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Duncan says
We did it with 20 togs in Frankfurt during a strobist meet a few weeks back.
Bert used the new BioWizards to trigger his flashes though….. 😉
Bert Stephani says
Cool shot Joe
But not a record:
Mark K. says
“But, as I always tell the assistants, don’t limp. If they get sick, or tired, they get left by the side of the road….”
Yes, I can attest that Joe does say this. Which is why even I, once a client, rucked gear through an airport in Germany to make sure we made a connection. He instilled the fear of the Almighty in me too.
This workshop sounded like a great time!
Aaron Hardin says
Hey I know that guy (Brad Moore). I hope he isn’t giving you too much trouble. Give him a thump on the head for me if you would.
John Leonard says
Cool group shot! Nikon says no more then 3 speedlights per group……..
Yeah, they can have my other speedlights when they pry them from my cold dead hand.
Randy Baran says
White balance. I meant to ask if you used daylight on the show of the cowboy last night. I figured you did when you said you gelled the flash and probably underexposed the sky to get the rich color.
Hope to see you at one of the seminars sometime. Are old film geezers whose minds are all but gone still invited?!
Martin says
Thanks for a great week, Joe. You are a fantastic teacher, and more importantly, a really nice guy.
Steve Jones says
Way to go Joe. I remember 25 yrs ago in a Sampan in China we had 5 photographers and one was a bald guy from Florida. We had a government official from Beijing guiding us to some petroglyphs down on the Vietnam border.
We were all bored, due to a broken down engine so we were inside the boat and put the bald guy in 5 different positions around the room and with 5 exposures on 1 sheet of polaroid and a portable flash(probably an old nikon sb???) and so.. we got 1 photo with a bald guy in 5 different spots around the inside of the boat and with the last shot he went over and put his arm on the shoulder of the big shot from Beijing. It turned out pretty cool( with 5 pros giving input our chances were good but iffy.) Then we gave the picture to the bigwig from Beijing. It is often pretty amazing when lots of creative energy is given a chance to wreck havoc on a Sampan in southern China.
Keep up the great work. Us older guys love to read your blog and share in the lifestyle that we have chosen for ourselves. We all know the value of “laughing down lonely canyons” with a camera in hand. Keep laughing and smiling Joe.
Mike Allebach - Philadelphia says
I love the key color shifting that you are doing. I’m totally gonna start using CTO gels more!
Bob Ebersole says
I can say, “Been there! Done that!” Joe, you made the trip worth while. Thanks for the less then good critique. It has helped me to spend more time over each possible and to really use that strobe working the entire truck. My second set of Cisco pics were much better. “The Moment it Clicks” is a great read, over and over and over!!!
Kent Weakley says
Thanks Joe for making this workshop fantastic. Ya, Moose and Laurie are fine, but you take the cake. You’ve got the humor, the experience, the hands-on/let’s-go-do-it-right-here-right-now attitude that’s makes everyone smile. In life, it’s always a pleasure to watch someone who truly loves what they do, whether it’s an auto mechanic or sushi chef. You’re a great photographer and an even better teacher!