nikon tell you that you had to use the D300 for most of the shoot? I think you also used the D700 for pics in this blog? You seemed a little uncomfortable shooting with those cameras as opposed to the D3. I know sometimes not having the vertical grip, portait taking becomes ackward.
The video is worth the 50.00!!! I can’t thank you and Bob for giving the knowledge. I’ve watched it couple times and some of the setups sparked some new ideas. The expanlations were exceptional, but a little to much hand holding. I wanted to see some crude, rude, and raw Joe and Bob, but I do understand what the video was aimed at.
Thank you for all your contributions and your knowledge. Keep on doing what your doing.
Randy (green with envy) Frost
Very nice portrait shots! Beautiful model! Well done!