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It’s as if, out of the shadows, this strong looking man in the hat pulled low was born. From darkness to light to character. Quiet, solemn, wisen. That’s that this portrait says to me.
And I take mine light ‘n sweet, thanks very much.
Wonderful photo. And another great post. Now, when do you think you may decide to do a workshop here in The Bahamas? *grin*
Seriously, though, as an utter amateur who got hooked on taking photos of his 3 yr old, I do so wish there were workshops like yours (and those of David Kelly, Don Giannatti, etc) here. Sadly, the ‘professionals’, schools and colleges offer nothing for a budding photographer to get to grips with the amazing artform, so we’re left with reading, re-reading and absorbing every word you guys write and all the while clicking, clicking clicking and trying to make better pictures.
Speaking of reading, I’ve just finished your book – absolutely wonderful and one I’ll be going back to again and again. I was most touched by your memories of balancing (or not) being a father with being a photographer – you could easily have chosen not to share those personal moments/feelings, but I’m glad you did!
Anyway, enough rambling, just wanted to plant a seed about a workshop in the Bahamas!
Joe — What a great tribute to someone that many people would take for granted. There’s a local guy here in NYC named Philip I’ve used for a couple years as a model for my NYU photography classes. Your entry today inspires me do the same for him — give him a real portrait to keep. Thanks for the reminder.
I like the shot of Donald……
I got this thing Joe, I went out and bought 4 SB800’s. Ouch! But I gotta blame somebody, cause the wife is yelling…even though I did my good deed last night.
She is sick, OK no problem. I said to her, “honey, I will hold you up as you do the laundry……..What’s a guy gotta do this to keep in the good graces of his wife…I was really tired that night holding her up….
Oh, back the the light thing. You gotta help dim witted Ken in Kentucky. I listen to Kelby, you, and the strobist, and I gotta tell ya, one says buy skyport, one says radio poppers, and one says pocket wizard…..
Well Joe, I just want it simple (my wife says I can complicate a straight pin) . It use to be I all I wanted for Christmas was my two front teeth, but Joe, “Help me”
I just want to take my D300, put one these gizmo’s on my D300, and control the power output on each one from my D300.
Ok, I am a mindreader, yes, you are right, “this guy ought to buy a thowaway instamatic” and get a life…. But Joe, you gotta know what photography does to a guy. I mean Joe, I wan’t potty trained right by my mommy, so I find approval somewhere, a sort of performanced base acceptance thing…
So, Please do a YouTube thing and help a guy out,,,,,and yes, if you make a DVD like the last one you did for Nikon and my now uses for a dinner plate to help me lose weight, I will buy that too
Affectionally Nikon
Random thought #1 — Master photographers like Joe can always get their models to let their hair down — unlike the pix his students make.
Random thought #2 — It’s obvious that models at workshops don’t get paid much as Donald hasn’t been able to afford a haircut in over a year.
Double A+ my man. Good stuff.
Great shot! I got a chance to meet, shoot, and talk with Donald last summer at the workshops in Tony Corbell’s class. You’re right, he really has a great attitude towards life.
He’s also perfect for the Wild West persona, it’s amazing how he’s got “the look”, even though he’s not from Texas or any of the traditional “Wild West” states, and that’s comin’ from a Texan! 🙂
Referring to today’s blog – Not only are you a fabulous photographer and communicator, but you are also a great judge of donuts. Long live Dunkin’ Donuts!
(The Moment it Clicks has a permanent place next to the throne in my “library” – for inspiration when I need it.)
Hi Joe–
Donald is a great model. Last year in Greg Gorman’s Santa Fe class, Donald helped me get my best photo to date. He had just come back from being sick. His attitude was wonderful. The first model that I’ve ever met that knew how to light himself.
His portrait will soon be on the walls of the Photoshop floor of Adobe.
Models are the unsung heroes of portrait and figure photography. Thanks for reminding us.
Have fun,
On page two of your book you speak and define a double truck, I and I think a lot of other people would be interested as to just what is paid for a double truck.
Just curious
Thank you for the articles on Donald. He was my great uncle, my grandma’s brother. You put a face to a person who has always been a mystery. Dotty, my grandma, lived him, and would tell us about their childhood. You’ve put a face to the man.
Thank you again.
All best back to you, and glad you like the photo. It is one of my favorites, as Donald was one of my favorite human beings.