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craig says
What the heck is “tk”? I’ve googled it and nothing came back.
Love your blog. It is the standard by which I measure all others.
Memphis, TN
Jeremy says
Congrats on the cover shot.
Nicola says
Not much to contribute here, neither I want to bug with my doubts about lighting and I do have many of those. Is just a note to tell you that I red “The moment it clicks” and learnt a good deal of things there. I’m totally new to this “strobes” world and I’m having a lot of fun in my dangerously steep “learning curve”.
Thanks a lot, ciao
Greg says
Did NG want to photograph YOU for their story? or did they want you photograph THEIR story? 🙂
Ziv says
“that we seemed to have dodged the current economic bullet”
Go on, rub it in.
I’m hip deep in MER … can I carry your bags?
Love the Neanderthal cover,
reg says
I lived in Prague for a year when I was 24, 12 years ago now. It was 25 cents a beer then
Still to this day its my favourite place in the world.
Nothing can compare to a walk across Charles bridge at 6 AM in the Winter.
Except maybe sitting on Old town square at 6 AM during the Summer watching the sun coming up.
Went back a couple of years and its true, the more things change the more they stay the same
Ken says
Hello Joe,
Kudos’s on Geographic for October 08.
My wife wonders if you hired me to be photographed!
“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”
Mark Twain
Well said Sir Twain
My best to you.
Ken in KY
Mark says
Neanderthals? What, they didn’t think you could grab them a cover of “Flamboyant Bee Eaters?”
Give Jersey a shout out when you pass through Kennedy…
Ally Brasko says
I love your blog.
Thiago says
I tried to find neanderthals on ModelMayhem and couldn’t find any…where did you hire him? 🙂
David says
Love your writing as well as your photography. Look forward to each post and your next book.
…more tk…let me guess, more to klick? more to konsider? more to know? more to…wonder what it could mean. Can’t kome up with an answer.
Luke Townsend says
I’ve been waiting for your issue of nat. geo. for a while now, looking forward to it!!!
ron says
Craig — ‘more tk’ means ‘more to come’ I intrepret that to mean that Joe has more to say on this.. and in the fullness of time he’ll write more when and if he can.
Joe… I look forward to seeing you santa fe or tuscany one day… loved the DWLS workshop!
Thiago says
Hmm… More to kome?
Jay Mann says
Thanks for the info on the highlight. Congrats on the NG cover.
Still in the Desert,
trunkmonkey says
Joe, is that a self portrait? teehee
Judson says
I always wondered what that tape (on the 800s) was for… I thought it was for groups… 🙂
Scott says
I got my NG the other day, and I just knew that was your cover shot.
(Of course, I thought you were on the other side of the lens, but I digress…)
Jim says
Great shot for the cover of NG 🙂 Look forward to attending your workshop in Santa Fe . . .
Luke Townsend says
got the geographic today!!!
Scott Slattery says
Joe – love this blog! Wish I could get into your class at Santa Fe but Reid nixed me! Taking Heisler’s class instead though! By the way, the MRI in the lower left is upside down and looks alot like mine! Those ortho surgeons are great woodworkers!
One other question – what rechargeables do you use in the 800’s and 900’s? I kept having rechargeables over-heat in the battle of a wedding shoot… Thanks!
Jacob Maentz says
beautiful cover shot…i always enjoy seeing your images.